they can, you can let them do it by not spamming it
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You'll have to be very patient.
Even mods can't remove trade feedback, only the supermod & the admin can.
So that's two people, and there are dozens of thousands of tickets to review.
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all you can do is to be patient. cases regarding trade feedback are not obvious and take long to solve, especially as there is only 1 staff member dealing with them.
also - don't call out, even indirectly. All you can accomplish is a suspension on top of your negative feedback.
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can't you simply cut some heads ?
Your reign is weak fake emperor D: !
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Try and be patient I guess... I don't think that one negative feedback would mean that anyone wouldn't trade with you; especially not if you were to go first in deals.
Out of interest, can I ask why you went first and gave all of the keys for all of the copies? That was incredibly trusting of you... If it had been me, I would have done it as 3 separate trades.
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Because he had 111 positive feedbacks and 0 negatives. Also his steamrep was clear and had decent amout of games on his steam account. Also 51 keys it is not that much of a loss for me.
Well thanks i'll stop spaming on this thread so I don't get suspended lol.
I hope they review my ticket soon.
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+1. I don't understand why support on this is limited to just the two people. Open it up to the rest of the mods. They've proven they're competent by now, I assume.
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Another big problem is that there is no ticket category for it. The worst thing you can do is submit it as a user report, because it's just lost in a sea of 37,000 other tickets. Also, no one can comment on those tickets, so if we need more information, there's no way for us to ask for it.
Using the "Other" category makes it more likely that your issue will be handled, but it's still going to take some time.
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I wanted to ask this for sometime now. Can we use others category for regift//not activating gift for early resolving?
I thought support can access those categories too.
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Hum, you might want to remind support about this, as one of them recently advised us to do exactly what weB04 said
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Not really wise. If everyone just started submitting their user reports as "Other", then there'd just be 37,000 "Other" tickets instead.
Support level can't even really fully resolve those tickets, as they cannot delete re-gift giveaways, do custom suspension links, etc.
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Any plan to add more support members?
I mean there are lots of really honest and helpful people here on the forums, and I'm sure they are willing to help.
If need be, cg can create a new role for them with limited functions.
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If someone got banned because of that what are the chances (most) of his other feedback is genuine?
Better 1 neg too many removed then people being stuck with it for over a year or more. (If someone was a real scammer they will usually have more then 1 neg rep anyway).
Atleast have a mod grant the ability if they can't remove it. to put it under review so traders can atleast know its under review.
Or be able to provide some sort of counter word/proof yourself.
And not to mention all those scammers who cheat to get their positive rep.
Scams, fake reps, neg rep, but most of all the whole region lock thing is why i wouldn't even bother with trading there anymore.
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almost nobody gives bad rep because then the person you gave bad rep to will turn around and give you the same. -rep a guy for trying to trade a game that was being given away for free at the same time. even if he payed for his copy, still a dick move to trade for something when the person could pick up a free copy.
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Will be closing this as the users involved can be easily found.
Please do not create this kind of threads in the forum, as they won't help resolve a ticket faster, if anything it makes them more complicated when other users get involved.
Also, please do not close your ticket after submitting it.
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I've opened a ticket in support and it's been a week and I have no answer.
People don't want to trade with me, because of my negative feedback.
That guy scammed me with 51 cs:go keys and then left me negative for me scamming him...
I've included screenshots in his negative to prove that he scammed me and also i've reported him on steamrep.
He also blocked me from steam I can provide that screenshot as well...
Can any admin or mod please review my ticket?
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