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You are broke but you gave away 3 copies of Mortal Kombat X ?
Anyway, I think posting this is against the rules :
Do not ask users for payments or donations for any reason.
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Stop using Indiegogo to try to get a new PC and shit like that, is disgusting and even if you are serious about that, you don't write things like "I am depressed and very very sad.".
There are people who really need help and you are using a fundraising system for this? you just want a new PC to play Call of Duty 24/7 Go out and sell your kidney to the black market, at least you will be useful to some person that needs the kidney.
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if ur just trying to rip peple off and actually found those pics at the net or trolling i hope youll get perma ban and no access to the internet also all I see on ur steam profile is "im selling games" since u got money for buying/re-selling games you have for new PC. bb
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It made me very very sad and depressed.
No holes in shirt? No broke.
broken down
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If the people in those pictures really are you and your family... you definitely could save a lot of money by eating less, obesity is not a sign of poverty, but one of excess and gluttony.
With all the money that you save by eating less you will eventually have enough for a very good desktop, but in the meantime, since your current computer is too bad for your needs, you really should spend your free time playing outside, burning some calories.
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meh... You're making assumptions, there.
There are many reasons for obesity, and once you're obese, calorie-counting won't solve the problem. For most people, slimming down requires a change in eating habits (what you eat, and when) and an increase in exercise (to speed up the metabolism). That won't help you if you had a medical problem (e.g. thyroid), though.
As for money issues, most of that is solved by spending more wisely. Even a person living on the street or in a shelter can stretch his or her money further by budgeting expenditures. After all, computers and games are a luxury, not a necessity.
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I am indeed making assumptions as I do not know him and I am speaking only based on those pictures.
I don't consider the reasons for obesity to be that many, and a combination of overeating and lack of physical activity seems to account for most, if not all of such cases, excess fat doesn't generate from drinking water, it's the body's response to eating a lot more than neccessary. Using a medical condition such as thyroid problems as an excuse (which seems to be very common among obese people these days) is quite pathetic as although this constitutes a problem and slows one's metabolism, the weight gain caused by this will only be somewhere around 10 - 15 pounds in the most extreme cases. Assuming that a person with such a condition does everything else right, he/she will not be overweight, let alone obese. It is true that some have it harder than others, but such is life, we are not equals and while someone may have thyroid problems, somebody else could be battling with a much more severe condition.
This whole fat acceptance trend is a huge problem and the fact that it is gaining more and more adepts is alarming. Supporting this is like supporting addiction to any drug, the main difference being represented by the fact that obesity kills more people than any drug and at the same time it cripples public care systems due to the high costs associated with taking care of obese people. Obesity is not a disability and thus we should not treat it as such, it is perfectly preventable and even when it is achieved, returning to normal is still doable, it just requires work and it varies between individuals.Body acceptance should be about things that cannot be changed such as skin marks, missing body parts etc, not about something that is caused by laziness and indolence. I know that I may come out as a douchebag, but I don't want to live in a world where being unhealthy is the norm.
As for your argument regarding money issues, that is perfectly true, I was just presenting one option that was in my opinion applicable to the OP.
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depends on the country and social status. here, obesity is usually linked to poverty and stress, because poor people usually have more serious problems and can't afford quality/diverse food (so they end up eating rice and pasta, which are by far more cheaper than meat and vegetables).
so, let's not witch hunt fat people. as with everyone, some just eat whatever they can find even under their sofa and others have serious issues and can't help themselves.
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I'm sorry to break it to you, but those people are not fat because they are poor, stressed and ear only rice and pasta. They are fat because they eat too much of those aforementioned foods and then don't exercise. Now it is true that eating only those carb-rich foods is unhealthy and definitely not recommended, but as far as weight gain is concerned quantity plays a significantly more important role thank quality.
I recommend that you don't let your pity and the misconceptions of the general public mislead you and cause you to ignore the actual facts. This is not a witch hunt, it's simply denying widespread misconceptions. Instead of accepting obesity, we should encourage people to lose weight and become healthy, for their own sake first and foremost. I will say it again, it is not a disease, it is an eating disorder, just like anorexia so we should treat it as such.
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0/10 would click on a thread from a millennial again.
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You got a honest laugh out of me, but sadly no donation.
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They're apparently a lot more lenient, and you get the funds even if you don't meet your goal.
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If you can write and share your thought that is enough, you just need to socializing more.
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lol, I blacklisted you long time ago and now I remember why
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ho god I had totally forgotten about this thread
I am a trustworthy person.
Gets me everytime.
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Wait, he did another topic for that? I remember him making one, told him no advertising and he closed it.Obviously he just tried again later. Really deserving that spot on blacklists.
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Who are you trying to fool?
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if u think that one was disturbing than i wouldnt recommend these 8 steps to succesfully make 8 k a month! Spoiler: contains Donald Duck Daffy Duck Goofy Pluto Mc Scrooge Winnie the Pooh Piglet Minnie Mouse
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$0USD raised by 0 people in 3 hours
I cri evrytiem!
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As an autist you should learn to not take advantage of your faults, but of your strengths.
Besides you got quite a few games on your steam acount and a link to your...own webshop? no job...indeed. If you got at least that far why don't you try to build on it more.
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