So I got scammed tonight. Every thing was going perfectly, and all of a sudden it came to an close, or maybe the climax or penultimate point. I had been able to use a gift card on paypal to trade for keys from a really nice guy who threw in a couple free, then I had a choice: pay back a friend and and reward myself with some nice skins, or buy a cheap knife off a nice guy and try to make a profit... So I discussed my plan with the person I owed things to, and he agreed and I got the knife. i had the strongest urge to give it back for the keys I had just traded, pay back this friend and move on when the scumbag of the year comes along boasting high rep and endless pages of "great trader" comments offering a decent amount of cash.. And I failed, God, I hope you see this and know I'm sorry. I also hope this assholes dick falls off... Now the waiting game for steam support... Hope you enjoyed the read and have a great night or morning, and guys, just don't.. Always do the right thing!.

Update: Steam got back to me and said they wouldn't return the knife unless I had evidence to overturn their ruling? I don't know, they said they would investigate a second time at least and its something. Luckily enough, I have a great friend who bought me a knife so lucky me, I also had a chroma 2 case drop and sold it for 16 dollars so that was lucky. Anyway hope you all are having a nice day and its good to be back. :P

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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brings back memories, i don't think thats what you were getting at but thanks man

9 years ago

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form what I'm hearing about steam support, I'm fudgeroni'd

9 years ago

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If you were trading for something outside of the trade window, such as paypal, then it probably isn't going to go well.

9 years ago

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well th biggest upside is I wasn't giving paypal, I was receiving it so I had the item and he took it from me. I explained to steam the issue and pleaded with them, writing them like five different messages just asking to help me this one time. Maybe it would of been better the other way as I could get my money back but we'll see...

9 years ago

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I wish you luck, but from my experience steam support will not help - they will just point out that their policy is to conduct trades entirely within the trade window and that they accept no responsibility for trades conducted outside of their advice and warnings.

Paypal probably would have been a lot more helpful if the trade had been the other way round. Sorry about your knife.

9 years ago

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Yup completely screwed. Sry man.

9 years ago

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I didn't understand the story but being bad is a bad thing
You are going to die in 3..2..1..

9 years ago

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Nah screw them
woot woot

9 years ago

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what was the steam id of that scumbag?

9 years ago

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I'm pretty sure you can't call people out here.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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it doesn't matter much, I've done all I could and friends have reported him too so now I'm just waiting to see the conclusion... today i went back to his profile and everything was different, Im assuming he used bots to post all of his rep comments. Im an idiot and deserve this, its just the only valuable I had online and really my only "funds" at this point in time...

9 years ago

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Rep on Steam means nothing. I have a few friends, who gave me a +rep for no reason, although I never traded with them. SteamTrades rep is what you should look at. It's harder to cheat it, but it's much more relevant, than profile rep. Be safe around portals, I mean trading.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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uhhh... i'm not sure if that's a real word. i mean in english.

9 years ago

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My bad :c

9 years ago

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I am really sorry for you mate. I know from personal experience that your knife is gone though. Good luck with your life, and don't get too upset.

9 years ago

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Im basically begging steam support to help me out this one time.. It sucks and I know I may not even hear from them for days...

9 years ago

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Steam has a 1 time return policy but they will probably not do it for you, you have to agree to the trade 2 times, through offer and e-mail. If he doesn't put anything in you will also need to accept that you are "gifting" your item to him.

9 years ago

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A valuable lesson learned for cheap. And the good news is that you are still in a position to do good by your friend. Delayed, of course, but still possible at a later date.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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You are giving me credit for something I did not do. One of the other mods was quicker on the draw than I was.

Another valuable lesson, however. Make sure you're "clean" before you draw attention to yourself.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Hello I'm back, it was not a ruse, I was showing a friend how giving games away on steam gifts worked, I explained it in a support ticket but was never responded to. Basically he created a giveaway for me, which i thought was allowed so he could understand the process, he made two in error, I assume I should have let one be and had him delete it. Either way I never received the game from him therefore non were activated in my account. I have nothing to hide and it was a misunderstanding and if I broke any rules it was in ignorance but thanks for the lovely comments.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Well, everything turned out fine it seems, since scamming a scammer isn't really scamming.

9 years ago

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Actually, it's still scamming. Best to avoid scamming altogether.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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Karma is a bitch Mr Suspended :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Karma is a bitch indeed

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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