Hopefully this is cool with the admins just trying to help out a bros dog:

First time readers
I'm really not the type of person who likes asking for things, even from people I know. However after discussing it with some people in Vinesauce chat they recommended I create a post on the forums about this.

My dog Tich, he's 8 months old and we just found out he has elbow AND hip dysplasia. We're going to get him X-rays on Tuesday which will cost £250 to start off, then he'll need a lifetime of painkillers and whatever other medication they can offer to help ease his pain.

There is another option though, surgery to fix his joints. The only problem, it costs about £2,000... Something my girlfriend and I just can't afford, especially since I can't find a job. (Trust me I've been trying).

What am asking is if any kind Vinesausages would be willing to donate towards the "Tich Fund". I feel dirty just asking and I'd find it perfectly reasonable if nobody donated however if you have any spare change lying around in an account or something and you'd like to put it to a really good and noble cause, you would earn the eternal grattitude of me and my family.

Personal Message (Offline)

Help fund Tich's surgery UPDATED: X-ray details
« on: February 11, 2012, 08:36:35 AM »
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First time readers
I'm really not the type of person who likes asking for things, even from people I know. However after discussing it with some people in Vinesauce chat they recommended I create a post on the forums about this.

My dog Tich, he's 8 months old and we just found out he has elbow AND hip dysplasia. We're going to get him X-rays on Tuesday which will cost £250 to start off, then he'll need a lifetime of painkillers and whatever other medication they can offer to help ease his pain.

There is another option though, surgery to fix his joints. The only problem, it costs about £2,000... Something my girlfriend and I just can't afford, especially since I can't find a job. (Trust me I've been trying).

What am asking is if any kind Vinesausages would be willing to donate towards the "Tich Fund". I feel dirty just asking and I'd find it perfectly reasonable if nobody donated however if you have any spare change lying around in an account or something and you'd like to put it to a really good and noble cause, you would earn the eternal grattitude of me and my family.

Our dog Tich

UPDATE: X-ray day
So the X-ray is done on his hips/legs and eblows. We had to leave him their for about 5 hours which was horrible however things are slightly better than we expected. Cost for the day: £226

Hip dysplasia confirmed in right hip.
At the moment they cannot confirm dysplasia in his eblow.
Massive inflamation in his right front leg.

We've been given a weeks worth of "very strong" anti-inflamation medication for his leg over the next week so hopefully that will help his front leg and will no further treatment will be required... This is the best case senario, what could happen is that he has to go in for a CT scan on his front leg to confirm the elbow dysplasia which alone... Would cost £800. So we've to take him back next week to check him over after the weeks treatment, at the moment he's completely doped out after being sedated and currently sleeping beisde me.

Personal Message (Offline)

Help fund Tich's surgery UPDATED: X-ray details
« on: February 11, 2012, 08:36:35 AM »
Reply with quoteQuote
First time readers
I'm really not the type of person who likes asking for things, even from people I know. However after discussing it with some people in Vinesauce chat they recommended I create a post on the forums about this.

My dog Tich, he's 8 months old and we just found out he has elbow AND hip dysplasia. We're going to get him X-rays on Tuesday which will cost £250 to start off, then he'll need a lifetime of painkillers and whatever other medication they can offer to help ease his pain.

There is another option though, surgery to fix his joints. The only problem, it costs about £2,000... Something my girlfriend and I just can't afford, especially since I can't find a job. (Trust me I've been trying).

What am asking is if any kind Vinesausages would be willing to donate towards the "Tich Fund". I feel dirty just asking and I'd find it perfectly reasonable if nobody donated however if you have any spare change lying around in an account or something and you'd like to put it to a really good and noble cause, you would earn the eternal grattitude of me and my family.

Our dog Tich

UPDATE: X-ray day
So the X-ray is done on his hips/legs and eblows. We had to leave him their for about 5 hours which was horrible however things are slightly better than we expected. Cost for the day: £226

Hip dysplasia confirmed in right hip.
At the moment they cannot confirm dysplasia in his eblow.
Massive inflamation in his right front leg.

We've been given a weeks worth of "very strong" anti-inflamation medication for his leg over the next week so hopefully that will help his front leg and will no further treatment will be required... This is the best case senario, what could happen is that he has to go in for a CT scan on his front leg to confirm the elbow dysplasia which alone... Would cost £800. So we've to take him back next week to check him over after the weeks treatment, at the moment he's completely doped out after being sedated and currently sleeping beisde me.

Tich literally seconds before he fell asleep, they also shaved part of his leg. Poor boy.

Tich digging in to some scrambled egg. (Light diet, Vets orders) The day after his X-ray. You can see his unusual gait on his front legs in this picture.

How you can help Tich
If you'd like to donate via paypal please send all donations to: scotticusprime@hotmail.co.uk
If you'd like to help but can't afford to donate towards his cause or have no means to, spread the word! Tell your friends, tell everyone on face book. Tell the world!

I'm unaware if there are other ways to collect donations online but I'm open to suggestion, if there are people who would like to get involved in helping to raise funds for Tich please feel free to contact me, even if you can't donate money yourself I'm willing to accept any help I can get. He's our dog and we love him, we'll do anything to give him a happy life.

Information on his condition
Reddit Thread, any upvotes will help raise awareness - (Link)
Wikipedia article on Hip Dysplasia in Dogs - (Link)
Youtube video on Hip Dysplasia - (Link) Note: Tich his Eblow Dysplasia too which is dysplasia of the front legs not just the hind legs.

Buy stuff to help fund the surgery
This section is dedicated to listing products/services that myself (or others) are willing to sell to help fund the surgery.

Buy a print (or 20) of Tich from our deviant art! (Click here)
My TF2 backpack, loads of hats and stuff including a clean bills hat - (Click here)

http://vinesaucevidya.com/vinetalk/index.php?topic=1355.0 original source

13 years ago*

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13 years ago

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Double post.

13 years ago

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The animal will only suffer from here on. It's illogical to stretch out his lifespan like that.

People and things die. Most people find it hard to deal with that particular fact.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Nice job with the pictures

13 years ago

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hey i just copy pasted it, go to the real link if you want pics and clickables

13 years ago

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cool story bro

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

13 years ago

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IDK if I'd donate(can't atm anyway), I just hope the animal get's well at the end

13 years ago

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No offense, and best of luck with your situation, but a pet is a responsibility, just like a child or anything else you have to look after and care for. If you can't afford to take care of a pet (including being able to afford up to at least a few hundred in vet bills at pretty much any given time), you shouldn't have one. It's just that simple. Frankly, I'd recommend trying to find the dog a new home with someone who can afford it, unless this is more about your friend's selfish desire to have the dog than doing what's best for the animal.

13 years ago

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this, 100% wholeheartedly this!!!

13 years ago

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That might work if they couldn't afford to feed it. Unfortunately, how many people are going to take in a dog that then immediately requires a £2000 bill to heal it? And rescue centres, as Voho semi-mentioned above, are crowded, under-resourced and can't afford to spend that much on a single dog.

13 years ago

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I think if the owner put as much effort into finding someone who would give the dog a good home and get it taken care of as he seems to have put into trying to raise money for it, he could probably manage to find someone like that out there. I'm not trying to bash the guy or anything, I just don't think he's really even thought about it, to be honest. Our attachments can cause us to overlook more obvious solutions.

13 years ago

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Would you give away your sick child, because you can't pay a $100k for his surgery? Situations like that are not common, and you can't prepare for this.

13 years ago

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Preparation has nothing to do with it. A pet can incur large expenses at any time through illness, injury, etc.. If you own one, you should be able to come up with amounts of money comparable to what he's talking about, at least over the course of a few weeks or months. From there, there are various options, whether it's working out a payment plan with the vet, putting it on a credit card, getting a loan from a friend or relative even, to be able to get the dog taken care of. If you can't manage that, you're not financially fit to own a pet. I'm not saying the guy is a bad owner, but pets cost money. It's an unfortunate fact in this case. As for the child remark, I'll just say that trying to equate a pet to a child leads to the inevitable conclusion that the government should extend welfare programs to subsidize poverty-ridden crazy cat ladies. Is that something you're prepared to deal with in this hypothetical world gone mad where pets warrant the same treatment as children?

13 years ago

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Of course, school needs to be made compulsory for pets.

13 years ago

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No offense meant by this, but its £2000 to save one dog, or I can donate it to the RSPCA to rehome twenty.

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by deadlyhabit.