Will you buy this bundle?
People are going to be in for a real shock when Trump becomes President.
On a more relevant note. Damn a lot of those games actually look pretty cool.
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Rachel bae please. It is time for a paradigm shift to occur and he is what is necessary to make it happen.
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Giant Cop: Justice Above All, Goliath, PolyRace, RIVE, Combat Core is greenlit - those also have a Steam store page, so I'll increase my purchase to 1$ just in case, if they decide to give keys, but since they give us coupons i doubt it.
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You get the opportunity to try a bunch of games out without having to pay 10$+ for each in an early access state. They know that people will just pirate it most times if they don't get it on Steam and putting up a demo usually limits the content and is hard to balance how much you should let people be able to enjoy and how much you want to keep locked for full users. They don't want a demo to have everything because then there's no point in buying the full game and if they risk cutting out specific features or upgrades then they might turn off those who try it anyways. Honestly this seems like a good thing. I could understand if these looked like cheap knock offs but most of the ones I looked at look like they actually have put some good effort into the ideas.
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I don't think this is a bad idea, actually I agree with you, I'm just worried about what this could cause in the future.
Steam's early access is also a great idea but a bunch of scummy developers abuse it, this may just ignite a new messy abusable system. But luckily is a "pay what you want" model, so I guess the risk is minimized or almost nullified.
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Yeah pay for demos (early versions) and coupons that you only can use on humble for that particular games...nope
But for 1 cent the 10% humble monthly discount is not bad..if you not own it from previous bundles...i wish they would stack..
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This would actually make a nice $10 bundle if they were guaranteeing Steam keys once released.
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They're not, you're just buying coupon for their store :
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I know. Like I said, it would make a nice bundle IF they were.
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Wow and they expire in less than a month? (I imagine the avr is april). Since I doubt they'll officially release in a month that means that you have to decide if you want to buy them much earlier, at least if you want to take advantage of the coupon.
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Yeah, the quick expiration of the coupons makes no sense. These should last for at least 3 months minimum.
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I think it makes perfect sense: it creates a ticking clock to incentivize pre-release purchasing. In effect, it creates an impression of scarcity--"Order now, while [discounted] supplies last!"
It's not great for us. But I get the sense this Bundle is more about promotion than about giving the consumer something great.
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And even 3 months sounds like too little depending on when the games release. The way they should handle it is issue the coupons when the game comes out of early access or maybe a couple of weeks earlier and have them run for at least a couple of weeks after they release. This bundle should give you access to the games for the whole duration of the early access period (unless I'm missing something) so you wouldn't need to buy it before then.
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I think you can try it eeev! If anything, you would just be spending $0.01-$1 for a 10% coupon plus some early builds of games and more coupons
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I'm not looking to argue, but I wonder if you're right. Here's my thinking:
What's being given to us in this bundle is, in essence, advertising. We're getting early builds of games to wet our appetite, and small coupons that don't last to give us an extra little push towards early purchasing. Combine that with the fact that by selling it as a paid bundle they're imparting to these promotional trinkets a halo of value (as apposed to if they just gave them out as free demos) and it really looks like they're doing the software developers involved a favor. Should we be confident they aren't being paid for that favor?
Humble must know that a lot of people will go with the $0.01 option--that's why it normally isn't provided. (Humble gains from our generosity sometimes. But they also understand incentives and how to deploy them.) If Humble allowed it here, knowing full-well what would result, I have to think it's because they're confident they'll come out ahead. That makes me think taking the bundle, at whatever price, is probably giving Humble just what they want out of this: wide dissemination of this bundle.
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Exactly. That's what I mean by the price lending an impression of value. (Beta invitations are sometimes used the same way. Google's a master at this. They make access to the software or service a commodity rather than a throwaway, even though by signing up we're really doing them a favor.)
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Yes, I totally should feel bad. I should spend more money on demos because they havent been free for the last decades or they arent meant to be a small DEMOSTRATION of the product for me to see if it's worthwhile.
What's next, paying for ads?
This is just plain cynical.
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Assuming you pay fees for every single transaction ... businesses have different contracts with paypal than consumers.
Besides if those low transactions would harm them financially > they would've changed that a long time ago.
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Maybe. Or maybe this is a creative way of promoting these games. It's essentially a commercial in bundle form, yes? Why not think that's actually what it's meant to be?
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Will there be a new bundle tomorrow when the star wars ends?
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yes, every tuesday they will put out a new 2 week long bundle
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early build - not the full build version, older versions of game, a working prototype or "build" that still needs a lot of work improvements
early access - users can purchase in-development video games and play unfinished versions of the game while it is being developed
demo - finished game, but you only get to play a small part of it for free, and if you like it, you buy the full game.
not sure about early build vs early access difference.
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i guess you could do some research and look it up
TLDR: a working prototype or "build" that still needs a lot of work improvements
this is an "early build" of a game, meaning an older version of the game, that has been archived
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I believe you will not be getting any future "builds" (updates).. What you are getting now is what you are paying for, no updates to it, no access to final game or anything.
Unlike Early Access, where you are buying the game and will get updates/patches, etc.
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early build= you get only the download of the current state of the game
(steam) early access= you get the current state of the game on steam, all the future updates AND the finished game when (if) it gets finished
demo= well, just a piece of the game to see if it runs and/or if you like it (not used anymore by the majority of the industry)
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RIVE is the final game of Two Tribes (EDGE, RUSH, Toki Tori), I'm glad I can try it! All of their games are awesome :)
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I don't understand what the use of the coupons is you are getting!
They all seem to expire on April 2nd 2016!?
I mean......these are all early build games, so doesn't seem you can buy them yet on Humble/Steam!
So........useless coupons!?
Or am I missing something?
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1 cent? sure i like indie games... and this seems to be as indie as it gets
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I don't like the bundle but I definitely wouldn't be paying 1c for it. That's a bit rough. Vote with your wallet if you don't like it. and don't get it. It feels a lot like the Square Enix bundles where they sell a lot of teasers (Episode 1) to get you to buy the rest but while they charge $10, at least they some real finished games in there.
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MIX Digital Preview Ticket
$0.01 or more for DRM-FREE early builds.
Note: No Steam keys guaranteed (but some have store pages)
The MIX Digital Preview Ticket
Pay what you want ($0.01 or more) for
Giant Cop: Justice Above All (Early Build) + 50% off Coupon, Goliath (Early Build) + 15% off Coupon, FORCED SHOWDOWN (Early Build), PolyRace (Early Build) + 25% off Coupon, Prismata (Early Build), RIVE (Early Build) + 33% off Coupon, Arena Gods (Early Build), Burly Men at Sea (Early Build) + 20% off Coupon, Combat Core (Early Build) + 25% off Coupon, ...
and a 10% off Humble Monthly Coupon for New Subscribers.
Name the price. Because these are early builds and are not the full games, there is no MSRP for these titles. Here at Humble Bundle, though, you can get them for whatever price you want!
P.S. - Want to know what other bundles are going on? Check out the MASTER LIST of ONGOING BUNDLES - w/ CHARTS (updated daily!) ❤
thanks Kenz94 and Mille and tzaar
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