so he wanted attention and he got it..even now, assuming the poster and owner of the Steam acc is the student who killed himself, very tragic.
its everyone's right to end his own life... but pls don't harm the lifes of others, only for seeking attention.
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He clearly was not just doing it for attention. What are you saying?
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what are we talking about, a guy who posted in some forums he wants to kill himself and than did it in public...and you say this is not to get any attention after all?
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I don't know exactly what was happening in his life or going through his head, and neither do you.
But the idea that "Suicidal people just do it for attention!" is untrue and very harmful.
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I'd probably sleep better if I assumed he was trolling, but I've heard enough people sincerely adopt that point of view. Oh well.
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I think you misunderstand him. Some people commit suicide in the most public way possibkle as if to harm other people or totally ignoring how it will affect other people. In a way it's the last cry to make people take notice of them.
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you got me wrong.. as i said ppl can end their lifes, its their own life..but don't do it in public or to harm others.... a friend of me almost died, because someone wanted to commit suicide with his car
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I used to think that they do it for attention, but the depressed people I've met in my life shut themselves from everyone, socially withdrawn, sleep all the time and hardly talk. That does not sound like seeking attention.
When they do seek attention, it is a cry for help. Kinda like when your car blaring alarm in the middle of the night because someone broke the window. I don't know why I even bother to write this down, but if someone close to you shows the signs, do give your utmost attention to them.
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I have only been on SG for more than one year and I've seen many times new users being belittled by less newer users. Some were trying to help them whilst others were over entitled, trolling and condescending. Also there are some on SG that really think they are so much better than the rest.
Mostly in the end it's good but there will always be some rotten fruit in the basket like it's so in the real world.
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Those, who dare to commit suicide just because of a freaking game, are/were unstable during their whole life. I know it, because when I was bullied in 9th grade, I was thinking about it too, but what would it solve? Nothing. Maybe there is a better world after this one, maybe there isn't. I was lucky, because I had help in my problems, and after we moved away, I was able to find a nice community, who accepted me as I was. I have improved my way of thinking a lot, I strengthened my heart, and now I have almost completely erased that year from my memory. I still remember the pain, and the mornings when I was feeling sick just when I was thinking about school, but that's the past, fortunately.
Enough of personal stories, let's get to your question. You can't measure an online community's maturity, because you can't know every single member. There are trolls, angry individuals, and other people, who like to show their negative side. I've been playing CS:GO for quite some time, and I hate those, who say "ez" and "give some challenge at least". I hate those kind of guys, because winning a match is never easy, and everyone should respect their enemy (unless they are a cheater, but that's another story). I have 353 hours logged, and I have said only once that it was easy, because the enemy was so over with themselves, but we managed to win the match. The internet is a cruel place. See BrutalDoom's developer, who had a fiasco, when a guy asked for help on Doom forums, because he was contemplating suicide. The dev "helped" him by giving him tips how to tie the knot, and where to place it. He got suspended on the forums, but later he apologized, so it ended somehow well.
The internet is a cruel place, but it only depends on you, if you want to take everything on you. As for TBoI, it's a cruel game, and its story is saddening, but I have never felt any motive to commit suicide because of it, even though I am kinda sentimental too.
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I gave him a few pieces of advice in that thread because I always consider the possibility that such people are serious about such things. I saved one person from suicide once (or at least that's what he told me) and a while back I saved a girl from suicide too (at least she says she's alive now because of me). I can't know if they're one hundred percent serious or if they're just saying that but we should always consider that some people are willing to leave this place earlier than planned. People who wrote harsh comments in that thread make me sick, instead of trying to help people with mental problems they make them feel even more worthless. Despicable behavior. And don't give me the "SG is not a place for such things" because if you're a person with deep issues you don't think about which place is good for this and which is not. Every place is good to ask for help, whatever your problem is.
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The problem is people have seen too may trolls on the internet, with posts sounding even more genuine than his. Before they know it, they have already assumed he's a troll and typed in their mocking responses. Not even considering if he truly needs help. Not to mention, Poe's law. He could be a psychologically damaged individual flooding his keyboard with his tears as he types, or he could be a grinning idiot getting kicks out of trolling.
Of course, SG is not where you find too many mature people. Imagine if he had posted it in 4chan!
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There's some things you should never joke around, but one thing is clear looking at these threads.
People do not see depression as a mental illness, and even sort of well intentioned comments such as "control your emotions" can do more harm then good. Im happy to know there's helpful people, that can inspire someone to seek help but for every hustlayo theres 10 clueless opinionators :P
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This ending, i hope none of the people who tought it was a troll trhead see this, i would feel awful.
It's really sad to see how some people gets hooked to a game or something which is meant to have fun til the point of killing theirselves.
I can't simply understand how did that people (unfortunately o know some of thems) mock of a guy who was saying he was going to suicide, if you don't have anything nice to say, stay apart and lets someone help the poor man.
I don't want to write something too big so i will just hope that where ever you are you are a happy man now
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What I find surprising is that here on steamgifts, a place that should be full of generous people, people are often even more rude than in real life. Rude to new users asking a question, rude to rule-breakers, rude to leechers, rude to people expressing a different opinion, rude to people having a problem... Of course there are a lot of great people, but also some that have a very wrong behavior. And in my experience there were more unpolite higher levels than leechers, this means that something went wrong on the road of generosity.
Maybe if the comunity had a better answer things would have gone differently, probably not but that doesn't mean that we didn't need to try. I think we need to be less aggressive on this site.
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+1 You're not the only one thinking, seeing and experiencing what you just said.
And it takes some guts to say what you just said because you can and will be blacklisted or swarmed/trolled for speaking out.
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There is no written rule here saying that in order to win games on the site you have to give them yourself.
There is a level system that works pretty well for the purpose, you don't need to be rude to anyone or create endless BLs when you can simply exclude them from GAs.
Besides you can never say why someone is a leecher. Often when people has minor age, they don't own a personal credit card to pay games OR prents control what they buy on internet and don't allow them (when I was 16 I could never explain my parents that I was throwing their hard earned money to give some random people in the world games, they would never understand). Other times people living in eastern europe countries and similar gain 200$ a month and right then you have a hard time buying even a 2$ bundle. Can you really blame them for participating at a free lottery where they can win games that could not have otherwise? These are just 2 examples but there are infinite reasons of why someone is a leecher, I'm pretty sure that most of the people would create 10K GAs of GTA V if they could afford. I myself didn't create any for 3 months because I didn't had any money and my ratio dropped but when random lvl6+ sees your profile he blacklists you forever without thinking.
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I don't know my friend... In 7 months here I had bad experiences only with higher levels, the very most leechers I had contact with were polite. You probably have seen more than me in 4 years
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It seems that while yes, a lot of leeches are douchenozzles, it's also true that some gifters are toasterwagglers. I think what it comes down to, is that, when SOME people make GAs, they think that they're better than others. I mean, even I had a moment a few days ago, when I kind of wanted to rage on a person, who had won over 100 games and had only given 3-4 games. They were mad at me for blacklisting them.
I BL people after they win, unless they have a really good G/W ratio. I wanted to tell them that they're scummy for demanding anything after leeching so many games.
That's why I think that some people get a superiority complex from gifting more than winning.
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"Douchenozzles" and "Toasterwagglers".......My 2 new insults for the few remaining friends that I have since the wife, (ex-wife? Technically, I'm still married to it), buggered off and took everything, and also took most everyone who we were friends with, with her...(or mostly acquaintances to me, to be more accurate. I have a hard time letting people get closer than an arm with a long stick's reach of me but still, it would have been nice for somebody we knew not to believe that lying Swamp-Donkey and actually think logically for a second, which is when her lies start to unravel a little)...Anyway, I digress, my point is, I fucking LOVE those 2 words and am going to attempt to use them as much as I possibly can do
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lol. I also posted this, (it was a FunPepper pic with my name on it by the name of "Be Like Bill"), on FB;
"This is Phantom*.
Phantom's friends are getting engaged or married.
Phantom is single.
Phantom just doesn't care.
Phantom is smart.
Be Like Phantom."
*(Phantom is in place of my real name)
No doubt one of her spies has informed her by now
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Rude and insensitive are unfortunately the best words to describe them...
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Yes it does and it's disconcerting to find a very high level user amongst those insensitive persons when you start clicking on avatars in that original thread...
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Yes and not only that, but how people talk about it in this thread. Sure it might seem absurd to write about that in SG, but it was his last attempt at finding someone to talk to and people failed to see that. Sure it's easy to shrug it off as something that is not their responsibility, but sometimes just stopping and listening to someone is enough to make them want to keep trying. It seems at this time and age we have so little time to listen to anyone.
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So little time and patience indeed. People these days have smartphones, tablets and iPads. They have Facebook, Twitter and the like but ask them when they last talked to their neighbors, people in their street or someone they meet on the train or whilst shopping or in the market they will have difficulty to remember that and what they said.
It's hard to be a new user on SG (except if you hold your mouth, don't ask for help and go with the flow). I recently saw a thread here where a new user asked a valid question and he was swarmed/trolled by other users that accused him of something he didn't do. When those accusers (people who are veteran SG users) saw their mistake they didn't even apologize.
There are users on SG that like to belittle new users and the worst are those who (really) think that they are better and above the rest.
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I can't remember if I saw that thread at the time, but reading through the comments, these aren't even the worse I've seen on this site which is pretty fucking sad. SrgColman which was SFK's old SG user name was new on the site, they posted a similar thread, fortunately they are still with us but some of the comments were just deplorable, jokes and nasty comments like "just kill yourself already." Totally unacceptable...wish I could find the thread, was the only time I really started putting together a blacklist and I still remember a few users from that thread that are now on my rather small blacklist today.
Oh, found the thread, definitely a lot of good posts here but then there are just ones that are like wow :|
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Just happened across this thread, (thanks to one on WGN), and I have to point something on the linked thread out, just in case it's me misunderstanding or being a complete shitwit or something; a user posts, "We'll talk when your friend commits suicide and his family becomes emotional wrecks", quickly followed by, "go ahead, world won't miss you"......I can't be the only one who thinks that's a tad skittish in regards to the consistency of said attitude, surely?
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Ok, so here's the thing. His steam account says "Last Online 782 days ago". Well, if you subtract 782 days from today (January 17th), you get Tuesday, 26 November 2013, the date when he last played some of his games. However, the the articles about his death are from November 12th, 2013. So, either someone played on his account after he died (why would they stop playing for so long?) or the guy who posted here was a troll. I'm sorry of this has been pointed out, but with these informations, I must assume the guy who posted here was just a big troll who took advantage of a suicide that happened on a similar date.
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I must assume the guy who posted here was just a big troll who took advantage of a suicide that happened on a similar date.
The thread was created on October 13
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Oh, how do you know that? Either way, he could have changed his nickname (could he?), and why would someone play on his account until November 26th and then stop?
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Ahm... I'm not sure. Also, he had three siblings, so they probably would have wanted to keep those games (unless their parents didn't allow it). To be honest, I still believe the guy who posted here was just a troll who had to abandon his steam account (because of work, college or whatever) and decided to make a big exit.
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You can see the date by hovering the "2 years ago" with your mouse. Why someone used his account for a short period of time, I don't know, but considering the dates being close, names being similar and the second article mentioning the person was deaf while he said on Reddit that sign language is his first language, the odds of this being a troll are rather low.
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Yeah, but The Binding of Isaac and L4D2 were played. You may be right, but then again, you may be not.
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I tought same than you when i looked at his profile, but then i tought "Altough he could have been an attention whore, he could not have been that's why i chose not to say anything, i would feel like shit it afterwards if i figured out i was wrong
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Haha yep, you're right. To me, that's just even more proof. It covers the "his family was using his account" argument, because no family would be that disrespectful.
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If you add him to friends, you can check exact date of a changed name. I've already removed invitation, so can't check it anymore (there is an error when I try to), but IIRC it was 13.10.2013 for fmoviedelgado(dead) and LaFell Jone - a dozen or some days later in October.
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Didn't even know about a feature like that, that's handy to know.
Well I certainly don't know what goes through the mind of a suicidal person during their last month, as I have not been that depressed. I wonder how many times someone like that would get second thoughts about suicide.
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You know what really pisses me off? The fact that I browse SG every day and never saw that post.
When I see posts like this, joke or not, I add the person on Steam to talk to them, and make sure they don't do anything stupid. If I had seen it, I would have added him and spoken with him over a Steam chat, and even if the chance is small, I could have convinced him to get some help. I fucking hate myself for not being there when someone actually needed help, instead of browsing the forum all day without actually helping anyone. I know it's silly to hate myself for such a thing, but I can't help but feel sad about not being at the right place at the right time.
Rest in peace, I wish I had been there to help you.
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I understand that you are probably one of the last people to be told this, but perhaps anyone reading your post and feeling the same way might benefit from reading mine.
As you already noted, there is no point in blaming yourself for being absent in a community to which you have no obligations for a person for whom you are not responsible. Thousands of people commit suicide every single day and hundreds of thousands do so every year, with that number expected to rise proportional to population growth. At that rate, it's probable that someone just committed suicide within the span of your reading this comment. Given that you are as obligated to that now-deceased victim as you are to the person from that thread, it's unreasonable for you to blame yourself or be angry at yourself for what amounts to a sheer coincidence.
Your feelings are natural and actually reflect positively on your character, but as someone who I know to be rationally-minded, I suspect that you are fully aware that it is useless to hold onto them. Maintaining that self-loathing, especially for circumstances as extraordinary as this, benefits nobody and only inflicts suffering upon yourself—suffering which inevitably impacts others, thereby placing yourself in a position of causing suffering to others. Similarly, changing your behavior to diligently monitor the forums in the event that an opportunity like that might recur is as silly as holding onto that self-hatred you feel. The end result for both would be a net increase in suffering, for you would be wasting your time and causing stress to yourself all because of well-intended but ultimately misguided concerns.
The most beneficial decision, and arguably the most moral one, would be to simply acknowledge the irreversible circumstances that transpired and move on with the knowledge that fretting over events beyond your control is useless and a detriment that contradicts the very desires that motivated you to fret at all.
I wish you the best, jbondguy007, and as always, you bring out the hypocrite in me.
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I wonder if I could help him or not if I'm here 2 years ago
We should know better of you and cheer you up
You seems like a cheerful person
Sometimes you know, I kind of thinking to suicide too
Because I have nothing, nothing but my family and my dream
I don't really know what to do if I can't reach my dream
If I can reach it, I'll truly happy and don't need anything else
Right now anime (manga, seiyuu) and game(a bit) prevented me from doing that
Well I think I'm pretty happy for now (≧∇≦)/
I really wish I was here 2 year ago
I really wanted to save many people from suicide
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Feel free to add me/message me if you want to talk with someone. :)
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While I can't speak to the overall maturity of the site, I can bring up MANY examples of people being supportive of such things. I, in a state of anxiety and extreme unease from being in the middle of a very bad situation, posted my You're Not Alone thread. It has been received with nothing but positivity and is now considered a staple to many users. While I can't say that I understand depression itself from a first-hand prospective, I've seen it very heavily from a second hand prospective.
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maybe this has been his biggest problem that pushed to his own end. when you share negativity, you only get negativity back. his thread was exactly like that. even who tried to help, their positivity kinda faded with such negativity around. when you push yourself to the bottom, you will go to the bottom, because, unconsciously, you are convicted that you must get there.
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Rest in peace Delgado, you parted too early...
And for all those people who encouraged him to kill himself/etc: know that theres someone who knows about each and every of these things you did and even if not in this life, you will be held accountable for your actions
Theres a special place in Hell for those assholes
Ive been coping with depression myself back in the days, so I know how he may have felt, because I also faced condescending people, and some who literally wished my death. So yeah, I have little to sympathy toward who consider it normal to be mocking people with depressions, regardless of whether or not they consider the OP to be an attention seeking whore or emo guy
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For the most part, I would say not at all and the community has, if anything, only grown more toxic as a whole. The responses in that thread are not particularly surprising, however, as they are the usual responses that one might expect from an internet forum that wasn't specifically sensitive to such threats. Actually , the response of the SteamGifts community was rather mild compared to the communities with which I'm familiar; then again, those communities generally constitute the cesspool of the Internet, so perhaps it's not an apt comparison.
Overall, if a similar thread were to be made this very moment, and nobody remembered or brought up the thread linked in your post, I would fully expect the same kind of responses, if not worse.
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To be honest, it looked like a phony post. A person, who was just trolling. THAT SAID, no one should say "Edgy , pls die fast" to something like that, no matter how fake it looks. To be fair, it's quite pathetic and petty. If someone asks for your help, either help them, comfort them or just shut up. Not helping is one thing, but actively damaging someone is another. I blacklisted those people. I would never want any one of them to even think that they are tolerated by me. Me saying this, it means nothing. Who cares if some random person blacklists another for bad behavior? No one. But I guess this is my way of showing them that what they did was quite literally life threatening.
Sorry for the inconrehensible rant. Beats going to their homes and physically punching them. :)
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+1. Well said. In the case that the person is really on the edge, no need to be the one to push him / her over.
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So I was wandering through the threads here, and I came across this one. I'm seriously appalled at a lot of the responses. If you check his Steam account you'll a posting of the news report in the comments.
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