So steam sale's going on and a game I desperately wanted is on sale I go ahead to purchase the game and it shows unexpected error (I only have steam wallet ) I try using steam and different browsers and computers but still unable to buy the game :| I sent a steam support ticket but by the time they reply the sale would be over and I have no idea what to do now . earlier I would've just bought items from market and trade them for the game but now due to stupid rules I can't :| help me guys

10 years ago

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Steam Support uses Unicorns to save on labor costs?

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Idk maybe
Where's the giveaway?

Had this problem for the past week. no payment method worked, tried changing pcs, accounts, everything except IP. i'm still waiting for support to reply to my ticket but I just found i can finally purchase stuff again just a few mins ago. So reset your router first and pray that works cause it's the only thing I forgot to try. The "standard" solution in the forums is go to your steam directory and delete everything except Steam.exe, Userdata and steamapps folders but for most people it doesn't seem to work. Other than that no clue.
Safest way is to get a friend buy you what you want and pay them back later, at least that's what I was doing these past few days. Had a friend buy me what I wanted from steam and I got bundles for her in return :P

10 years ago

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Try again later, often it just solves itself.

10 years ago

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Here, try this :

Open an Incognito window (or private browsing if you're on Mozilla), log in into Steam normally (with Steamguard code and all that), Try purchasing it again.

Works for me everytime when there's an error during payment. Who knows, might work for you too :)

10 years ago

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Tried it didn't work :(

10 years ago

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Oh well. Worth a a shot, right? Good luck on getting the game! If all things fail, maybe buy a few keys at the market and trade them for the game?

10 years ago

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Almost all games for my region are market restricted and even if I buy the keys I'll have to wait for week to trade them :(

10 years ago

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Can we get a screenshot or something more about the 'unexpected error'?

10 years ago

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I wish I could but now the game I wanted buy is not on sale so I can't really risk it to get the screenshot .

10 years ago

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I'm guessing it's this thing.At least that's what it was for me

View attached image.
10 years ago

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Yup it's the same

10 years ago

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Looky here

10 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by AlphaBetaGamma.