6 years ago*

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who will now need this game there?

6 years ago

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I would say (Maybe I'm wrong), that they get more profit from there so they can have more margin to do other things. (The profit is about the difference on fees between steam and epic store)

6 years ago

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Yes they may get more money per sold item (which depending on the price of the game varies) but if the average sales are less then they would make on other stores in the same time (which of course no one can say if that will be the case or not) they might earn less money in the long run too....even if the margin they get back is bigger.

6 years ago

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And who is WATCHING games in youtube or twitch? Makes no sense at all.

6 years ago

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Many people do that. For them it makes sense. They're not interested in playing but still want to know the story.

6 years ago

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i hate point and click but alot have great stories so i'll watch them on my laptop as i play another game on my pc.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I'm sure they will give away the first parts for free soon.
Not even mad. From what they told in the link epic is helping them to get the old people back and with that finishing the game.
People who have it on steam already will still get everything and maybe even a better version than before (with epic "boosting" this as an add for the store)

6 years ago

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All this epic store thing reminds me of what happened to cs streaming last year. ESL (one of the biggest cs tournament organizers) sold the streaming rights to facebook, and from that point on all their tournaments were streamed exclusively through facebook. There was a lot of talk about how they must have gotten a crapload of money out of the deal, and how the new platform could potentially reach 30 million users who never heard of esports. About how competition is a good thing. How the whole deal maybe was a good thing. But everyone knew it was a failure. Everyone knew it wouldn't work. And guess what - now, a year of facebook streaming later, ESL isn't happy with the viewership. Info leaked that even Valve isn't happy with it (and ESL didn't host a single Valve tournament the entire year). My point is, Epic might be giving developers trucks of money. They might be paying their salaries and bringing people in to help finish the games. But after that, it's over. It's a one time deal. Any developer who sides with their store thinking otherwise is bound to failure.

6 years ago

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I support this thought

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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He never said competition was a bad thing, but how you go about being competitive does matter. He's also not talking about Epic -- he's referring to the developers who sign exclusive to Epic.

Using your egg comparison -- if I were selling eggs, I wouldn't want to sell them all at one store, and definitely not at a store that only offers, for instance, a handful of other items. I'd want to sell them at as many stores as possible, and particularly in stores that I know are frequented by a lot of people who buy often, reaching the largest market possible. Especially if I know there are people selling eggs for the same price elsewhere.

And even if you were the only guy selling eggs, and only selling them at that one store, you're missing sales from the people who will simply do without eggs (because they don't like that particular store, they don't offer much more than just eggs, or any number of other reasons) or find a substitute elsewhere.

Edit: TLDR: Exclusives aren't enough to be competitive.

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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For me the platform (Epic Client etc) is fine. I'm not against another client installed on my machine. I already have uPlay, Steam, Origin, GOG (whatever the name is) and now Epic. Wait, there's Discord as well. One more launcher will not hurt my 16 GB RAM / SSD-ed machine.

The problem is their reach. Look at how many games on Steam already. Where's Dead by Daylight that I play often nowadays? Steam. Where's Dota 2? Steam. Where's Overwatch? Battle Net. Warcraft Reforged? Battle Net. Other than Steam, there's only one platform for PC that attracts my attention -- Battle Net. Other clients only have very few games I'm interested in. I did beat some games on uPlay and Origin, but less than 10 whereas I beat 30 games regularly / year on Steam, other than regular games I play daily like Dota 2.

I do admit I'm interested in Last Year: The Nightmare on Discord as well but.... surprise, here's the real killer, it's in USD. Steam manages to convince me to keep buying from them because they know how to apply regional pricing. People generally love cheaper pricing, this Steam's regional pricing is a big plus for me. And sadly, I don't think other platforms are interested with regional pricing. Big turn off.

And all cheap bundles nowadays give Steam keys e.g Humble Monthly. I really don't mind if they give Epic/Discord keys I still give monies to Battle Net because they have some games I really want to play e.g OW/WC:R. But Epic Store / Discord? I doubt they can afford to boost developers like this promotions in the future, can't imagine how much money they'll burn that way.

For now, in my view, fighting with Steam is a lost cause. If they want to go head to head, at least make it like GoG with their unique approach. Epic and Discord are no different than uPlay or Origin at their current state.

6 years ago

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they are going to put most (if not all) of those exclusives on steam when they realize they didn't sell enough despite getting 92% profits (bad valve with 30% fee, oh no *slaps*). 🤦‍♀️

some think competition is good because there are several stores around, but epic is "competing" with everyone else by making... everything exclusive. if a store (origin, epic) has all their titles exclusives, where's the competition?
what epic does sound more like monopoly.

unlike steam+gog+ubi, which share most of their games across all platforms (and i said MOST because i know valve games are exclusive to steam, no need to point it out).
customers can choose where to buy a game from based on their favorite client, price, support, etc. that's being competitive.

6 years ago

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I also expect they'll eventually turn around and put them back on Steam.

We should stand against PC gaming fragmentation.

6 years ago

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someone just needs to make 1 client that will log in and organize all your games across all your clients.

6 years ago

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like Playnite?

6 years ago

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Hell yeah, this is exactly what i thought! I just wish I'm that good at English...

6 years ago

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Thank you. This is what I've been trying to say to other people on various places and the comprehension is just not there. Exclusives is not competition, and very anti-consumer. Any game currently only available on steam as a platform, can be sold however the developer wants using a steam key, with no profit or benefit to valve. Not so with epic. These games will only be purchasable on one store, never mind just one platform. And if epic becomes successful and can afford to buy out more and more rights to games, we will end up with a true monopoly of both storefront and platform. This is why the practise must be punished, and I will not support devs who do this.

Oh and the whole 'you can only buy X publishers games on X publishers platform, so Epic is fine to buy third party exclusives' is rubbish, because you just have to look on Amazon to see that up until now, all the platform exclusives are still not exclusive to any one store and we have options for retailer sales. You can buy an overwatch PC code on amazon, you can buy half life 2 on Green man gaming etc. These epic exclusives are a different animal. One store in the entire world to buy them, too bad if the service and price suck.

6 years ago

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I tend to agree with you for the most part.

I'm going to go a step further and call it right now -- I believe Epic is overvaluing the crowd they built with Fortnite, I believe the developers signing exclusively with Epic are shooting themselves in the foot, and we the consumers are going to be the ones getting the hard end of the stick when developers can't afford to cut prices or are forced to cut prices because they haven't sold enough copies, and then can't afford to put food on their tables and go out of business.

In the end, they're going to have to also sell elsewhere to make the money they need to stay in business.

6 years ago

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Oh yes, that is very much a concern I share as well. And these are some of my favourite developers too. I did some sums previously and with the lower fees Epic will still need roughly 80% of the market reach of Steam to make exclusivity worth it for these developers, and without 3rd party retail support and the extra marketing that brings, I'm not sure they'll get it on the strength of the millions of free to play fortnite gamers.

It's low risk for Epic, because they will be carried by fortnite (for now), but for some of these middle size devs like Coffee stain and Supergiant, having lower sales for even just the first year of a game's release could be catastrophic, and I just don't understand why they are taking this gamble.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Considering Telltale is bankrupt, I highly doubt those final episodes of The Walking Dead will be any good anyway.

6 years ago

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key staff members were aquired from what i know and much work was already done (save for actual implementation). i may be wrong, but its like an album by an band you love, or a film jumping studios. it might just work out as far as the game goes.

6 years ago*

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Certainly possible, but I'd think that the new publishers want that game out the door as soon as possible.

6 years ago

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also entirely possible / plausible.
cant tell until we play it I suppose eh?!

6 years ago

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It will be funny to watch when it turns out that fortnite kids aren't actually interested in buying other games.

We all know how most of lottery winners lose most of the money within a few years. Epic has won a lottery with fortnite and now they're burning the money it brought them. But money burns faster than it's made. Hopefully they put some of the stash in another place.

6 years ago*

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I think they do not really think that of the already registered users for fortnite (or other stuff) will buy there.
But it is a lot easier to tie developers with for example those (time) exklusive stuff to the Plattform if you can say that you already from the start have 2 Million (or whatever usercount fortnite generated on accounts) possible buyers for your product.

6 years ago

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I don't consider this THAT big of an issue when you consider the fact that people who previously bought it on Steam or GOG will still get the final episodes regardless. So it's not like the people who would care about the Final Season the most are getting screwed out of anything (aka the people who already put money down for this).

6 years ago*

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Can't post a bad review there, smart on their part.

6 years ago

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Can you hear that in the distance?


6 years ago

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Game sucked anyway.
S1 is the best and only one. 2 and 3.... meh

6 years ago

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Well, it started off in a trainwreck, only fitting that it ends in one.........

So not only are consoles littered with exclusive and other crap to get you to pick sides, now PC gaming is doing the same thing...
I won't be buying it, I don't want the first 2 games on one platform and the last of the series on another. Whoever greenlit this whole exclusive thing I hope it blows up in there face, I am for competition but this is even making Steam not look so evil, at least they never stooped to paying people to only release on Steam.

They should feel ashamed of using this tactic, instead, they are patting themselves on the back. I also wish to share any developer who also partakes in this, the same applies and you won't be getting my business either so enjoy your greed, I hope it was worth it.

6 years ago*

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Episode 3 is out now.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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If they do bring it back or any other the other Telltale TWD games they will probably all be sold exclusively on the Epic Games Store.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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