MMO = Massive Multiplayer Online
Even League of Legends or Dota 2 are MMOs
And Genre does not matter when he ask how he should spend his TIME cause only his TIME matter and how it is spend to bring most fun for him. Why people always in all Forums come with the point you can always replace an mmorpg only with an mmorpg? Seriously. Mmorpg Evolution this days goes downhill cause they focus all on milking casuals creditcards and give them easy content they can do brainafk. Its a genre now with fokus on facebook generation and actual MMORPGs are not worth the time wasted when you are an serious gamer.
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Last I checked, GW2 is not dying. They just released GW2 in china, doubling its playerbase. plus, MegaServers.
Still playing GW2 here, got an engi to lvl 80 a few days ago. If you wannt to get it, hurry, there's the halloween event running
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Guild Wars 2 is not dying, enjoying it very much still myself and the fact you dont have to pay monthly really is a load off your shoulders, you dont feel obligated to play, you can play when YOU want, enjoy it on YOUR time~
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I have played all AAA MMORPGs since 1998, but not one as long as GW2(I mean pure ingametime) more then 6500hours^^
But the Game doesnt die (trollsh*t) only no really new content since the release, still a really high playerbase. I dont think many MMORGs have now that huge playerbase. I can tell you (for a new player) it will take at least 1000 or 2000 hours until it gets boring for you. For me it took 4000+ ^^ . btw boring is the wrong word better to say "overplayed" try it GW2 is cheap atm and no fees what you have to lose?
And Diablo3 -.- play diablo2 still better than blizzards newest reboot
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If you have a good internet connection you should stick to Path of Exile, way better than Diablo 3 imho, plus is F2P.
I haven't enjoyed GW2, probably because I was expecting something like the first installment, which isn't at all, but if you are looking for a proper MMO, you can give it a go.
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d3 is much better investment than gw2 imo, played both on trial, didnt like either but if I had to choose I would say diablo, or you could try path of exile, its free and better. Dont listen to fanboys, gw2 is not worth the money, its as generic of an mmo as it gets, you get very similiar experince or better in most f2p ones. I would suggest trying Rift or Archeage first since they are free, or play GW2 trial before buying. Also it goes on 50% sale constantly so wait for that if you decide to get it.
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I would play the ****~ out of that. If it were free. or buy to play.
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I only have 1 lvl 80 character with 4(?) others only being lvl 20+ (thanks to birthday scrolls) One hand I'de say pick it up cheap yet on the other I'de say go with GW1. GW2 has been out what 3-4yrs now? and STILL no expansion(s) I don't count The Living Story.
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First ask yourself some questions:
1.Do you have any friends that play GW2? If yes then give it a go since game is quite good with friends(surprise!).
2.Do you want to earn everything by playing or you can afford buying gems? Even though games offer you to change gold for gems the exchange rate is quite high and earning gold will consume a lot of time. Even though game got quite a lot of good skins that arent from gemstore you may prefer the one in gemstore if you feel lazy.
3.Are you looking for endgame? If yes... avoid! GW2 offers little to none endgame . World Bosses are mosh pits, WvW in biggest part is a mosh pit. Dungeons get repetetive and most players are using exploits or are looking only for DPS gear to rush through the dungeon. Guilds are good only for Guild Missions and WvW from time to time. If you dont care about endgame go ahead.
Now that this is out of the way can talk about other stuff in GW2(personal point of view). Story in game is bad and after they updated their game quite a bit they changed when you start the story.. used to be from Lvl 1 but now is from Lvl 10 so at start you will just explore and kill stuff and hope not to be killed. The world is pretty and you can explore quite a lot of it and most of players like it(including me).
On the other hand to expect to be rewarded. Drops are complete RNG.So if you want gold you have to sit on your ass and grind grind grind unless you get really lucky with the drops.
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Do you have some friend playing gw2 and someone to play with? If yes go for it.
You can always find a nice guild if you don't have anyone playing gw2.
Do you want different experience from other mmorpgs?
If so the answer is Yes.
And don't buy gw1 that game is pretty much dead.
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If you want to be an addict, then by all means go ahead.
Now, i don't play MMORPGS, i have actually never played an MMORPG before.
..but i have seen things. I have and i do know people who are addicted for the worse in their lives (mostly WoW, but it's the same!!).
Don't. Please Don't.
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Your statement is pointless and overly fearful. People can become addicted to anything, not just MMOs.
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For he that does not know shall be unfaithful and fearful. While he that does know shall be faithful and brave.
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I'll address some GW2 points brought up by others.
GW2 offers virtually no endgame, and that's actually a good thing. Why should you suddenly get to do fun stuff at level 80 but suffer from 1-79? I love the idea of no endgame. Doing the coolest stuff shouldn't be restricted to max level.
The cash shop is limited to convenience and cosmetics. You can buy weapon & armour skins, gathering tools that never break, extra bag slots, etc. I've made a few small purchases - 3 character slots, unlimited gathering tools, an extra bank slot, a couple of skins - and haven't regretted any of it, nor have I felt like I was at a disadvantage compared to players who spend a lot of money on the game. My only gripe is that the gold to gems (gems are the premium currency) conversion rate is awful & continuing to get worse, and will continue to get worse because ANet doesn't seem to have any interest in regulating it.
There is no expansion, but there is regular new content and recurring content. The new content is generally delivered in the form of Living World updates, which brings new quests, stories, loot, the occasional dungeon, new gameplay ideas, etc. The only thing they haven't added that an expansion typically would is a level cap increase (which ANet doesn't want anyway) and new classes/races. I don't care if they add expansions or not however. They can add all that same stuff without an expansion, but if they do put out regular expansions like they did with GW1 then I'm happy to buy them. Recurring content generally takes the form of holiday stuff, but as someone mentioned above there's the Super Adventure Box (kinda turns GW2 into a 3D Mario/Zelda game) too. They do change up & add new stuff to the recurring content as well.
Since I don't work for ANet I can't say that the player population isn't dwindling, but I don't think it is. What I can say is that ANet is doing more and more to bring players together. It's always been a game that encourages you to cooperate by letting you share mob kills, loot, gathering nodes, etc whether you're in a party or not, but now the game tries to put people in the same region into the same copy of the map. So for example if there aren't many people in your particular region there will only be one instance of the map & everyone will be on it so you won't be alone. That way you have people to tackle big events, chat with, etc. The way the game handles different servers is also very friendly to cross server play, to the point where it almost doesn't matter which server you're on. You can always join people on other servers, so if you find a great guild or friends on another server you can still join them for everything except the World vs World content.
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The problem with no-endgame content is, that as soon as you hit 80 the PvE gets boring and repetitive. Well, ok it's not exactly like that and you can play ~500h (in my case, if you're not rushing anything it's way more) in PvE, but the game is out for 2 years. Dungeons in GW2 are just far too easy and are beeing rushed for money day after day. Events don't really matter since the rewards for the time are not worth it. The map is not that big and while i found map exploration to be very cool at first, as soon as you did 100% with one char, it's not very funny anymore. So what people playing since day 1 want is just something new to do. The Living Story is a joke. The content of of each episode are not even a day long, after that you can hunt for the achievments sure, but thats a cheap way to keep players busy. In GW1 we had 2 new whole continents and 4 new classes at this time, 2 complete Storylines aswell. Hell, even the events are the same as last year with just small changes. And the playerbase keeps thinking 'what the hell is anet even doing the whole day?'.
If you're new thats not really a problem tho, because as said, there is enough for quite a while and till you done everything we hopefully got something new. I would recommend GW2 to anyone, the price is just to good for the time sink. And be sure to look for people to play with or even better a cool guild. Increases the fun a lot.
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So what you're asking for isn't endgame specifically but just new content, right? If that's it then I can't argue with that. If you specifically want specific content to be strictly "endgame" content though, that doesn't really solve anything. If they just took, for example, Teq and restricted him to 80s that wouldn't ultimately help anything. You'd just have to wait longer to do the same stuff. Even if they made brand new content and restricted it to 80s, how does that help? Why not give a 30 the same opportunity to enjoy it?
I've been playing since beta weekend 2 and I'm still perfectly happy with what's available in the game. I have an 80 of every class which helps me do anything in any way I feel like at the moment. It's the freedom, not new dungeons, that I enjoy in GW2.
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I would say what he's asking for is a proper expansion. Or atleast an infusion of content that is of the same quantity and level that comes from a proper expansion. Like the guy said, GW1 ended up with 3 large continents each with their own story. So far Anet seems resistant to the idea of expanding the game and only focusing on what is in my opinion, the least interesting of the 3 continents.
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Again if that's it I don't disagree there. A bigger world with even more stuff? Yes please.
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That might sound strange, but it's very true. It seems like the most miserable GW2 players are all former GW1 players. They're massively different games, sharing only a setting & name for the most part.
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Its valid believe it or not. GW2 is noobfriendly and casual game which is good for the masses while GW1 got a lot of niche elements. Also GW1 felt a bit more MMORPG(aka more contact with other players) than GW2 since GW2 is easy to solo most of the game.
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Not universally true, as myself and my group of friends really liked gw1 and are all now playing gw2 and enjoying it. But that said majority of complaints do seem to come from veteran gw1 players.
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I've read a few posts and have to agree with the major point of no end game. I haven't played since fotm was released so I dont know about anything that was released after that. Fotm was enjoyable only because I had a good group grinding out to be one of the highest levels in game, but still that was extremely repetitive. Before fotm there was really nothing to do aside from achievements and getting a legendary weapon. I got 2 legendary weapons and nearly all achievements (I was working on WvWvW if I remember correctly).
While there is no end game content, the game did last me quite a bit and was enjoyable. I do wish there was GvG (at the time there wasn't, and still dont know if there is or not).
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Have been playing it on and off since launch and GW2 is still fun and interesting. They are coming up with new living world stories, which sometimes include a new playable areas, every 2 weeks over the course of a couple of months the year. So there is new content constantly being added. Also they keep updating mechanics and features or even adding completely new game play stuff in as well. Point is its no where near dead.
I'd say try to get a free trail ether through one of the free weekends or I think some shops offer free trail versions and see what you think yourself.
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I tried GW2 for a week or so on a friend's account, with the full intent of buying it. Then, ArcheAge came out. I tried out AA, and never looked back. GW2 was fun, but something about ArcheAge entrances me. I can honestly say it was the best MMO experience I've had since my middle school Runescape days. (Yes, was. I got a job a month ago and stopped playing video games for the most part.)
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It's a stamina game. Activities require X amount of energy which replenishes over time. If you subscribe your energy refills faster.
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Not only faster, but it also regenerates when you're offline, which makes subscribers own most of the game's market. Not to mention that if you do not pay, you can't sell in the auction house, and you can't use the housing features.
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It's more like Pay2AnyKindOfFunAtAll.
There's almost nothing you can do if your LP goes to zero, anything drains them and they're expensive as crap. So it was actually a good game until they decided to botch it into a WoW-esque abomination and drill the cash shop right through the core game. I'd even take the rotting corpse of Guild Wars 2 over playing AssAge for just one more minute.
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You can use in game currency to purchase "Apex", which someone paid for with real money. That Apex converts into a set amount of the real money currency used in the cash shop. You can even subscribe with it. When I played, they went for about 40G each, and you need two to subscribe. Honestly, that isn't very much money, and while it could possibly be hard to attain by a free-to-player, if you pay up real money for one month and you aren't stupid, you shouldn't have to pay again.
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There are many opinions being thrown around, but not much to go on if you want to know whether you will enjoy these games. That is the real question, here. You want a good idea whether or not it's a good idea to sink money into these games. Well, I will try to help you figure that out for yourself (since no one else can). As a person who has spent many hours playing both (and still enjoys them), I have what I hope will be useful information. Keep in mind that both games are continuing to change and adjust as they age.
This video will give you a good idea whether or not GW2 is the kind of game you will enjoy.
This one, here, will give you a feel for what Diablo 3 is currently like.
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The video I posted is mostly about the feel of the game and the intrinsic qualities which reward players for playing the game. (i.e. What is it about GW2 that makes some people enjoy it.) I felt that this video was important because it points out how GW2 differs from WOW and its approach to the MMO. A gamer looking for another WOW experience will not find it within GW2 as the game is not structured that way. A common example of this is the "What do I do, next?" syndrome that some people experience when approaching GW2 as a new player. GW2 is not WOW. There is no "game path" to follow, nor is there any requirement to do anything in particular. The question players should be asking is "What do I want to do, next?"
The video you provided is useful, but from a different standpoint. It talks about the changes to the game since the first video, detailing the practical differences in leveling and early character growth. It is, however, quite technical in its approach and of limited use to someone who has no background experience with the game itself. In other words, if you want to know how the game has chanced from what it once was, this video will tell you. The video is not useful, however, in determining whether or not GW2 is the kind of game you will enjoy playing.
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There is no gameplay video that will show you will you enjoy playing a game or not until you try. Agree that your video shows the game but many people got mislead by it after anet put the NPE patch. The video I pointed out and many others shows how restricted new players are and make the game even more confusing for both new and veteran mmoers.
So even people think that they will enjoy the game , the New Player Experience may make them give up the game.
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Have you tried D3? If you'd like to, I have a spare guest pass lying around. Let me know.
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It all comes down to Opinion...
Are you looking for a game like most MMOs where you go on quests and such OR would you rather have a top-down-ish Dungeon Crawler? Ya'know... like Diablo? (The Torchlight games are pretty great Dungeon Crawlers in my opinion, not sure if they're better than D3 or not though.)
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Was just looking for some mmorpgs... Found Guild Wars 2 and I already heard its quite good. Anyone still playing it ? Is it worth it ? Im thinking about Diablo 3 (yes its not mmorpg) or Guild Wars 2.
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