So... I was just sitting here and sipping my red wine, and it made me wonder... Which do you guys here on sg prefer? :)

I looove red wine!! But I can't really stand white wine (or champagne for that matter).. Therefore we shall listen to: UB40 - Red Red Wine (plus it's the only wine song I can think of on top of my head =P)

15 Reasons Red Wine Is Better Than White Wine <-- by Buzzfeed (+ gifs!)

According to this site red wine wins the battle and is the healthiest! :D
Here is a more detailed article about the pros and cons about both types of wine!

So yeah, let me know what you think in the comments below! ^_^

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8 years ago*

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Which do you prefer?

View Results
Red wine <33 ♥‿♥
White wine <33 ♥‿♥
Both of them taste delicious! ٩(⁎❛ᴗ❛⁎)۶
I'm more into wine such as Rosé wine! 。◕‿◕。
Yuuck, none of them!! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
I don't drink alcohol.. (︺︹︺)
I'm not old enough to drink... (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Wow, the option of "I don't drink alcohol" in the lead, it's great. ^^

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8 years ago

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Always been more into whites. May just be because I haven't developed a palette for reds though.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You tried Russian Standart?

8 years ago

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I have, loved it :D

8 years ago

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Really? It's like the least flavored drink ever, people generally drink it just to get wasted chesp and fast, or mix it with something else.

8 years ago

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I tend to have it with Lemonade and blackcurrant, Coke or Irn Bru! I tend to drink a range of things though, depends on the mood :3

8 years ago

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Well ok then, for a second I was worried you actually liked plain regular vodka.

8 years ago

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Well... Shots... Shots.. Shots...


8 years ago

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Well yeah, it's like I said, people generally drink it just to get wasted cheap and fast, or mix it with something. Although I wouldn't drink it as a shot either. :P

8 years ago

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Good, pure vodka shouldn't have a taste or after taste and just goes down well.

8 years ago

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Well that's kinda my point, you just drink it for the sake of drinking booze, your taste buds are like "wth is this crap? tastes like nothing". Vodka is like whiskey if it was garbage :).

8 years ago

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Another vote for beer. Beer is healther than wine too. I can't find the source of a quote I heard, but it goes something like this: "Any idiot can stuff some grapes in a barrel and make wine, but making beer is an art." I don't drink that often, but my favorite types of beer are stouts and Belgian witbier.

8 years ago

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I only drink for social reasons, but I'm hypersensitive to the "alcohol taste".
All of it tastes like crap to me.
I need to stick with the "fruity" stuff.

8 years ago

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Kold Ol for helvede! ;p

Not biggest fan of wine myself but i geuss i prefer red wine over white

8 years ago

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All depends. Would say depends what are You eating with wine. Apart of that there is no such thing as preferred wine. I really like Merlot, but I also really like cold Riesling, I will pick up that one which suits more for situation. ;)

8 years ago

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BREAKING NEWS: White wine can be red too.
Fun fact: You also can make white wines with red grapes.

This is magic, isn't it?

8 years ago

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Mostly red, but stuff like Gewürztraminer or Petite Arvine are also great white whines.

8 years ago

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I prefer to have grapes before they go all spoiled on me ^^

8 years ago

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nice poll there :D i love polls.. even though, im out of place here, i dont drink alcohol xD

8 years ago

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I drink both, white and red. But I definitely prefer red wine over white wine.

Noble drops like Bordeaux :)

8 years ago

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I preffer a good cold beer than wine. Also I didn't drink lot of wines to say what of this 2 is better.

8 years ago

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None. My body doesn't tolerate the sulfites in most wines so I stay away from them :/

8 years ago

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don't see the option for getting blackout drunk? absinthe, here I come ^_^

8 years ago

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Red obviously. White wine is for cooking.

8 years ago

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Why choose when you can have both \o/

8 years ago

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Red, hides the bloodstains much better.... Also Bet you know a few of these Here's the first one on the list. Scenes from an Italian Restaurant

8 years ago

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I don't drink alcohol.. (︺︹︺)

8 years ago

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Have you tried rice wine or is that not available in Europe?

8 years ago

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None. Alcohol taste terrible & I hate that warming sensation I get in my stomach, makes me feel sick.

8 years ago

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Rosé Wine. :>
I get headaches of red and white I just don't really like.

Oh and, new here, first post is about alcohol, great start....

8 years ago

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Lol, well, I'll be honest. No judgements. Judgement free zone!

But, I prefer Pink Moscato wine. It's the sweetest, most best tasting thing ever. I buy a bottle every week. :D

8 years ago

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googles ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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It's bery good!

( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )

8 years ago

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It looks interesting and I might try it if I find a bottle.

8 years ago

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I highly recommend it. Plus, it's cheap! :D

When I was younger I hit all the vodkas and whiskeys, but now I tend to stick with the fruity drinks and sweet wines. LOL

8 years ago

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If you understand what alcoholic beverages do to your body you come away with the conclusion that none are healthy for you. Some are simply less healthy than others.

Just did the poll, more non-drinkers than I expected.

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8 years ago

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root beer

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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