If it said men only, everyone would lose their minds. But he gave a reason for making it ladies only and there's nothing wrong with it. And he didn't say that if a guy won, he wouldn't get the game, he just requested the men to not join. Everyone is free to join it (and win it) if they want to.
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Makes me wonder if you are really stuck with McChartyism, or just have no idea about IWD's origin (it really had a political payload then) and current reception at all. Mixing Martin Luther King Jr. Into the picture suggests that you are just throwing words around.
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I didn't throw anything around. MLK played a major role in founding and running the movement for equal racial rights. Equal racial rights is quite an easy parallel with equal gender rights. On the other hand I have no idea what McChartyism or IWD is. I didn't look up anything in order to write my comment; but to interpret yours I had to look up a 2 things in as many sentences.
Also you appear to need to look up some things yourself as you clearly don't understand what McChartyism is. As defined by Wikipedia: "McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism." There is very little need for evidence. I provided a link to the page. The discussion is supposed to be just that, a discussion. Its not about right, its not about wrong, its just a question. I made no statements of what should be done. I made no accusations of subversion or treason. I simply expressed an opinion and asked about other's opinions.
As for IWD, it simply seems like an organization that advocates for feminism. Its no different than a cancer advocates. It does have a political impact, but it doesn't define a political movement or political ideas.
Please explain what you meant.
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If you continue reading that Wikipedia article, you will see that McCarthy saw communists/socialists everywhere. And if you check up International Women's Day on the same site, you will see that it was a socialists movement originally, and celebrated mainly in the Easter Block, led by the Soviet Union. However now all of this political payload is long gone, and even United Nations thematizes this day for almost 20 years.
And it is absolutely not an organization, never has been. Or Valentine's day, Christmas, are they organizations to you?
For the equality thread: over the world racial equality is in a much better shape than gender equality. There is absolutely no country where women can consistently reach the same positions for the same salaries as men. Not even here in Scandinavia, which is a real fort for gender equality.
Still, I understand you want Bioshock 2, and if you check the comments you will see that many non-woman proudly entered anyway.
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Don't place too much faith in Wikipedia. They get a lot of stuff wrong, too.
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If you look on the UN website (http://www.un.org/en/events/observances/days.shtml) you'll see they endorse a large number of days that I have frankly never even heard of. Why, I should start planing for November 19th which will not only be World Philosophy Day, but also World Toilet Day. Furthermore, something doesn't have to be about a political party or type of government to be political. Gender rights itself is a political issue. There are laws that need to be changed for equal rights. International Women's day is described as "International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities." by the same UN website. I believe that the words "Call for change" particularly highlight the political nature of this observed day.
As for the equality. My only suggestion is you gain a better understanding of literary parallelism. Just because racial issues are not necessarily as prolific as gender ones in today's world does nothing to change the obvious parallelism between the two. As for the comment about wage equality: please cite sources as I have done (a simple url is great). I am not denying your claim but I would like to know which of the numerous ratios you subscribe to. However, it really has no bearing on anything I said, you can claim gender rights are worse than racial, but as I previously stated - parallelism does not require that the two be in the same time or place.
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If you suspect wrongdoing, you send Support a ticket about it. This guy's not doing anything wrong.
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Not calling anyone out. Asking about opinions in relation to the request made by the poster of the GA. As I said in my post : " I was looking through the ToS and saw nothing against it." How am I reporting it. Those words seem to be vouching for its legitimacy.
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Well, public giveaways cannot have any "rules" by the creator.
Edit: There:
Extraneous/special rules for giveaways require moderator approval. Public giveaways cannot have any special rules.
If members would like to make appropriate rules on who is eligible to join and win, you must receive the consent of site moderators before creating the giveaway. Otherwise, we will not reroll for a new winner of your giveaway(s). Do not PM moderators directly over Steam, we will respond to these requests only through Support tickets. These giveaways will be created at the submitter's risk.
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he just asked every dude to try not to enter that giveaway and to give ladies a chance. you dicks are acting like its the end of the world. i really hope you die alone without a woman in your life because its obvious you dont respect them. or maybe you are gay so thats why you find this giveaway so annoying
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just hilarious. I ve never wanted my giveaway doing all this non-sense mess
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No, I'll come back to it, and far from it.
On your second question let me start by saying it simply perplexes me. To use a parallel from history lets go back to MLK Jr.'s campaign for racial equality. He encouraged anyone to join his cause, as he knew that only allowing the african-american community to be a part of it would only breed more resentment. Anyone who wanted to help the cause was allowed. Excluding men from things such as guilds, clans, forums, and even giveaways can only widen the gap. Another example I recently saw was an all women dota guild. Many of the comments were encouraging, but there were also many people that were upset that they couldn't join simply because of their gender. There is no reason you cannot both support female gamers and afford everyone equal status.
And I'm not saying that its all bad. In the example of the dota guild I understood the need for it. It allowed female gamers a safe haven where they were only with other female gamers. Of course not every female gamer is perfect and treats every other female gamer with total respect, which is why its far from a perfect solution, but it probably helped a lot of women who were afraid of playing multiplayer games (such as dota) because of the predominately male community. The problem comes with when you separate yourselves so much that you end up being two separate groups. Imagine if there was a male only group. I assume you would be upset. However there was a legitimate use for it so I believe it was a good and hopefully temporary solution.
That is why I am not the biggest fan of the idea of gender only giveaways. I am always for fairness regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, or any other factor. Just as it would be grossly unfair to say only men may enter, in an equal situation it would be grossly unfair to say women only enter. However this is not an entirely equal situation. The honest truth is that there are more male gamers than female. That is why I simply said I do not like the idea. A small part of that, I'll admit, is selfish - since I very much want bio-shock2. But most of that is out of a pessimistic view of what actions like this can bring about. As much as I would love this to only help new female gamers, I can see it also only harming the very cause it was created to assist. I never condemned it as wrong. I actually attempted to advocate for it, although I see how it could come out wrong, when I said that it was not banned by the ToS. I did not intend to offend anyone but was mainly asking a question. I was curious after seeing similar things to this turn badly in the wrong direction on other gaming-oriented social forums.
Edit: Finally being able to read your more recent comments, now that I can refresh, I realize that you are not interested in a discussion, but rather insulting people who are attempting to have a reasoned and well-mannered exchange. Derogatory assumptions and comments such as "stupid redneck", "dick", "gay", or "i really hope you die alone without a woman in your life because its obvious you dont respect them." just point to an ignorant, hypocritical, and projecting person. To anyone else who want to have a well mannered and well reasoned discourse, please reply. However I ask that you, skullscar, refrain from polluting this forum with your toxic comments.
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yeah, you believe this is the end of the world. "omg, someone wants to give stuff to girls, omg!!!. i must report them and then cry like a baby about it"
bitch please
giveaway maker just asked nicely to give a chance to the girls. its not like he ordered every male account owner to not enter this giveaway, he just asked to try give this game to a girl. but since there are many dicks (like you) more then 9/10 entries are from man
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There's nothing against saying that you want to limit entries in a public giveaways. It probably will deter some males from entering, but if it happens that a guy wins, support will not reroll.
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Almost an efficient way to track down the girls of the site.
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exactly my thought.
that thread who need "gf/bf apply here" was bust.
we should make giveaway just for girls n ask for tinder address(profile id/phone number?no clue how app works) in the description. whoever gives tinder address will get code to enter another invitation only Witcher3/GTA5 Hip giveaway . you can even add puzzle with question like bj? (ans yes or no) for good measure in between steps.
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Problem is that 99.999999999999999999% of females on the internet are BOYs***. :p
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As long as nothing is stopping every users from entering public giveaways, there isn't any problem.
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There's nothing wrong with the GA. He cannot even have that rule (public GAs can't have rules) and anyone can enter. If it was a private GA, though, he could have gotten approvement from support to make that rule. Not sure how he would enforce it, though.
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Well, if this is allowed we also get things like white or black people only and stuff.
We don't need it here, I HOPE.
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can you add poll after you have created the thread?
i don't like it either but it's not big deal. after all giveaway creator is spending money and should have a say in on whom does s/he wants to spend it on.
Some members allows only people who can solve some puzzles of their design,entry to g/a. if that's okay, this is too.
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i think positive discrimination towards women is an insult to women. but if they're okay with it, who cares?
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agreed. but still as a white male, i wouldn't feel that bad if a black woman, who has the same or almost same qualifications with me, gets the job we both applied. then again i guess the only case i'm 100% okay is positive discrimination towards disabled people.
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I don't see much difference between asking this and asking for only those who will actually play a game (or those who will give away the second copy of an activated game like the ship or frozen synapse) to enter - both are friendly suggestions that will be ignored by many and unenforced by support.
If it was the same situation with Veteran's Day or May 4th and trying to increase the chances of giving a game away to a veteran or star wars fan who would complain?
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kochachi managed to lure neurotic skullf&ck to the thread, that's something.
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i think they should of made it a private giveaway, sure the rule would need to be accepted, but if not it can just be a friendly request though with a public giveaway its gonna end up being entered last minute by random few who wont read the description to even be allowed a chance to honor wut the op has asked of
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Should this be allowed? I was looking through the ToS and saw nothing against it. Personally I don't like the idea, but that's just me. Just wondering what the general consensus is. Thoughts?
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