I'd much rather have a game bundle, but there are some pretty good comics here, Saga, Fatale, and Revival are probably my 3 favorite comics. Morning Glory is pretty cool as well, I've only read the first 2 issues of East of West, but it was pretty cool too. In all honesty TWD is probably one of the worst comics in the bundle and i would not recommend anyone spend $15 to get them. I like TWD, i just think the other comics i mentioned above are better.
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To each his own. I know a lot of people feel this way, but I actually enjoy being able to read in the dark. Also, the way Comixology works, it lets me focus on each panel separately, and I find that at times it enhances the reading (at other times, for example for full page panels, it can be confusing). For digital comics that show full page only (such as PDF) I think that a tablet won't be enough and a larger monitor is needed.
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Why dont they just repeat good bundles like the origin one or the indie bundle?
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The Origin Bundle was a one-time-deal, where EA was trying to burnish its tarnished image. It is doubtful that EA will ever go there again. At least not with its higher-priced games. Humble certainly could renegotiate another indie bundle, but it looks like they're making moves to become more of a regular storefront business. That, while also courting the pros, and courting the pros and becoming a storefront means de-emphasizing indie and raising their average sales numbers in order to make themselves more attractive to larger game companies.
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Actually, the opposite is true. When the Humble Bundle first released, Indie Bundles (the main, numbered ones) were released ~6-7 months apart. The last two numbered bundles came out a month apart (January and February) and the last few before those were only 4 months apart. If anything, Indie Bundles are being released more frequently as time goes by. And I know you weren't, but the people that complain about the lack of good bundles (which the numbered ones usually are) are more seeing the more frequent non-numbered bundles and thinking that this is delaying the numbered bundles, which, again, is the opposite of what's happening.
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Amazon (meaning 100% cover price - in a lot of stores - especially in my country - you're getting 10-20% off cover price by default - that's the way they compete with big shops like amazon).
You're not considering regional price difference. American Cover Price is 15$ per volume, while for example Polish Cover Price 10-13$ depending on volume. 100% cover price of 1-5 volume collection is 36$.
DISCOUNTS :> You're comparing a bundle, which by default is supposed to be a discount to full price in most expensive region(or one of more expensive, didn't bother to make full research on prices in all countries ;p). Volumes 1-5 are quite oldish, so they are much more possible to go on sales. I bought my collection on 50% sale in big store, paying 50% of cover price (cover price 110 PLN, 50% off 55PLN = 18.11USD ~18$). You may argue that "but it's discounted price" - but bundle is supposed to be a discount as well. So as a discount for me as well as many other people it sucks. Like I said - I was able to easily buy 5 volumes instead of 2, in chronological order (vol 20 in HIB is pretty much meaningless, as you cannot really enjoy it without other 18 volumes) for just 3$ more. And I guess with the title being old and discounted because of that many other people could as well.
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All I was saying though was that just because you bought it for $18, it doesn't mean that it's actually worth $18. Most of the stores I go to actually don't offer 10-20% off the cover price. At least my local comic store doesn't anyway. In addition, you're not paying $15 for two volume of The Walking Dead, but you're paying $15 for two volumes of the walking dead plus a bunch of other comics as well. Considering the average as of right now is 9.24, that means you're only paying $6.76 for The Walking Dead volumes 1 and 20; That's 2 books instead of 5 but for essentially a third of the price (If they did have the first 5 instead though I wouldn't complain and I would probably put forth that extra $6 or so as well). I've found, however, that the cheapest way to get comics is to buy them in bulk off eBay :P (but that's because shipping is convenient for me since I live in the US where there are a lot of sellers).
And for everyone wondering why they did #20 instead of #2 (just because I've seen this question quite a bit), apparently their line of thinking was that they would give people the first volume for obvious reasons but also give them the most recent volume so that they could get a taste of their newer stuff. I'm only bringing this up to present their line of reasoning, not because I personally believe that this is the best way to do it.
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First let me say that I didn't take anny offence from your comment - I just tried to counter it with my way of thinking ;p And long story short it is that both BTA sucks, but the TWD BTA sucks the most. You say that they're giving people the taste of newer stuff - well look into this from different point of view. I haven't read TWD20 (I'.m currently on 13)BUT I am pretty sure that TWD20 will containt a lot of at least not-direct spoilers. For example you will know someone is not alive anymore. And considering 18 volumes span there's gonna be a lot of such a things (I won't mention them here, but if you read comics you know what I'm talking about ;p). So basically you get 1 (ONE!) readable spoiler-free volume discounted by 50% considering current BTA and American cover price. Plus Volume which if you read you may spoil you all the fun, so there is no point in reading it b4 you read 2-19.
On the other hand I found below BTA tier awesome. I'd bought it if I wouldn't have most of it alrready ;p So as an idea for a bundle it's quite good, especially for people who are not just gamers but generally nerds, intrrested as well in comics - but pricing is B$ ;p Especially as TWD fixed tiers rises BTA for tier 2 to insane amounts.
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Yeah, as I said, I wasn't saying that I fully supported their decision to put Volume 20 in there, I was just explaining the reason that they gave for doing it. Below BTA tier was an insta-buy for me as well and I personally decided to go BTA just to get more comics and more exposure to series that I haven't read before and also because I knew more stuff would be added next week (I'm hoping for something Spawn-related). But yeah, the average is really high (compared to previous bundles, that is) for this bundle. I personally don't watch the Walking Dead show and I have enough comics on my plate already to read, and that combined with the fact that it would be quite expensive to buy 20 (18) volumes of a series that I have no incentive to read (though I am sure it is a good series) locked me in at only the BTA tier, but if I were interested in reading the Walking Dead then I definitely wouldn't want to read Volume 20 right after I read Volume 1, as you stated. All in all this is a great deal for me, as the only thing I've read from any of these is one issue of Fatale (Most of the stuff I read is DC stuff since it's not cheap to be able to read a bunch of different series, especially when you have a preference for reading things in print). Also, I don't remember seeing the bundle page list what issues are in each collection before (it does now). That's a helpful addition.
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I always buy Ebook, Android, Comic, and Comedy bundles and bundles with no steam games to protest this shit. And hey, maybe I can use them later.
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By the way, for everyone who lives in the USA (I'm not sure if it's a thing outside of the US) who either is interested in this or is considering buying it, this Saturday is Free Comic Book Day and if you stop by your local comic retailer you'll be able to pick up some comics from a predetermined selection for free and see if comics are your kind of thing (though the comics for FCBD aren't always as high-quality as the kind that you'd pay for, depending on what you get - this lack of effort for FCBD comics applies mainly to Marvel Comics, IIRC).
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While I don't care one way or another about the current comic book bundle, I am very happy with the news about book bundles happening more frequently. I'm probably one of the few. I'm all for publishers working with new ways to do ebooks so that Amazon doesn't take that over too.
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Is there really any point in them providing both a CBR and CBZ download? There's only 1mb difference in size between them, and comic readers can use either.
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Oh I know what they are, but I was contemplating the relevance of having them both. For example what comic reader exists that can not read a CBZ and only a CBR that both would be required? The difference of being 1mb larger (every archive in the lower tier which I got) is inconsequential.
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I have an idea: http://groupees.com/clash4# (great music there)
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At least the Humble Store Spring Sale that started today is pretty good.
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