So I was wandering through the threads here, and I came across this one. I'm seriously appalled at a lot of the responses. If you check his Steam account you'll a posting of the news report in the comments.

8 years ago

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Wow, I remember this guy and I can't believe he actually committed suicide. That's... I don't know.

8 years ago

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Uhm, I feel sad for him, if he was depressive indeed, and if he actualy suicided... But kinda weird to make a thread about it that u want to suicide... comeone why should u suicide cuz a game!??!?!

8 years ago

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It wasn't because of the game, for the thousandth time! He was depressed, and it really feels like there's no escape, no solution to your problems. The game is just itself, a game. A ridiculously hard game in which you die hundreds of time, to start again with nothing, like in all the previous games. It can add to the bad mood a LOT, but noone said IT was the main reason, for god's sake. Way too many damned posts about " how could one sucide over a game" while ignoring the comments about being severely depressed.

8 years ago

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''Ever since I brought that FUCKING Binding Of Isaac game back in July 2012, Oh come on, I got it when it was on sale. The more I played it, The more I got mad, rage, sad, and crying.''

I understand he was depressed etc. but he make it look like that its all about the game. That this game made him depressed etc

8 years ago

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The game might have triggered bad reactions in him, and he might have internally started linking the fact that he was feeling bad to this game, but depressions don't work that way. They are deeper rooted like that. The post looks like a cry for help, he knew that he was close to the brink, and was feeling very bad, and his previous attempts to reach out to people had failed, and he tried to phrase it in such a way that people would understand his feelings.

8 years ago

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Yikes. I thought that this was going to be a very different kind of thread.

There was a point in time, for about a year or two, the SG forums were pretty shit. And many people were complete asses. I think it was when CV giveaways were fairly new of a thing. I can't remember.

It's interesting to see the site evolve so much, and seeing trends come and go.

8 years ago

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What did you think the thread was going to be about?

8 years ago

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Pretty much what Elunes said below ya. :p

8 years ago

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Ditto. I thought it was just a general thread about how people now tend to be more helpful and nicer instead of just being rude and insulting.

8 years ago

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There is a "fortune teller" in The Binding of Isaac.
It is the scariest thing in the game in my opnion. It drops some mensagens about death, like: you can do nothing, you'll die and some another things.
Well, I'm not saying this game did it, of course not, but it can helped for that, and with another problems it can helped a lot.
I really hope he was a big troll, and if he was, is a big terrible person.
But if he wasn't... Hope he was in peace.
It's so sad and terrible...

8 years ago

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Any confirmation of suicide?

8 years ago

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This is from his group:
A message from one of his friends

8 years ago

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A steam post is okay as proof, but I will take your answer as the best so far.

8 years ago

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It's if nothing else a strong indication that it might be true, and it fits in with the other things people have posted.

8 years ago

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There's also this:

Some more links here: .

Looks legit: thread made 13th October, month later news in legit news-sources, SG nickname similar to teen's name.

8 years ago

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Ok, thanks for the sources.

8 years ago

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On the other hand that binding of isaac story looked pretty unbelievable. If you need help don't make it look like a joke. People are not particularly mean in the thread, they are wondering what's going on.

8 years ago

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Just stop talking about suicides already, Jesus Christ. Wherever I go, all I see is "someone died here, someone committed suicide there".
Like, ugh.

I normally don't have a problem with any of this and I think it's an important topic to talk about but the timing is just super, super fucked up for me right now..

8 years ago*

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Honestly it's why I don't really watch the news for the most part. It's always stories of people dying or something of the sort. And it feels like they look for the worst cases because they need to keep topping themselves.

8 years ago

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Like I said, normally it doesn't bug me as much but due to current events, it now does. Let's see for how long. But yes, I agree, storys in the news can be rather horrifying.

8 years ago

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Maybe just steer away from such topics?
I mean the title wasn't really self-explanatory but once you see what this is about and you feel like you don't wanna deal with these things atm just visit some other threads or website. SG is a big community, there's all kind of threads, if we have to consider every single user's mood before saying something, they'd better just turn off the website and internet all together.
Don't "blame" others for talking about something you don't like, just ask yourself wtf i'm doing here dealing with this again, isn't there any better topics around... :D

8 years ago

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Well, it's not like the tite clearly said what it was actually about. If I knew what it actually was about, I'd never even clicked on it. Tbh, I actually thought it was a happy topic/thread. It's not as easy to avoid as you might think, seriously.
Oh, I've tried. Went to youtube - new video up with the title "Who's Dead? Who's Dead? Somebody's Dead." like, fucking thank you. Anyway, it's not the place to discuss that kind of stuff but let me tell you.. lately it's just everywhere, you know, with 'everyone' dying and all. Not as easy to avoid as you might think. I just thought I was 'safe' here since it's a website about steam and stuff. But apparently I was wrong.

8 years ago*

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Bad luck streak. When i go to youtube i have plenty of fails of the week, karma and scientific stuff.
I have to admit, with all the people dying and all it is hard to avoid these when not in the mood.
Keep some favorites about funny websites, but even the ones i favorited occasionaly put depressing things, so yeah -_-'
Anyway hope you'll find something to cheer you up soon enough!

8 years ago

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A few observations after a quick read through of this thread.

  1. The SteamGifts community is large, and as such, I don't believe any single label can be attached to it that applies across the board. It's sort of like blanketing opinions about nations or religions, like "All X is X". In reality, when speaking of such groups/organizations/affiliations, there are huge numbers of differing opinions, values, backgrounds, and experiences. At the current time, there are such a wide variety of SteamGifts personalities ranging from the intentionally malevolent through to the self-sacrificial benevolent -- some, maybe even some sort of mixture of the two extremes. Who you come across, and what kind of mood they are in is largely a factor of time and luck.

  2. One of the primary culprits, in my opinion, of brash, insensitive behavior is a lack of empathy and familiarity of perspective. Another factor is the fact that people often post things on a whim, and do not consider that generally what is put on the internet, stays on the internet indefinitely. People who post negative one-liners, whether truly malevolent in nature or simply to deride a potential troll, likely do not have the actual experience of what it is like to be severely depressed or have someone close to you who is severely depressed -- and as such, it is easy for them to just spout off something cruel in order to have a fleeting sense of superiority and a quick stroking of their ego. To those that left those comments, I hope they do see this thread and are able to see that indeed, their thoughtless comments can have an impact on someone else's life -- and that perhaps now they do have some sort of experience in relation to at least one way severe depression can manifest itself. Now, I also want to say that I do not have ill-will towards the people who left those negative comments, for I also understand that they are likely coming from a lack of perspective and that people can change very drastically once they've experienced something first-hand -- I just hope that now that they have some experience with what severe depression can look like that they be a little more mindful the next time they come across someone potentially expressing their uttermost despair and desire for help. For those that would see the hateful commenters through hateful eyes of your own, please also remember that the people making those comments may have their own reasons for doing so -- and in most cases I do not think they were being intentionally malevolent -- they just lacked experience and perspective.

  3. Don't ever think that what you write or comment does not matter. Every quip, every comment that you leave is an impression left on someone that reads it, whether they recall it or not or it just festers in their subconscious. This is the heart of influence. Remember this well, for what you say, write, or do can and does have a profound impact on everyone who comes across it -- and it also shapes who you are, what you stand for, and who you are choosing to be.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

8 years ago

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Deplorable responses by some in the thread, but I think it's a little to silly to blame them for the suicide:

  1. You kind of have to expect that some people will respond in that manner. Is it nice? No, but such is human nature. If you don't expect a few shitty responses on the Internet, you're just unrealistic.
  2. Honestly, does anyone really believe that this kid, who had family, including three siblings, was NOT going commit suicide due to a few kind words from strangers on a game forum? I think by then it was too late.
8 years ago*

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+1, that's the internet and it isn't really the right place to seek/offer that kind of help

8 years ago

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The Internet etc is just bullshit. It's everyone's duty to segregate the poisonous and toxic elements of communities, just like societies have coping mechanism to deal with criminals (not with all kinds of sociopaths yet, though) and promote best practices, understanding, mutual help and so on.

If you treat the Internet, or society, or the world as a dumpster beyond any hope and just keep dumping your own shit like it doesn't matter, well you have a self-fulfilling prophecy on your hands.

@mankao, I think that was a call for help and while we can feel better thinking he would have done it otherwise (I have used this very same coping mechanism myself, if you're wondering, because sometimes it is true), everyone who actively did not help (as opposed to passively) should consider themselves responsible to an extent.

However they won't, because that's part of the problem with sociopaths and psychopaths.

8 years ago

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I understand what you are trying to express, in ideal case, people should offer help to someone on internet like they know them in real life.

However I have to say that this IS the internet, it's full of lies and we've been told that we are not suppose to trust everything we see here, call me pessimist but most people won't take it seriously when you are really trying to seek help, It's not the help seeker's fault, but due to the fact that there are too many people who try to get people's attention by saying that they'll hurt themselves.

Be noticed that I am NOT saying that we shouldn't offer help to people like fmoviedelgado only because a few of them isn't truly asking for help, they deserve help and sometime a few nice words is enough to save them. However, IT IS the internet and it's full of haters and they won't care even if their mean words will push someone off the cliff. You can call this bullshit but that's what happening now on the internet, sometimes you will only got hate when you ask for help; even if there are people who really want to help, most of the time they can't.

Once again, internet isn't really the right place to seek/offer that kind of help, I've seen how it ends up in a bad way. If someone is in that kind of depression, it would be much better to talk to people how care about them and treat them seriously, instead of random strangers on the internet that treat it like a troll.

8 years ago

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I also think this image of a community here is overrated.
We're all just people who occassionally spend time together online in a forum. We don't know each other personally, we don't spend time together in RL away from a computer nor discuss real-life issues in person. To think anybody here could have been responsible or instrumental, thorugh action or inaction, in making him commit suicide is overstating your own importance. Yes, sometimes a word from a total stranger may stop someone. But how often does that happen? 1 in a thousand?
IMHO, when someone publicly announces they will commit suicide they've already made the firm decision and you can't stop them. It's the quiet ones no-one takes notice of you probably could prevent.
Anyway, just my 5 cents

8 years ago

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I "like" that people keep asking whether the guy really did commit suicide. If he was only feeling terribly close to suicide, but ultimately didn't go the extra mile, then it's obviously "just" attention whoring. It's basically one step removed from maybe we should doxx him and swat him too, because that's what dem damn whores deserve.

That is saying more about themselves than I think they realize.

8 years ago

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I've had depression and anxiety issues for around a decade now so I'm far from ignorant of the issues surrounding it and how it feels to be in that situation. I feel for him and how he must have felt but I still do not condemn the people who reacted to his post negatively. It's sad but the way he posted what he did wasn't the... um.. clearest way to communicate. Let's just put it that way... Was it a call for help? I suppose so but when phrases such as "this makes me want to kill myself" are so prevalent in internet speech, it's hard for people to recognize what's real and what's not. To expect people to take every such proclamation seriously is unrealistic; especially if they've never dealt with anyone with depression nor been educated about it. Yeah, it'd be NICE if people took those things seriously and caught the people who were slipping through the cracks but that's just not how life goes. One can only hope that the next time they come across someone who says something like that they will either show compassion or keep silent.

8 years ago

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Oh man, I didn't know about this. I feel sad now. Poor guy/girl

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by fubarnocaps.