Heyooo, Shurri is here.
I've been raving about starting my own group for a long time. Now I've finally created it.

All requirements, rules and information can be found directly on the steam group page:

Shurraxxos Gift Corner
Yes, I know, the name of the group is not that creative.

The first GA I do for the group is: Shenmue III Deluxe Edition

Please read through everything, then send an request. It is also important to leave a comment on this thread here so that I can assign it.
Please let me know if there are any uncertainties, questions, suggestions for improvement or anything else.

This is my first group, so please don't push me into the swamp.
I'm still working on improving the rules, it takes some time.

Have a nice day 🌞

4 hours ago*

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no rules about free games? you know the group will get infested with the usual suspects this way

3 hours ago

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I second this idea. 0CV giveaways can be used to farm group difference.

50 minutes ago

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I've requested to join :) Thank you!

I really like the rules of the group, especially the 2 copies per game, too many times I can't gift a game anymore because someone gave 10 copies of it 😖 While I've won some of those huge copy giveaways before and was really happy for the high chance to win the game, it's sad that the game is pretty much done for the group now :s Plus it can kind of be used as a point-farm

-$250 might be a bit too much, especially for no monthly giveaway, though I like that part as too many of those start getting hard to plan and manage!

3 hours ago

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Not 100% sure about rule 9 tho is it max 2 copies in a single GA or max 2 copies of any game in all GAs.

2 hours ago

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Hmm yeah that could be an included bit of info :) It would be nice if it was maybe 2 copies of the game in all giveaways but maybe after a certain timeframe of like 6 months you can give the game again?

2 hours ago

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"I'm still thinking about a few rules. I'm thinking of excluding games that are worth $50 on Steam and only have 10 fake reviews. Because these are often abused to push the value difference, which would be unfair to other members. Rule 9 is not quite finalized yet and is still a hurdle. I'm concerned that bundled games that are available on the black market for say $0.40 or something like that are not exploited to increase the value difference with multiple copies."

1 hour ago

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I would 100% exclude the asset flip things.

using those is to easy of a way to exploit group ratio requirements and just makes it pointless, I wouldn't worry to much about gray market keys tbh.

43 minutes ago

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What is the best way to write this so that it is easy to understand?

So leave out rule 9 completely? And allow multiple copies for GAs?

32 minutes ago

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no overpriced garbage games is how I would write it, everyone should hopefully understand what you mean there.

as for no multiple copies its up to you, I for one prefer to just make GAs for every key I have for a game when I make a GA so getting limited down to 2 copies might occasionally make me(and likely others) not do a giveaway for the group and instead send them elsewhere.

also being forced to group exclusive for every GA is a negative to me(first one is completely fine), I like to share with play required groups(like playing appreciated) as well(both since it will go to someone who will play it for sure... and to help ensure 5+ entries), the more groups the less gift value you get for a group to so it usually evens itself out. I completely get disallowing the larger public/ closed but basically no requirement groups though. But I don't have to join the group so its not really an issue :)

22 minutes ago

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Hi, i'd like to join! :)

3 hours ago

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Puhh one more group... idk... okay convinced! :D
I read the rules and would like to join!

3 hours ago

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Hello. I'd like to join your group.
Now off to pick a game for the first....

3 hours ago

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I'd like to join. Rules read, and request sent! Congrats on the new group. 😎

2 hours ago

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Request sent

2 hours ago

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Rules read, request sent. Ta

2 hours ago

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Hi! I'd like to apply. I sent a request on Steam to join.

2 hours ago

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Congrats on the new group - request sent!

2 hours ago

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before requesting to join
I have the same question here about rule 9, not sure if it's max 2 copy of games per giveaway or if it means 2 copy of the same game for all GA

also the -250$ diff is pretty generous

2 hours ago

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I wrote a comment on this above...still a work in progress. :)

58 minutes ago

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Hii, i want to join :D request sent.

1 hour ago

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Request sent

1 hour ago

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1 hour ago

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I have sent a request.

1 hour ago

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Hello. I've sent a request and read the rules.

52 minutes ago

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Requested to join :D

43 minutes ago

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Congrats on creating your own group! Request sent :)

35 minutes ago*

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I'd like to join! 🤍
Request sent

28 minutes ago

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