How long have you been on Steam?
That's one cute and tasty-looking cake! Thank you :)
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Apologies, added the level requirement to the thread title ;)
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Steam member since 25 November 2004. Basically since the release of Half-Life 2.
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Bump for less than 6 hrs remaining till the GA ends :)
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Been on Steam since day one 12th Sept 2003 7.58am, it also happens to be my birthday although I'm a lot older than 14 years Steam will be this year xD I was up all night playing CS1.5 and Hoyle Online getting drunk waiting for CS 1.6 to be released.
Congratulations on 4 years service. :D
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Happy Steam Birthday!:)
I've had a Steam account for over 10 years (it will be 11 next November 4th), but I actually didn't become an active member until September 15th, 2015. That was the day I activated Wasteland 2. I was currently laid off from work while they built a new store, so I had plenty of time to play games.
I didn't know much about Levels, Badges, Friends, or anything of that nature. I thought that making my account Private was a good idea (just in case of nasty spammers!), but changed it to Public fairly quickly. My first friend was a co-worker (he actually gave me Doom 3 BFG, which was my first game that I got on the account. Well, I had Dota 2 and Dark Messiah of Might & Magic given to me complimentarily when I bought my Alienware computer. Which is funny, since Dark Messiah was actually the game that made me get a Steam account waaaay back in 2006! And I never even played it (still haven't). LOL!
I gradually gained a few friends, joined a couple of groups, and played a bunch of games. I also bought a crap-ton during sales (90% off! Wow! What a deal!!!...if only I knew, a lot of them were garbage games. LOL!).
I like crafting Badges, so I started gaining Levels. As that happened, I joined groups and added friends (lost some too over the years, which is a shame). I learned more about Steam (both good and bad), and then something popped up in my Activity Feed. It was a giveaway! I led me to here, and now I have a home away from home (Steam).:)
Thank you for the puzzle and the giveaway.:)
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That's a nice little story, thanks for sharing that with us :)
I had no idea how the cards and badges worked back then, either. But I quickly learned from the few friends I had and now I love crafting badges too :) I managed (mostly) to avoid buying crappy games though, since it took me a long time before I actually started buying games for myself.
Also, before Steam, I used to have a lot of other hobbies. I even used to go outside, would you believe it lol? ;D
And by the way, good luck with Dark Messiah if you ever decide to give it a try haha!
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Thank you.:)
Well, some of the crappy games do have nice Badges (and emoticons, I love emoticons as well!), so there is that.;)
I used to have other hobbies as well. I used to play tennis (but work on the league nights pretty much put a stop to that, not Steam). I do still collect beach glass, and collect comic books.:)
I've been a fan of the Might & Magic universe since I first played it on the C64. I never finished it back then, but I did complete it a couple of years ago on an Emulator. I liked it, but it was hard! I preferred the emulated version over the original version, as the original one couldn't have the volume muted, and it was bloody loud!! LOL!
added you to my whitelist as well :)
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Collecting comic books is a pretty neat hobby, if you ask me! Do you collect all of them or just particular genre(s)? Comic books were never really a thing here in Czech Rep., ufortunatelly :( Only the lame children's ones like Donald the Duck and such.
Thank you for the whitelist, that made me happy! I added you to mine as well, although I've never created a whitelist GA (so far) :D
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I like a lot of different genres. Horror, action, drama, superhero. I even collect the various Archie digests as they are nice to read before falling asleep.:)
I don't mind the Disney ones either. Especially the ones from a few decades ago as they are not as tame as they would be today (a lot less politically correct, that is for sure! LOL!)
I'd say I have well over 1000 comic books.:)
You might be able to read a bunch of them digitally if that is something that would interest you. I'm not sure what sites you would use, but I imagine Marvel and DC would have some sort of digital service platform.
Thank you.:) That was nice of you.:)
Do you have a second giveaway hidden somewhere? I see that there is one that ends at the same time, but couldn't find it. You don't have to give me any clues if there is, I was just wondering for curiosity's sake.
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There is another GA, for Twist of Destiny, but I only shared the link on the BLAEO website ;)
I own a few digital superhero comic books, mainly those featuring Venom, Joker and Scarecrow as those are my most favourite villains <3 :D Oh, and Lobo! Would prefer to have them in the printed version though, I prefer reading from paper over reading on my monitor :)
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Please say you are talking about the classic Lobo and not that sad excuse of an emo-wannabe that DC tried to foist upon us poor souls?;)
Joker? Excellent.
Venom? Awesome.
Scarecrow? Can be really cool most times.
Nice choices!
Lobo? Classic one...fraggin' fantastic!
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Yup, the classic Lobo :) Truth be told, didn't read any comic about him for quite a while, so I'm not even aware that they made him an "emo-wannabe" at some point O.o Sounds nothing like Lobo's style!
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Almost forgot, it's been my 4th year on Steam on 31st May! Back then, I owned just two games - Spiral Knights and Killing Floor. Those were the simple times when decidding what to play wasn't a problem :D Look at me now, working hard to get my ever-growing backlog under some sort of control.
Anyway, I know you're here for this: Laser Lasso Ball
It's a fairly simple Jigidi, I didn't feel like creating a SGTools filter but I still wanted to make your day less pleasant so I went for a puzzle ;D
The game's not much, but I gotta save all the money for the Summer Sale.
Feel free to vote in the poll btw, I'm curious ;)
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