So... I was just sitting here and sipping my red wine, and it made me wonder... Which do you guys here on sg prefer? :)

I looove red wine!! But I can't really stand white wine (or champagne for that matter).. Therefore we shall listen to: UB40 - Red Red Wine (plus it's the only wine song I can think of on top of my head =P)

15 Reasons Red Wine Is Better Than White Wine <-- by Buzzfeed (+ gifs!)

According to this site red wine wins the battle and is the healthiest! :D
Here is a more detailed article about the pros and cons about both types of wine!

So yeah, let me know what you think in the comments below! ^_^

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8 years ago*

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Which do you prefer?

View Results
Red wine <33 ♥‿♥
White wine <33 ♥‿♥
Both of them taste delicious! ٩(⁎❛ᴗ❛⁎)۶
I'm more into wine such as Rosé wine! 。◕‿◕。
Yuuck, none of them!! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
I don't drink alcohol.. (︺︹︺)
I'm not old enough to drink... (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Love them both, though it's mostly seasonal for me. With some exceptions, I drink white wine in the summer, red wine in winter. I also enjoy the occasional rose and champagne (or similar).

8 years ago*

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you heard of the annual wine festival? every year around May (חג שבועות). great fun :)
i'm a constant visitor

8 years ago

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I heard about it, but haven't visited. Maybe I will next year...

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Cooking wine.

8 years ago

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White for cooking, red for drinking. Sangría :D (Obviously a good wine is not used for making a sangría)

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8 years ago

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I'm more of a Vodka person myself, but white wine does the trick too! Red wine and me just don't get along :(

8 years ago

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Red Wine = For Meat
White Wine = For Fish

8 years ago

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So wrong.
red can go with fish or pasta, and white can go with a lamb burger easily. depends on the wine and dish.

8 years ago

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·Chardonnay (white) for dishes with cream sauces, cheese, shellfish
·Sauvignon Blanc(white) for light foods, fish, chicken; good cocktail wine.
·Riesling or Geverztraminer (white) sweeter wine, cocktail, desert, light fare
·Pinot Noir - Red wine, goes with moderate to heavy foods
·Zinfandel - Red wine, pizza, pastas, red meats
·Merlot - Red wine, beef, pork, lamb
·Cabernet - Red wine, the utlimate steak wine
·Syrah - Red wine, BBQ red meats

8 years ago

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I agree on some, and disagree on others, but it all depends on the year and vinared.
anyway, if you obviously understand wine, why did you go very lite in the first comment?

a good Chardonnay can go with steaks made with cream sauce, very nice.
and a light Syrah can accompany Pasta dishes superbly, even the simple sauce ones... try it.

8 years ago

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Beer :D:

I don't drink wine, I don't like it's taste. But I use a lot of white wine reduction in my cooking, so I guess I'll go with white wine :>

8 years ago

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What kinda beer? :)

8 years ago

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Mostly Bocks, but I enjoy a lot of kinds of beer :> Currently my two favoritue ones are Herbal Senojo Vilniaus Tamsusis Alus su Prieskoniais (it's awesome for Fall and Winter, it warms up wonderfully) and Amber Koźlak. and ofc Robinsons Trooper, because I'm crazy fan of IM :D:

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8 years ago

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so, i used to only drink white wine (yeah, i know). but after several years i'm a fan of both.
Whites: Mostly Zinfandel but depends on the vineyard
Reds: a lot, my favorite currently is Malbec or Pinot Noir. sometimes the good Merlo's (some are so horrible, it really depends).
i even drink Rose on occasions. can't stand bubbly wine, i feel ripped off. haven't had proper real champagne yet, so maybe i'll like it

i usually have 6-7 wines on standby, but can't find the latest picture. i'll take one later and post it :)

8 years ago

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Red wine and Cola in 1:1 ratio :D

8 years ago

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Drink some dark rum.

8 years ago

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Did someone say ...; wine?

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Beer > Wine ;-)

8 years ago

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I prefer red wine over white one. Why? Two reasons:

  1. It goes well with steak. Delicious!
  2. Mulled wine. But I prefer the German word for it - Glühwein. It sounds tastier that way :)
    But beer will always be on top list for me :)
8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Ahhhhh I don't discriminate and kind of alcohol
but beer > wine

8 years ago

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Rosé wine, you filthy peasants.

8 years ago

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As I love to eat meat, I prefer red wine, as it's much more suitable for this kind of food :)

8 years ago

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Only alcohol I can drink is beer, didn't like anything else I tried (wine, whisky, vodka, rum, slivovitz, etc... I had a sip of most of alcohol drink types.)

8 years ago

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I don't drink in general. But if I must I will drink Radler or something like this xD

8 years ago

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Vino rosso, vino puro... figa stretta e cazzo duro!

8 years ago

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I don't drink much alcohol but when I do it's beer. I also like some drinks, mostly milk-based ones that cover up the taste of alcohol. Hot chocolate with rum can be good as well. Then there's some alcoholic energy drinks I like. If I had to choose between red and white wine I would choose white since I specifically dislike the taste of red wine.

8 years ago

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I drink white, rosé or red depending on what I'm eating (and whether it's beef, chicken, fish, lentils, etc is largely irrelevant, it matters more how it's cooked, the sauce, what mood I'm in, etc.). I eat a lot of spicy foods, so the wines I drink have to stand up to that.

I'm more fussy about my reds (prefer big black reds with high alcohol content, the Aussies make some damn good ones!). For whites, the drier the better for me (pinot grigio is my fallback, but they vary widely so I have a few brands I usually stick to), and the only white I really don't like is chardonnay (unless it's unoaked, then I often enjoy it a lot!). A rosé often makes a nice summer lunch choice, perhaps with ice if it's hot (very rare here!).

I have some "strange" food/wine choices, such as reisling with a Chinese takeaway!

Obligatory wine song:

8 years ago

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Heh, nice to see community enjoying wine, since we are just finishing this years harvest.. :) Also, what about sparkling wine? :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I always have a bottle of Alamos Malbec and Stella Rosa in case of science ◕‿↼

8 years ago

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