What do you think ? Will it be a good bundle as Stellaris MSRP is 40$ like The Witness in where we got pretty nice games as Black Mesa !
Guesses ? We could get Firewatch or Subnautica (MSRP 20$)
GIB : https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/w5cma/neon-drive

7 years ago

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I always find it surprising that people guess Firewatch when it isn't even sold at HB ... have there been monthly bundles that included games HB doesn't sell in their store?

7 years ago

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I don't think so :p

7 years ago

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Can't find Dungeon of the Endless (June 2016) or Black Mesa (April 2017) so there's still hope for Firewatch

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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I can hope it'll be included, I'm just not expecting it :)

7 years ago

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I find that far more resonable than all the lists with the latest AAA games though :P

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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that is true, a lot of people just post their wishlist it seems :)

7 years ago

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Dunno about Subnautica as it was on the Freedom Bundle. I just hope it's worth the admission, since the last ones were just meh, in my opinion. I can only dream and hope that Tekken 5 pulls a Slime-San and win the Humble Bundle - Debut Title award, just for the lols.

7 years ago

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don't yuo mean Tekken 7?

7 years ago

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...That's correct... Too many beers...

7 years ago

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or not enough?

7 years ago

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Well for me this if the first humble monthly I ever subscribed to because the game that is guaranteed (stellaris in this case) was a game that I have been looking at and seems interested.

All the other times the guaranteed game was a game that didn't peak my interest and or a game I already have, and before people say well why not buy it anyways since you can just trade the copies and whatnot. Normally when I purchase my bundles or whatnot on Humblebundle I do so more so to get a game that I personally like and if a game in that bundle I don't like/already have then I will trade it or do a giveaway on this site.

So for me I've paid like 10.80 for stellaris (got the 10% being a first sub) and for me that is worth it and the other 6 games that I get will just be a bonus to Stellaris and if none of the 6 games are something that I would like to play then I could always trade them or do a giveaway with those titles.

7 years ago

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I don't want to ruin anything, but completely pointless to make guesses because we don't know anything. That's like I would give you the list of the books on my bookshelf (2-300, let's say) and try guessing which 5 did I pick. + even if we would accidentally name the full bundle, HB wouldn't react in any way, so we wouldn't know it until the bundle is out. What's the point then?

7 years ago

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I think the anticipation is the fun part, just wondering which it could be. I always feel just a little bit sad after stuff like this is revealed, even if I liked what the reveal was (like last month I kept three of the bundled games).

It's the excitement of 'what if'?

7 years ago

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I don't know, we already seen on hype- and preorder culture what it means. People overhyping stuffs then later swearing and trashtalking that it's not what they wanted. If people would be cultured and able to deal with consequences I wouldn't mind it, but half of this site is is used by people who are genuinely upset after a bundle doesn't deliver their outlandish wishes. Just check the SqEnix suprise packs, where people really expected the bundles to contain Just Cause 3 AND Rise of the Tomb Raider for half-third of the minimum price of *each*.
I just feel foolish to be excited about promises (that never been said, lol) instead of just enjoying what you have, play it, enjoy it, and just wait for the unlock, instead of letting a forum-sized hype topic spiral the expectations out of boundaries and then crash back into the reality that maybe not every game is that good, or not even in genres one would enjoy.

7 years ago

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I don't always subscribe to the Humble Monthly, but I do always LOVE guessing what games are coming.

There's just something....hopeful? about it all.

Like, in this day and age, we don't ever buy anything without having read every single review about it. My kitchen kettle broke a few months ago and I just wanted a new kettle so I could make tea and coffee. But my wife! Oh man! It had to have X feature and Y feature, but not that kettle, because it only scored a 3.5 stars on Meta-Kettle or something.

We so often can't just buy the thing, and as such, there are no surprises. I knew before opening the box that the kettle has designated "Speed Boil" zones, whereby if you're only making one cup, it heats up faster. It wasn't a cool hack I found out minths later and was pleasantly surprised about, it was all laid bare in some review.

But what I enjoy about the Humble Monthly bundles that I do subscribe to ( and I'm in on this months ) is when you check the page and it's a bunch of games you haven't heard of. Games you haven't got any pre-conceived notion about their value or worth, totally unknown entity.

And then, you start the googling, scouring for all the tid bits of information about it...not going crazy, not revealing everything, just enough to know if your'e gonna play it or trade/gib it..so you search about and ...oh, it's platformer, but with rogue-like elements? Hmm, sounds quite interesting, I'll give it a play. And then, because you've not looked into it too far, you get to the 3rd level, and there's a mechanic that you didn't expect...maybe you can rewind time, like Prince of Persia, and it's that joy of discovering these things organically and on your own.

I've rambled, but you get the idea.

7 years ago

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I've rambled, but you get the idea.

Totally, but I think you misunderstoor me a little. I love surprises, I love to try new things (food, games, etc) and "unboxing" monthlies as well. Maybe it's just my mindset, but I never really gussed "what's in the box". I'm just curious, interested, waiting, but never did a guess because... I don't know, maybe what I said, feels pointless to spend energy even think about it if it doesn't matter + don't get confirmed even if I'm right. (honorary mention to Be Mine bundles where I LOVE the guessing-detective work) - but I really like the part of the monthly when the games are uncovered. I always check them at humble, not on the forum-listing, checking each page if the game is unknown for me, it's great!

Maybe a TLDR version: I love the unboxing part, but I'm completely uneffected by the waiting/huessing part of getting a gift. When the time comes, I'll care/think about it, until then it's in the "future box" in my head :) until then it's just waiting to happen.

7 years ago

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Having Fun ;)

7 years ago

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There's probably at least one other nice game in there. Can't really predict them personally.

7 years ago

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