What if I receive key "for Beta Testing"?
Should I mark that key as "Received"?

I received following key: One Last Dinner for Beta Testing

11 months ago*

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It depends. According to the Guidelines: https://www.steamgifts.com/about/guidelines

"Beta keys which do not provide unrestricted access to the full game in the future, guest passes, demos, and coupons cannot be given away."

So if the keys does provide unrestricted access to the game now and forever, mark it as received. It it does not - for example it is limited in time - then do not mark as received.

11 months ago

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Usually there is no problem with "Beta Testing" keys, they should give full access to the game.

But i'm unsure about the rules, as i read something about it recently, but can't remember where, could have been another site

11 months ago

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You need to check which version was activated (it's recommended to have SteamDB extension installed in your browser).
I.e. Crypt of the NecroDancer: AMPLIFIED for Beta Testing Oh! "Beta Testing" in the name!
But this is a vaild key for SteamGifts, because ReleaseStateOverride = released <- that mean that developer marked all "beta" keys as release key and they will not be revoked.

11 months ago

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How to check this? I get this key: One Last Dinner for Beta Testing, SteamDB link: https://steamdb.info/sub/999508/

11 months ago

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You can see that "ReleaseStateOverride" = "released", so you can mark giveaway as received. Sometimes Humble Bundle distribute such keys, so you are fine

11 months ago

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Seems its right! Thank you.

11 months ago

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In 99.99% of time it's all good.
Generally it's a key given away by producer for review and sometime in case of multiple key given for giveaways too.

If you received the good game, it should be fine ;)

11 months ago

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They should be good. I bought a couple of Steam games from Humble Bundle during a sale some years ago, that once activated they said "for Beta Testing" (one of them was "Talewind", but I can't remember the other one...) and I had to contact support to ask about them if they were okay or something, and they said something like, "It's okay. If you have access to the full game all is okay. Those keys are meant to access the game for testing for a time, but once that period is over, it's normal for publishers to allow permanent access to the game with the remaining keys and redistribute them."

Humble Bundle also said that sometimes they receive those type of keys, and if I had any issues with the games, I should contact them again. I didn't, because I didn't have any issues with those. I remember downloading and playing the full versions of those games after that, and they have never been revoked, so far.

11 months ago

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Thank you!

11 months ago

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Closed 11 months ago by Konsterter.