Some mod somewhere has probably already seen this, but there's a givaway for Modern Warfare 2 about to end with over 800 entries that was accidentally activated.

Here's a link: Clickyclick

On a somewhat related note, somebody a little ways down the forum named KxBuLLeT basically told the guy who accidentally started the contest to go kill himself. Now I don't know how you guys handle the community around here, I'm fairly new. But I doubt that's the kind of attitude you want around here.

Just a heads up in case nobody's seen it yet, I know you're all busy people.

1 decade ago*

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People tend to overreact towards fake giveaways a lot. By reading what I saw, I think they'd crucify him for some reason if they could.

Quite humorous, I'd say.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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There is no such thing as accidental giveaway creation. The amount of the information you need to provide combined with the warning on a separate page before the giveaway is created make such accidents impossible.
There are two options only: either the gifter cannot read or giveaway was just a way to generate some extra points.

1 decade ago

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Oh, what sacrifice through banimmolation those people bring, just to provide others a few points!:-)

1 decade ago

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Considering how easy it is to get a $50 account with just humblebundles, not really.

1 decade ago

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I see what you're saying. Yeah, the person should probably be banned as (s)he was probably trying to generate false points.

Should the person be told they should kill themselves, though? Hell no.

Should the giveaway be stopped before everyone loses their points? Hell yes.

1 decade ago

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It's ridiculous when people treat annoyance as a hangable offense. For some people there's just no sense of scale on the internet.

1 decade ago

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Has there ever been one? People can easily take anything seriously and not.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by LimeyBritShicks.