Am i being weird?
I've dated a couple people who do that. They usually say they do it to save time. Kill two birds with one stone or something, I guess. Makes sense to me!
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I shave the non-facial hair in the shower, but as a guy with long hair, I sometimes lean my head to the mirror (just outside the shower) so I can shave from there. Shaving after the shower if you wash the hair too is a pain in the arse since I have wild curly hair which loves to get in the razor for some reason...
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I love brushing my teeth in the shower, but I don't keep an extra toothbrush for it there :O I just take my normal toothbrush with me.
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I brush my teeth in the shower all the time. Theres so many reasons why its a good idea. 1. It saves water (for the environment or for your bill) 2. its double tasking 3. everything goes down the drain so you can spit and wash your mouth out all at once 4. you usually take more time to do it then out of the shower where you would probably rush more. May the shower brushers prevail!
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While it might not be a weird thing to do, brushing in the shower wastes more water than it saves, so that isn't really a valid reason to. If one really wanted to save water, you'd fill a bucket with the exact amount of water you'd need for a bath (and a shave or toothbrushing) and use just that much. But bucket baths suck.
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Brushing your teeth in the shower...sounds like a good idea actually. O_o
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One of the inmates I used to supervise brushed over the toilet, and was admittedly opposed to brushing over the sink as it was "unsanitary."
I always found that weird... I've known people to brush their teeth in the shower... I really just draw the line at pooping there but that's just me
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Full disclosure: I "retired" three years ago (meaning after 15 years of it I had burned out and wanted something different). So it is no longer part of my daily life. I've only seen the show you refer to once. My wife actually enjoyed it. On a side note we met while I worked at the women's prison she was a guard as well. Having worked in both a men's facility & a women's facility I can tell you that some of it is spot on, while other parts are absolute garbage. For instance the show referenced a lot of relationship activity between the offenders. That is completely accurate for a women's prison. Whether they form a sexual relationship or more of a familial one (i.e. pseudo mother & daughter); this tendency is glaringly apparent.
The women are far more open about their sexual behavior... whereas it is still excessively taboo in the male facilities. It is too such an extent that sexual interactions are rarely if ever discussed regardless of whether it was consensual or not. In the cases where both parties are consenting it does not get mentioned for fear of harassment or worse at the hands of other inmates (that sentiment is totally justified). In the cases where consent does not occur it rarely is exposed as well. Having not experienced this myself I have only ever been able to speculate that the victims do not speak out because of some combination of humiliation, self blame, and concerns it will make them look weak. No one, and I mean no one wants to look weak in a men's prison.
Sometimes I miss it, but most times I do not. I have a great deal of former co-workers that are like family. I have a boatload of stories to make a person laugh, cringe, gasp in horror, etc. Unfortunately, I also have a handful of images and a shred of knowledge that I would just as soon forget. The funny thing is that I always wanted to be one of those guards at the women's prison that helped deliver a baby when there was no other option. I figured that experiencing the start of a life on the job might just cancel out a memory where I had witnessed the end of one.
... and now that I've gone all dramatic I should probably stop as I believe I not only veered away from your question, but I also just became the Debby Downer here.
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I've never heard of such a thing. It seems like it would waste water, because you're not really cleaning yourself while you're brushing. But to each his own-- whatever works for you!
And BTW, you've been seeing a girl for "a few days" and she's already spending a weekend at your place? I'm impressed. ;-)
[Edit: full disclosure, I used to shave in the shower. But I wasn't paying the water bill then and hadn't really discovered electric shavers.]
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You only stand in the shower to clean yourself? Just standing in the shower with some hot as fuck water feels so good. Most of the time I just stand there for like 20 minutes more than needed just because it feels s00o good. (and yes, I JUST stand there and enjoy it!)
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Do you pay your own utility bills? :)
I've certainly done that on occasion if I'm very cold or very tired, but not for more than a minute or two because I'm "wasting" water and gas (for the hot water heater). And because 5/7 of the time I'm getting ready for work.
But yes, it does feel nice. :)
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It sounds like a perfectly lovely indulgence as long as you don't live in an arid climate, and you're not leaving housemates to a cold shower. ;-) I still can't imagine more than, say, 5 minutes of it, but then again I've never tried it. :)
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I didn't say it was strange, I said it was impressive. xD
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The ham-handed clap by William Shatner is as memorable as the toothbrush(ing).
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You can check my Steam profile if you wanna know where I'm from, but it's more being in a 30+ year old house, lol...
Imagine the bathroom/toilet is a small area... with the toilet in the middle-ish, sink to one side of the room and the shower is just a shower head on the wall. No separate shower area with own room/drain/etc. In other words I can stand and shower fine, but if needed I can sit on the toilet bowl and poop while showering (just adjust the showerhead's aim/direction a little bit, lol).
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So im seeing this girl for a few days now and she just spend the last weekend at my place.
So she found my extra set of toothbrush in the shower. She said that would be a weird thing to do (not in a bad weird way tho).
I love brushing my teeth in the shower. It is so convenient.
So i asked some my friends if they do so aswell, but none of them do.
Am i being weird? :D
enjoy the ride
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