I've got a bunch of games over the years, some I've played a lot and there are some I've never touched and was just curious if there's any that would be recommended that I own, that I must absolutely play reglardless of the genre... I'll leave my profile here, for those willing to help


8 years ago*

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You have too many games, Steam crashes my browser.

8 years ago

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yes, i can't open profiles with more than 1000 games...

8 years ago

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Same. Well my system handles it better than it does for others for some reason (maybe it's because it's a Mac? :P) but it still loads large lists for ages so sorry OP, but I'm too lazy to go through a 2k library.. I only suggest to play one of your 83 wins on here, it's the best thing to work on that "backlog" first and I see some great games for sure.

8 years ago

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ill likely hit 2200 soon =D

8 years ago

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Metro 2033? I see you have less than 2 hours on that one.

8 years ago

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Would you rate metro as horror, I really don't like horror games
Also I think I was playing it and I got stuck at one point and so I quit

8 years ago

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Its not really much of a horror game but its a MUST, go play it:)

8 years ago

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Eh, it's kinda horror, but if you've already started it you should know what you can expect in terms of "horror". It doesn't really get scarier.

8 years ago

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is it better then last light?
I have both the original and redux im guessing I should play redux?

8 years ago

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I haven't played last light yet. From what my friend said (he's a huge Metro fan), the original Metro 2033 is better than the redux (because redux seems to have quite few bugs), while the redux version of last light is better than the previous one.

8 years ago

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Portal, divinity 2, and...wow you have a lot of games really

8 years ago

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do not like portal or puzzle games really...
I tried divinity 2 but it just seemed really lacking to keep my interest though I know its a older game

8 years ago

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Your Profile via SteamDB... -- scroll down to the table that lists all the games you own, and click on the Reviews table header to sort them by review percentage, descending. Compare to playtime, and go at it! :)

8 years ago

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Nice & Useful, thanks

8 years ago

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Wow 900h on Dont starve together...thats impressive xD
Guess I dont have to recommend it ^^

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You should play Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, and Overlord II.
Both are a breath of fresh air...the former an old-school 3D platformer (with some of the best music I've heard in games), while the latter has "unit command" gameplay; you are a demon overlord that commands your minions (mini-demons) into battle and destroy enemy bases.

8 years ago*

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I tried overlord wasn't a fan of it and from the look of its gameplay I wont like duke either

8 years ago

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You mean the graphics of Duke turn you off? Wait 'till you try the game -- it's a very underrated gem. Believe me, I've finished it.

8 years ago

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No the gameplay

8 years ago

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  1. Zafehouse: Diaries - Interesting take on surviving a tough situation as a team. You might not love it, but you should at least give it a look, because it's unique!
  2. Unity of Command - Very good, and really approachable operational level strategy game. Easy to learn, hard to master, and one of the best games I've played on that "level".
  3. Thief Gold - It's Thief. Still the best stealth game on the market. The new Thief is pants, don't play that (unless you like reloading because you got stuck in something for the 8th time!)
  4. Realms of the Haunting - Good horror-themed shooter (not really horror, just horror themed) with fun FMVs and great environments.
  5. Papo & Yo - Lovely and well told story that touches on some really dark subjects. A must play.
  6. King of Dragon Pass - It's unique, like nothing you've ever played and probably like nothing you'll ever play. Strategy, RPG, adventure, chose your own adventure and with a dash of management, plus a really interesting setting. Also, ducks.
8 years ago

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i'll try all but unity and realms...neither of those look like its for me

8 years ago

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Unity of Command is one of those games that I've found is very good for introducing people to this types of games. I've got several people who claim they don't like strategy games to play that one (and finish it!). And as a strategy fan, I loved it as well.

8 years ago

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I'd definitely recommend Super Meat Boy, Darksiders, VVVVVV, Trine 2, Hard Reset, Sonic Generations, Brothers, and Half-Life 2 (and of course episodes 1 and 2 (I think you own those)).

8 years ago

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I played super meat boy, which was very frustrating,
VVVVVV I tried and it was very strange
Darksiders was alright but I like action like games but it just didn't feel right
Trine 2 I enjoyed but only through co op
Hard reset was fun but odd
Sonic Generations I enjoyed but the speed and movement threw me off a little
Brothers I still need to try
Half like 2 was good fun for the bit I played but I most enjoyed it during co op with a friend.

8 years ago

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10 games from your list I like and you could try them(mine and my friend experiences)

Brothers A Tale of Two Sons! It is an amazing game, played with my friend at his account.
Mirror's Edge
Dragon Age Origins
Binary Domain
Megabyte Punch
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

8 years ago

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i got switchcars for a dollar I still need to try it, also binary and lara, the others I got because they were really cheap as well but don't see to interest me as much

8 years ago

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You've got four FF games. Go play those

8 years ago

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FF has gone downhill since after the snes days so no point in playing them since they won't be as good not to mention they gave the ports from the snes games some garbage graphics...

8 years ago

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Banished was so much fun, and it has a steep learning curve for a lot of people.

Brother - A Tale of Two Sons, amazing game!

Puzzle Agent games are short, but a lot of fun. Charming, I'd say.

If you haven't actually played Skyrim, that will suck away part of your life.

8 years ago

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I played some of skyrim but after playing witcher, I can't go back to skyrim

8 years ago

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http://store.steampowered.com/app/312970/ this is good for you Villan

8 years ago

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if it was co op me and you could play it

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You have several games I've really enjoyed that you haven't even touched:
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
Galcon Fusion

Also there are a few more that you've played for a few hours, but which are definitely worth going back and finishing (they're both short):

8 years ago

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yeah I know I gotta go do brothers but transistor I didn't like I liked bastion a lot more. Limbo made me mad with the way it played that's why I stopped... Braid doesn't seem like a game I would like I got it in a bundle that's why I own it and Galcon I think I also got in a bundle as well because im not a fan of RTS

8 years ago

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