20 kids go in the water, 17 come out of the water, Ice cream man takes the rest...
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Today I got up to reading several chapters of fan fiction, spent a few hours pressing F5 on GameFAQs and SG and played a game where you pick a mission and hope the coin flip works in your favour.
Life is great. :D
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Today I woke up later then usual and got distracted by the computer making me almost late for work. The moral of this story is... don't go on the computer before work @_@
On the more serious note though... Things might get better after you move out depending on what kind of situation you'll be in. I know all about being forced to go to college and the pressure added by expectations. I got into college on a scholarship but I was still on "rented money" since my parents were paying for everything college related (from food, rent all the way to college books and spending money). So yeah if that's the rocky time you're having... it's a matter of time until that's done with.
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It's more the expectations, my older brother was the favorite (everyone in my family knew this except for my parents) and he was perfect in the eyes of my parents. And they expected me to be better than him, but it's hard to be better than perfect. They never really pressured me into going to college (as I was always planning on it), though my dad was trying to take the accomplishment of me getting into the college that I got into away from me and trying to pass it off as his work.
(Also I was 5 minutes late to work today, but they didn't care since the store is slow at 7 a.m.)
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Believe it or not, that pressure can make you better in the long run. I've had my share of pressure growing up... besides the "you need to be better then x's kid because I wanna be able to brag" thing. My older sister has mental deficiencies which made my parents put all their hopes on me to "make it" in life. Maybe it's not the same type of pressure but it was rather hard growing up with the eternal "oh you need to do this and that and those" while my sister got to do whatever she wanted because "she doesn't know any better". I don't hold it against them... but that was sure frustrating when I was a kid. Like I said in the beginning... the pressure can help you become better and it will get a lot easier to deal with when you get used to it.
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The message I got was more like "you're not good enough and never will be." I've been hearing that since I was 8? (that's as far back as I can remember anyways). It's a pretty tough thing to deal with, especially at that age. I eventually got into this state of apathy. I just didn't care at all because I knew it wouldn't be good enough anyway. For a long time the only thing I really had was my computer and my games because those where the only things I knew I was good at. I was finally able to turn around, no help from my parents though, but I did finally manage to (maybe?) make them see what they were doing after an ... let's call it an "incident" ... that occurred.
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Some times it's necessary. I've had plenty of disputed with my dad... even went as far as leaving the house for days. There will always be expectations and there will always be differences between generation... not to mention the difference in priorities between ages.
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I don't remember when I was eight, lol. Earliest I can kind of remember is like 5th grade or something when I first started getting a bit too "different" or whatever. Now I have that same problem that you had, I have no motivation to do anything most of the time, so while I should probably be looking for a job to be able to pay for college, I just really don't care... I gave up on high school halfway through Junior year and passed my GED test with honors the next year, but it's been about a year since then and I haven't done anything really...
My parents kind of stopped pressuring me as much I think after my grades were low for a while, but they were never really the problem for me, mostly it was my luck with girls, one in particular... I don't know if other people feel this, but I just have a hard time caring about my life when it seems like whatever I actually try for never seems to work out... I don't know, though, I just try to stick to my games to keep my mind off of the darker things that it sounds like you might have had some experience with, too...
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Darker things like: depression, rage, apathy, suicidal/homicidal thoughts and/or actions, psychological disorders, etc.? Yeah, I felt/had it all. I came to terms with what has happened though and it usually doesn't bother me, though it does come back sometimes.
As for school, well, even with my apathy I was able to pass with A's, though I did do most of my assignments the day they were due (usually while riding the bus, in the class before, or in the class of).
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hmmm how can I say this. everyone has tough shit/ times in their life. We as human beings are a resilient species and can use these trials and tribulations to make ourselves better and stronger or allow them to make us fragile and weak. By the time I was six months old I had a broken clavicle, a broken hip, multiple fracture in both legs, a broken right arm. In addition to this I had a dramatic dislocation of the right lens, a retinal tear, and septic arthritis due to the broken hip. My right leg had stunted growth and was shorter than the left and I had to have it broken several more time to get them to the same length which meant learning to crawl three different times. By the time I was 4 I had a retinal detachment due to scar tissue from the previous damage. I can't tell you the amount of crap I had to put up with during my school years due to the fact I only had one eye. Lets just say I will forever hate the movie the goonies.
Even after all that though I realize there were people out there that have it far worse than I did and while I might not be able to say it gets better I can definitely say you can get stronger and put up with a lot more crap. Now back to this damn puzzle that has me beating my head against a wall cause i'm kinda dumb.
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You survived all that, I'm sure you can survive this.
And I know, it made me weak at first, but I clawed out eventually. Now I'm probably one of the most mellow people around.
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Lifes still rough but hell we only get one. I don't know if I can survive that puzzle I need a partner!!!! Yeah once you see enough crappy stuff things don't bother you near as much as it does someone with less experience. I also think I'll always be weak but in knowing my weakness I'm better at protecting them.
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I did say you can work with friends. Also, if you have a question, post it in the Why? thread and I might answer it.
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omg I just hit the first puzzle and I hate you I really really suck at this I hate you soooooooo much right now. :P :P
Seriously though I hate these! I can never figure these out because I sucked at this in school also.
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This week I had one of the worst nights I've had in a long while. I've bee kinda depressed since then, but I"m slowing been getting better. Not to the point where most people would say that I'm okay, but better.
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I read this as "How many guys are you doing?" It's 2:30am so I had a pretty juvenile laugh about it. Anyways, I'm doing pretty good, but it's been super busy this week. My son started back school and I returned to work and college after a month break. I can't complain since I had a long vacation of doing absolutely nothing.
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I feel great. It's friday. I'm going to watch firework show tonight, have no hard job to do, going to the rock show next friday of the band I never even dreamed of hearing live. And it's still summer, though it's getting a little chillier colder, not spicier lately.
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I'm doing ok for now. I just woke up alive, which is a good way to start the day. Maybe I'll do a karma giveaway for a recent win.
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Seems like stressful times, but hopefully you're dealing with it a little at a time so it doesn't become overwhelming.
Power through it, and here's to having some better times headed your way. Good luck. :)
Hope this lifts up your day, even if it's just a little bit.
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Well, my day did get better after I posted this, found out I won a contest by Degica Games and will be getting a $25 Humble Store voucher.
Makes up for the crappy time I had at work.
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That's not quite it. It's more like they are (and have always been) having trouble with who I am as opposed to who they want me to be.
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r u serious?
major bummer! hope you feel better soon
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this is some crazy shit.
Hope you feel better soon....
have you thought about claiming money from health insurance? that way you'll have more to spend on games :)
for you ofcourse :)
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Nothing? not even a private one?
most people here have both governmental one and a private one.
some even buy 2...
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head trauma? loss of work days?
we have lawyers who "hunt" down those who got injured by something (like car accidents) and sue the government...
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i was pistol-whipped for standing still because i just froze there... it wasn't fun at all. it's the second time that shop gets robbed, i think i'm gonna stay away from it, pity because it's just a few blocks away from where i live and i kinda know the owner.
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I also freeze when I am being robbed. I hate that.
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Unfortunately being robbed is a common thing in my life, it happens pretty often. There's even been death in my family because of it. Especially where I live - Brazil.
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Not all parents are bad (not talking my crazy parents)
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I know, but mine definitely weren't that great. Who tells an 8-yr old that they'll basically amount to nothing?
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was that in fish years? peeked in you profile
but i guess you proved them wrong. or will prove them wrong.
anyway, their are/were wrong and that's what matters...
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No, in human boy years.
Ehh ... we'll see. There's more information in some of the above posts.
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I read some of the above.
i really think you'll have a great future. and i'll cheer for you all the way ;)
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Just curious, I've had a pretty rocky time in the past few weeks. Job, chores, unreasonable parents, paying for college ... all that fun stuff.
Anyway, here's a little something for your troubles!
Parents ... it's like they only hear every other word, at least they always hear the first.
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