Humble Holiday in Space Bundle

4 Tiers, 8 Items

24 Dec 2020 - 07 Jan 2021

View this bundle on: ITAD - - Lestrades

Tier 1 1 1 0.75 1.27 1.33 1.41 7.86 73.35 48.12 6.54
in USD* $1 $1.22 $1.02 $0.99 $1.01 $1 $1.04 $0.99 $1 $1
Tier 3 10 8.23 7.47 12.74 13.27 14.14 78.49 736.55 480.51 65.45
in USD* $10 $10.03 $10.14 $9.92 $10.09 $10.04 $10.37 $9.91 $10.01 $10.02
Tier 4 14 11.55 10.52 17.86 18.67 19.85 110.08 1026.92 673.73 91.58
in USD* $14 $14.08 $14.28 $13.91 $14.19 $14.1 $14.55 $13.82 $14.03 $14.02

* Converted to USD using 2020-12-24 exchange rates (the lowest converted prices are bolded)

⚠️ Region lock ⚠️

Moons of Madness

Tier 1 - 1 USD | 1 EUR | 0.75 GBP | 1.27 CAD | 1.33 AUD | 1.41 NZD | 7.86 TRY | 73.35 RUB | 48.12 PHP | 6.54 CNY

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Tacoma 87% of 2153 ❀ πŸ† 3.00 CV app/343860 W M L 1 $19.99
Space Run 86% of 1542 ❀ πŸ† 1.50 CV app/275670 W M L 3 $9.99

Tier 2 - BTA

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Rover Mechanic Simulator 90% of 209 ❀ πŸ† 1.80 CV app/864680 W 1 $11.99
Siege of Centauri 62% of 245 - πŸ† 2.25 CV app/524010 W 0 $14.99
Deep Sky Derelicts 76% of 1183 ❀ πŸ† 3.00 CV app/698640 W M L 2 $19.99

Tier 3 - 10 USD | 8.23 EUR | 7.47 GBP | 12.74 CAD | 13.27 AUD | 14.14 NZD | 78.49 TRY | 736.55 RUB | 480.51 PHP | 65.45 CNY

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
AVICII Invector 98% of 945 ❀ πŸ† 3.00 CV app/986800 W 1 $19.99

Tier 4 - 14 USD | 11.55 EUR | 10.52 GBP | 17.86 CAD | 18.67 AUD | 19.85 NZD | 110.08 TRY | 1026.92 RUB | 673.73 PHP | 91.58 CNY

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Breathedge 91% of 4921 ❀ πŸ† 3.00 CV app/738520 W 0 $19.99
Moons of Madness 77% of 1207 ❀ πŸ† 3.75 CV app/1012840 W 0 $24.99


  • Tier 1 = $29.98
  • Tier 1 + 2 = $76.95
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = $96.94
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = $141.92


  • Tier 1 = 4.50
  • Tier 1 + 2 = 11.54
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = 14.54
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 21.29

⚠️ Warning about trading / giving away Humble Bundle keys

Lately there have been reports about an increased number of Humble Bundle accounts being banned because of keys / gift links redeemed on different accounts than the purchase one (either from giveaways / trades / bought & sold on the grey market).
Please use these keys at your own risk!
More info here:

SG - Humble Bundle Account Disabled
SG - Humble Bundle expression about gifting [Twitter] - A big warning for all humble bundle gift link traders on barter! - Anyone had their HB purchasing option suspended?

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SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
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Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!

Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's a UserScript for that! It's called the RaChartβ„’ Enhancer!

RaChartβ„’ Enhancer SG Thread (deleted)
RaChartβ„’ Enhancer SG Thread (

This script enhances the charts by showing you which games you already own from the ones in it. If you own it, the row will be highlighted with a green color.

Thanks to luckz for the poll.

4 years ago*

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Humble discovered the Season of Giving, but is this what you wanted to receive?

View Results
[Tier 1] Rebundles are coming, rebundles are coming, coming for everyone.
[BTA] I'll beSiege my wallet until it permits this. Need that TD.
[Tier 3] Chicken's not my thing, and Moons of Madness was free for the crafty.
[Tier 4] Under the Xmas tree, no one can hear you scream.
[Expensive] Even the undercooked Steam sale has better offers on unbundled titles.
[Skip] I'm waiting for a tree decoration theme bundle.
[Tinfoil] Avicii Invector also being in this bundle is clear proof that Fanatical and Humble are mere false-flag competitors, and are actually both controlled by the scaly Illuminati Gaming Network.


4 years ago

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Well, this was unexpected!

Merry Christmas sensualshakti!

4 years ago

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Merry Christmas to you too! Have a good one this year! πŸŽ„

4 years ago

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Tier 3 is for the price of Breathedge (on current sale) and gives the other 7 games, sounds pretty great if you want to buy it.
Nothing really for me, though.

Weird how Humble drops not one, but two bundles on the week of a Steam sale.

4 years ago

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Damn, Breathedge seems interesting, but I have almost everything else.

4 years ago

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Is this a joke? Bundles are getting less interesting

4 years ago

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Moons of Madness = Zero CV

Merry Xmas Lilly :)

4 years ago

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It was given for free

4 years ago

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Where? 0:

4 years ago

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Aw seems like I completely missed it. Ty for the link tho

4 years ago

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Happy Holidays to you too! β›„

4 years ago

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Oh, Tacoma for €1. Is it any good? I think the story seems a bit similar to The Turing Test, are the two comparable?

4 years ago

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I found Tacoma to be quite interesting, the story was very emotional and the graphic details and sci-fi quirks were excllent. It definately pulls you into the feeling of a futuristic spaceship. I hope to play it again someday.

4 years ago

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If you ever saw the movie Moon with Sam Rockwell, it's similar in sci-fi elements to that, but emotionally similar to the dev's other game Gone Home. Very heavy on humanism and feels, somewhat social issue based. It's also a somewhat short walking sim.

Terrific, terrific game, imo.

4 years ago

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I don't remember it well enough, except for one spoiler element I will not talk about, obviously. But I remember I really loved it. For 1$, you don't risk much and if you feel appealed by Tacoma you will probably enjoy it !

4 years ago

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I liked it. For 1 EUR I think it's definitely worth it if you like those type of walking sim/puzzle games.
Although it's quit short - I got 100% achievements in about 3 hours

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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nop thanks

4 years ago

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I haven't been game collecting for a while so the only games I have on this list are Tacoma and Rover from the humble bundle. I've had breathedge on my wish list, along with deep sky derelicts and moons of madness so I think this is a good bundle for people like me - I'll be able to get a few other games for what breathedge costs by itself on sale right now. I'm sure I'd be jaded like everyone else once I am also offered the same set of games for the 20th time. lol. Happy holidays everyone!

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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Time is always the true commodity, we just tend to sell ours for money.

4 years ago

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Breathedge and Moons of Madness are games I've been watching for a while - most of the others I have or don't really want. Though Siege of Centauri looks interesting. With my backlog, I don't feel like I should be buying for the top of the bundle at this point, I usually buy on the bottom and work my way up. If you know what I mean. Sitting on my hands, but it's interesting to see so much activity of a sudden over there.

4 years ago

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Damn, I just want Deep Sky Derelicts and its cheaper to buy from the steam winter sale than this.

Also, what's this bullshit about HB cracking down on gifting here? So I'm to assume that I should now just reveal keys for giveaways instead of creating giftlinks?

4 years ago

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You could try bundle split, it's not really a hot commodity considering it has been bundled a few times already. And yes, keys are safer compared to links nowadays.

4 years ago

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Space Run is a really good game. Sorta like a more action-y and tactical Tower Defense.
Just putting that out there for anyone who doesn't already have it.

4 years ago

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[Have] Good games, but I happily bought them on sale years ago.

4 years ago

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Have everything minus breatheredge, shame :( bundle splitting would likely be a hassle considering everything else has been bundled minus moon of madness

4 years ago

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Got T1 for quality giveaways, but I already have Tacoma, Rover Sim, and AVICII Invector.

I can only recommend higher tiers if you either really love rhythm games (for AVICII, which I thought was great) or are laking games and want T4's games.

AVICII has DLCs, but I wasnt interested in buying the songs on them.

[Tinfoil] Avicii Invector also being in this bundle is clear proof that Fanatical and Humble are mere false-flag competitors, and are actually both controlled by the scaly Illuminati Gaming Network.

LOL this sounds like enthusiast bundle vets that have seen too much bundle combat over the years.

4 years ago

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seen too much bundle combat over the years

But it's only a rather recent thing that Fanatical and Humble both feature the same title within only a few months or even weeks, isn't it?
I don't think that happened in the BundleStars days. (<- Obviously someone will prove me wrong)

4 years ago

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Siege of Centauri looks interesting to me. Too high BTA at this point in time though.

4 years ago

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