Three things:
1.) Whoa, someone older than me, and on the first comment. (Mine was SMB when it was a year or two old.)
2.) "Heroes of Might & Magic 3" God, that music <3
3.) Nice user name. Though I'd bought several tapes prior, Mellon Collie was my first CD. Well, first two.
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I lived and breathed that album when I got it. They were my favorite for close to 10 years (even after they broke up) before they were replaced. I'm still pretty fond of their music :-)
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Wow, I'm thankful I opened this thread now, I helped make friends! :D
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First game - probably Pac Man on Atari 2600 - or Donkey Kong or Burger Time similar system.
Favorite game so far - Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
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specifics? my first game was probably peekaboo when i was a few days old :P
first atari game: space invaders
first nes game: mario bros.
first snes game: super mario world
first pc game: wheel of fortune
first 3d pc game: wolfenstein 3d
favorite game to date: skyrim
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First game was prob Dizzy for the Speccy
Favourite game hmm can't choose a game but fave types are Fighting games and Beat em ups
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I got into first game was probably something on a Super Nintendo my parents had for longer than I could remember. I think the first game my sister and I played was Super Mario Kart... Either that or LoZ: Link to the Past. Never did beat that last one, save file deleted itself several times as I recall, once in the 7th dungeon of the Golden World... I enjoyed those times. Favorite game... probably Pokemon Emerald or Mystery Dungeons, loved those 2 way back when.
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Well... Star Wars games (Droids, Racer, Rogue Squadron, Mysteries of the Sith)
Right now, my favorite game is Dark Souls. And Fallout Shelter. And like 20 more xD
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woah, first game? a Konami one, for the MSX. probably Knightmare.
favorite of all time? now that's hard. to name a few:
pitfall and endurofor thye atari 2600
battletoads for the nes
tetris for the gameboy
phantasy star for the sega master system
space quest i,ii and iii for the early pc days
syndicate (the first, bullfrog one)
road rash, resident evil and mdk for the first playstation
god of war for the ps2
deus ex, skyrim, half-life and half-life 2
probably will remember a few more seconds after I hit 'submit comment'
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My first game was age of empires about 15 years ago.
Favorite game of all time: Skyrim
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I don't really remember what my first game was, it was between Super Mario Bros, Street Fighter II, Star Fox or Captain Tsubasa II on the NES.
I'm not good at picking favourites, a few of them are Half-Life 2, Mega Man X, Super Metroid, Ace Attorney series, Zelda games.
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The earliest game I can name would be Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt. Prior to the NES we had a Commodore 64 and had a few games for it but I cannot remember the games. First PC game to eat uncountable hours of my time would be StarCraft, so much love for the game. Don't recall playing much of the first, but I did play a lot of Duke Nukem 3D.
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I can tell with absolute certainty that my first game was pacman.
My favorites were, in somewhat chronological order:
Wizardry, Dark Castle, Super Mario Bros, Railroad Tycoon, Civilization, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Wizardry Gold, Tony Hawk, Soul Calibur, Sonic Adventure, Total War: Medieval, Europa Universalis III, Crusader Kings II, Borderlands 2
I'm sure I'm missing a bit. I really want to add Duke Nukem, or at least Wolfenstein, to the list, but, that's not entirely honest. (same with Dune 2)
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Well, you can get Return to Castle Wolfenstien and Wolfenstien 3D for about $5 each. They are very worth while to play, and the new game (Wolfenstien: The New Order) is worth every penny and goes on sale (retail) for around $10, same on some online stores like Humble Bundle, especially Humble Bundle.
And the up and coming original/remastered Duke Nukem 3D is coming around, so it might be worth picking up on a sale.
Other recommendations would be Doom (2), Quake, Shadow Warrior(which the original is free and source ports give it keymapping), and Unreal.
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+1 for Dune 2. Great game. Never had the chance to play the first one but I heard it sucked big time. if someone played it, please correct me if I'm wrong
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it's a great game, but I didn't own a copy, so I can't really add it to my favorite. plus, most of what made it great was the novelty. I do think it was better than C&C, but, if I recall correctly, Warcraft was the truly great RTS of the day.
Still, the meta-strategy of picking which region to conquer next was really cool
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Yes, back in the pre-internet days it was luck to find a new game. In my country games were always friggin' expensive to buy. Really expensive. So since I got my first desktop (a incredible 486DLC, 400Mb HD and 1 Mb RAM lol) I always carried a pack of blank 3.14" / CD / DVD in my backpack. I habe no shame to say that I only started to buy games when I got into Steam (thx Gaben).
Anyways, I loved to play Dune 2. Maybe because the concept of a RTS (even if it wasn't that much 'S') game caught my attention. Today I really don't care for RTS, There's too much to manage and it takes away the fun of actually playing the game (but that's me).
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It was a very interesting time in gaming. The first RTS, the first FPS, (even FMV) followed not too much later with the jump to 3D. I won't lie and say that gaming was better than, because it's freaking fantastic now, but, it was much more exciting then, where new genres were being created and old genres were evolving by leaps and bounds (not to mention the internet).
Right now, the best games are near-perfect versions, but there's nothing new anymore almost
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There's a lot of pixelated graphics games today for a reason :) And games were HARDER back then. Take the Sega Master System's Phantasy Star, one of my favorite games EVER, for instance. There was no walkthrough sites to help you. You had (well, at least I used to) to actually draw a top-view map of the dungeons or I'd get stuck and never get out of it. With only 4 save slots, sometimes I had to go back and lose a lot of loot/exp. There was no YT channels to help. And games with save slots were the most expensive ones. The NES MegaMan laughs at Dark Souls in terms of difficulty, lol. And you can imagine for a portuguese-speaking kid to figure out how to play Space Quest (the typing ones, not those lame point and click remakes) on the PC. Actually, I learned english from games (and books, and movies, and music, but you got the point).
So, yes, games are amazing today, but they were incredible (assuming 'incredible' > 'amazing') back then :)
Sadly, I had to sell most of my old consoles but I still own my NES. Super Mario Bros still beats most of the platformers these days :)
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They were harder by necessity, but that doesn't necessarily make a game better. Automap was a phenomenal addition. Being able to save anywhere too.
I agree that super Mario is still one of the best platforms in existence, but d
I can finish it without warping in under an hour. Don't knock the later games for allowing you to save / her unlimited lives. New super Mario bros istoobig to finish in one play through . its suck to have to start over every day
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I can't remember what my first game to play was. Visited many friends as an young kid.
Picking a favorite also very tough. Some have nostalgia value now, and I certainly appreciate different games now then I did as a kid. Before I enjoyed games with great story telling like Final Fantasy VIII and collection games like pokemon. But now i like games that are full of features like EU4 and DF.
I played duke nukem 3d back in the day. Although I liked to watch it more than play it myself. Teenager's dream game. xD
Haven't played the new one.
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First game was one of the old Commodore Acorn Electron games, probably Chuckie Egg is the one I remember playing a lot. Apparently I also helped my father and brothers play Elite, my job was to press the 'shoot' button when an enemy ship came along. Old-fashioned co-op teamwork ;-)
Favourite game to date? Damn that's a very hard question to answer. If I had to choose, then probably Shadow of the Colossus.
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I really wish I knew where to grab a copy of the original Elite(s), Elite Dangerous is way beyond the value of my game(s) and doesn't work right on my system, but I'd love to have copies instead of No Man's Lie..
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Heh, that's a good new name for it ;-)
Yeah the old Elite was awesome, though I was too young to really appreciate it at the time. I played again when I was older too. The only other game that felt similar with the trading and combat adventure, was Privateer 2: The Darkening (with Clive Owen, John Hurt and others, acting out the story between missions. I loved it at the time, but I don't know if it's aged very well.
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No, haven't heard of it before.
Ok just searched, according to Wikipedia it was a Mac game. That'll be why nobody has ever heard of it ;-)
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Yeah apparently so:
Escape Velocity on the Mac in 1996
Escape Velocity Override on Mac in 1998.
Escape Velocity Nova on Mac & PC in 2002.
Might have to look at some youtube videos of it later. Cheers!
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p.s. Apparently they released Elite for free download a couple of years ago:
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Well, the first question is easy, I was lucky to have The Neverhood as my first game ever. The second one is a bit harder: if I really have to limit myself to one game, that would be Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within, but Grim Fandango and The Cat Lady came really close.
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It was the console version. Dad was cleaning out the shed and found his old Pong game. We were kind of surprised it still worked. I thought it was slightly amusing that our recently bought Sega Mega Drive sat idle while we spent the day playing this ancient game.
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Tetris probably ?if video game? or on SEGA some games like super mario etc :)
Real life game = Hide and seek or idk probably some even older game i cant remember when i was 1-3 years old? pickaboo?lolz :D
Hmm favorite game up to date,many... DotA 2 ,Dark souls games ,etc...Path of Exile idk many :D Everquest 2, Elder Scrolls games, Runescape ,etc.
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My first game had to be the good old point and click flash games of the 2000s, my most beloved scooby-doo games really helped me get into the Survival Horror genre. First downloadable game had to be CastleMiner Z, better than minecraft, cheeper, and the best on the Xbox 360 to date. First computer game had to be Half Life 2, I adored it at the time. But my favorite game to date has to be Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the atmosphere, the world; everybody loves Skyrim, but in its place I put Deus Ex:HR. What are your firsts and favorites?
Oh and any Duke Nukem fans? I'd love to hear how your first experiences with the original game went, and how bad you felt DN: forever to be.
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