Report for what?
If the user takes more than 7 days to view the key, accept a friend request on Steam or read an E-Mail, you could request a new winner, bur is there any "offense" else involved?
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You lowkey starting a witchhunt (which is against SG rules) about something, that is not against any SG rules. Sorry for rules and stuff being an inconvenience for your rant.
( I expected the cutesy persona to be held up longer, season's stress I guess)
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Not a week yet as far as I can tell and, again, there seems to be no offense according to SG's rules involved.
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I hadd to go full stalker mood for my first giveaway
he had no giveaway to comment on, no discussion
first day I emailed him, no reply
next day i went to his sg profile >> steam profile >> twitch channel >> twitter >> current mail id >> mailed him again
thats when he clicked the received button.
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I had one of those recently. I posted to one of his old GAs after 4 days to remind him to activate. Then again at 6 days. After 7 days I rerolled. Then blacklisted him to prevent further issues in the future. He never did look at the key. The reroll winner had no issue using it.
And I was not the only one to post to that GA about the same thing.
I see nothing to report about. He has done nothing against the rules. Try and make contact. Take screenshots. After 7 days ask for a reroll.
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Not activating the key you won is against the rules you know.
It is against the rules to take the key and not activate it on Steam account tied to SG profile. But instead activate it on another account / sell it / regift.
It is not against the rules to ignore the key for 7 days. As here key is still valid and after re-roll new winner can activate it.
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I only see a 4 day old one. You need to wait for 7 days before asking for a reroll. You may get in minor trouble for this your self now. I guess it depends on how support sees it. Can you delete a ticket? I've never tried. Maybe look at that and then recreate it after the 7 day period.
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It is not possible to delete tickets. Even when you delete your account they are still visible, but their content is empty.
You can close your ticket though. If you do - it will be not possible to re-open it. Unless it's ticket in other category, then it can be re-opened and you can continue to comment there.
If user creates request new winner ticket before 7-days have passed - we write creator need to wait 7 days and close it.
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Yeah, i did not report him, but asked for a new winner.
This can be done only after 7 days passed and winner did not activate their win.
I hide the key, so he could no longer active it.
You still have winner of this giveaway. And you need to deliver them their win. If you do not send game to winner, request re-roll after 7 days and previous winner will make ticket that key was not available during this 7-day period - you may get suspended for fake giveaway.
You can't chose to who you want to send the game by not sending it (or hiding after day or two), and requesting re-roll after 7 days with reason "Unable to contact" or "Rejected gift".
If he behave like this, I won't give him anything.
It may be annoying, but it is winner's right to have 7 days to activate and confirm their wins. Same as it's creator's right to have 7 days to send the game.
If user keeps not activating their game within 7 days, which forces creators and support to have more work - we may add this user and tell them to request new winner if they do not want the game they won. Fact that someone activates game after 5 or 6 days, but within this 7-day period is not a reason for support to take action.
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Yeah, I tried to contact him again via steam. I will give the key him personally. If he does not respond, i'll ask for a reroll. And it's not about the 7 days but his attitude. He does this all the time, but online in SG a lot. If he would just leave a message, that: hey mate, i don't have time now, but i will activate it in 3 days, it's ok. Or leave a simple thanks, but he does not this too... Winning 600+ games, giving away about a half of it (and those are mostly small group GAs), and than not even thanking the gift, is just rude. Not against the rules, or something like this, i know.
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I know user that activates all their wins on Saturdays. So giveaway creators that ended on Fridays are lucky, and those that ended on Sunday are "unlucky". I know it may be annoying from creator's side, but it is within the rules.
If they not respond to friend request you will need to send screenshot of pending friend request.
For some time I was adding all winners on Steam to send game directly and get confirmation immediately... but then I decided that "hunting" for winner to be online is more time consuming than waiting 7 days with key available on SG, and requesting new winner if they do not claim their win.
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I think if he clicked on "view key" then it would be a problem, otherwise there's nothing you can do other than wait 7 days and then open a ticket.
However, if he took the "efforts" to view the key then there's no reason for him not to go ahead & activate it. I think there should be a rule of having to activate the key within a day of uncovering it.
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I'm in the exact same situation right now. Picking level 1 entry was a mistake. Got 2 days until I can fix that, it's only a 0 CV game but it's pretty annoying anyway.
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yeah unluckily I got some wins of that kind - if the winner had its Steam profile public, it would often be filled of Steamgifts users asking him to see the keys and activate them, since often they don't even see the keys.. let alone mark them as received..
so usually when the 7th day time kicks in I ask for a reroll, instantly removing the key and reporting to the moderators the fact that the user has been inactive and unresponsive to messages and emails, it has always been functioning to me even if it can be annoying to deal with those winners =P
I never check them after so I don't know if they receive suspensions or whatever else (I warn them and always redirect them to this site rules of course) but at least the gift after 7 days goes to a nicer user =P
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I just don't get is... I never go for a game i do not intend to play with, I don't want to worsen anyones chance. I don't win often but when I do, i'm happy. And I want my winners to be happy too... and bumm, you've got a winner like this. :)
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I'm sorry that you are feeling like this because of the waiting and his ratio you mentioned.
Your best chance is probably the waiting. Or try to think about the upcoming holidays instead. That can keep me occupied, :D
Kellemes Ünnepeket!
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remove key or link from page, then check to see if user is connected to another users ie. main account that is on SG too. found several accounts that won that were alts. if certain alt, then report and request reroll. alts usually take longer to respond to comments or not at all.
if any indication winner is alt, you can always add user instead of posting key/link, alts usually ignore adds. then reroll.
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What is your opinion guys? One of my GA's winner is those type of user who enters a lot of GAs and then just ignore the loot. I checked his steam profile, his wall is full of comments asking him to activate his wins. I left one too, no answer ofc. He gives not a single thanks to anyone and does not play any games he wins. His ratio is 2:1 for the wins ofc... It annoys me a lot. There are people who would really enjoy a game, and a **** like him just steal the normal users' chance. :S I cannot ask for a reroll because I'm within the 7 days, but still... Annoying.
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