So... I was just sitting here and sipping my red wine, and it made me wonder... Which do you guys here on sg prefer? :)

I looove red wine!! But I can't really stand white wine (or champagne for that matter).. Therefore we shall listen to: UB40 - Red Red Wine (plus it's the only wine song I can think of on top of my head =P)

15 Reasons Red Wine Is Better Than White Wine <-- by Buzzfeed (+ gifs!)

According to this site red wine wins the battle and is the healthiest! :D
Here is a more detailed article about the pros and cons about both types of wine!

So yeah, let me know what you think in the comments below! ^_^

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8 years ago*

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Which do you prefer?

View Results
Red wine <33 ♥‿♥
White wine <33 ♥‿♥
Both of them taste delicious! ٩(⁎❛ᴗ❛⁎)۶
I'm more into wine such as Rosé wine! 。◕‿◕。
Yuuck, none of them!! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
I don't drink alcohol.. (︺︹︺)
I'm not old enough to drink... (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Wow, im surprised there is as much people who, like me, do not drink alcohol :o

8 years ago

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Sorry for necro'ing my own thread. Just looked through old threads of mine, and I thought it would be interesting to see the poll results change, or if other people who voted nearly two years ago changed their opinion.. :)

7 years ago

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Necrophilia: That uncontrollable urge to crack open a cold one. ;)

7 years ago

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a cold one

This ain't the beer thread, y'know..
Though you're explaining more about the origins of light beer right now than we ever needed to know.

Bud Light: The Taste of Death. #UpForWhatever

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7 years ago

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Wow, how did that ever get greenlit?

Talk about rapey.

7 years ago

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Yeah like white wine was so 2016...

I tend to not drink anymore, alcohol is no good for me (stomach) anymore. :(
I used to love cheap mojito's and red (blood orange) drinks from the Lidl but they stopped selling.

7 years ago

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Well, my taste has not changed since this thread was made. Proper good cider is still the way to go!

7 years ago

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Beer or whiskey.

7 years ago

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It depends on what are you eating.
I don't like White Wine but it's good with fish. It's impossible drink red whine if you are eating fish. :)

7 years ago

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I drink and like both, but of course it depends on the situation. Overall, and especially eating, I prefer black wine. Yes, black, in our region we say black wine :D
In my family we have always been buying wine from producers, carrying demijohns around. I remember when I was a kid, my grandfather was still healthy, my uncle still lived with my grandparents, my grandfather's brother-in-law was still alive, we all together used to bottle the wine and every time there were like six to eight 54L demijohns, plus some 15-30L ones. The cellar was full of bottles and every year we emptied them all, ahah! We still do it now, with smaller quantities :c
Fun fact: after my grandparents passed away some time ago, my uncle and his family moved in their house, but they had to refurbish it first. While cleaning, they found fourteen empty 54L demijohns in the garret! My grandfather sure drank a lot XD but I guess it was fine, since he died at 87.
So, drink wine, it extends your life! And it's good.

7 years ago

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