As the title says, I went from like 5.16 to 4.16 suddenly... I remember giving alot in the past, when I was able to, but now I cannot reach LVL5 again and even if I could, I wouldn't, because I don't find it fair at all to just lose Level like that, I really hope that Support is nice enough to do the right thing and give me my Level back. I am one of the first members and losing a Level like this really hurts me!

Edit: They should bundle games within a month or two, not within 2+ years. I wasn't losing XP for a long time, that says alot. If staff wasn't able to take care of their website for more than a year or so, then might as well keep it that way, instead of dissapointing their users, I will probably never give away a game on this site, because - Who guarantees that same thing won't happen again? They just spit on the money that I gave away, it's not like I got these for free, I had to pay for every game one way or another, just to be able to give it in hope for level up. I planned to reach Level 6, thats' why I recently started giving games away again, despite of my monetary situation. But, never again. Feel free to judge me instead of judging them.

Edit2: Let me explain further - When I was giving away those games, I knew it's value, I also knew that it could be changed in a few days to reduce value because it was in a Humble Bundle often. But if that days become years and I totally forget about the situation, then you are disrespecting me and all other members. Understand now?!

Edit3: These were Tier3 Humble Bundle RPG Maker VX Ace, costing each around 10-15 Euros/Dollars I think.
I gave it BEFORE it was sold in the other cheap Tier1 Bundles, so they got NO RIGHT to make it 0cv at all. It's the ACE version of RPG Maker!!!

Important edit4: I found out there was another bundle for 1$ with the same software in it just 6 days before I gave keys away, somehow... So, I am willing to show the proof of all my RPG Maker purchases to the Administrators of site, the proof that I bought Tier3 bundle and not from that other website. Please contact me, since my support request is being ignored...

Closing this topic, I suffer mental illness, Anxiety, Depression and mild Psychosis. My apologies to everyone, but I still find this very demotivating for future giveaways, especially after being blacklisted by so many members.

2 years ago*

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Is this fair?! I am here for more than a DECADE!

View Results
Boomer, stop complaining.
Yes, it's fair to lose your fairly deserved XP!
NO, why they did that? It's so unfair!
Give him his level back!

Taken from the FAQ.

Why did my level decrease?
There are two reasons why a decrease could occur.

Values are calculated based on the current USD prices of games in the Steam store. If a game lowers in price, the value of previously created giveaways will adjust accordingly, and this will be reflected on profiles and levels.
Certain games on our site are flagged as "No Value" or "Reduced Value". This is done manually by our volunteers, and therefore there might be a delay before these values are assigned. For example, a game might be included in a bundle on January 10, 2018. If on January 13, 2018 we flag that game as "Reduced Value", with an effective date starting January 10, 2018 (the day the bundle started), then giveaways created between January 10-13, 2018 would have their value reduced accordingly.

You most likely gave away games which were not counted as bundled on SG but were part of bundles and SG has retroactively reduced the cv for those games.

2 years ago

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I will say I don't believe that gives that in the future have reduced value should be taken off as no value for people who gave them. That's about it, though.

2 years ago

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They only do it for games that was bundled/free before a GA was made.
Meaning; If you do an unbundled GA today, and next month that game ends up in a bundle, you won't be losing CV for it when it ends up on the bundled list, as the list is based on the date of bundle/free as well.
The issue is (like here) that the list isn't updated in real time, and when it finally gets updated, some people get huge decreases that does not ''feel'' fair but in reality is no different from giving low CV from the get go.

2 years ago

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not sure it does work like this, I made a GA of Tropico5 Collection before it was bundled, but once offered in bundle, the value immediately decreased from 40cv to 6cv. But I dont complain because I didnt get it for 40€ , in this case you would really feel the pain

2 years ago*

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That's exactly how it works. You gave away Tropico in January 2022, but it had already been bundled in 2021. Its bundle status just hadn't been updated yet, so when they did update it and set it to the earliest bundle date you lost CV retroactively.

2 years ago

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According your profile you made the GA 21-22 Jan 2022.
According the bundled list it was bundled as follows:
Tropico 5: 5 April 2016
Tropico 5 Collection: 30 April 2021.

So unless those dates are entered wrong, it was bundled well before you made your GA.
Remember, there are a million bundle sites out there, so just because you don't know it's been bundled doesn' mean it hasn't.

Again, the biggest issue isn't the CV reductions, it's that the list is not always updated quick enough after a bundle or free event, so it's hard for GA creators to see that they will get reduced CV, or even get it soon-ish aftger GA end. It justy feels unfair when it happens after a long time, and we have gotten used to our levels.

2 years ago*

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Indeed you're right, I didnt notice the history, thanks. Just noticed a full value when created, then became reduced lately. So the only full value remaining is one I got for free (gmg wheel) but the no value ones have been paid so it's a little disturbing from a logical point of view

2 years ago

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That it is, but it is the way the site works, I'm afraid.

2 years ago

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Recently some of the RPG Maker versions were turned into 0 CV, from what I've seen of your previous GAs a decent chunk of your CV came from RPG Maker GAs so that's probably the culprit.
I think this change was done due to the huge disparity between how much CV those granted when compared to their price in bundles, not sure if it's a fair change to make or not tho. I've also lost some CV, as a lot of users did, but the hit wasn't so bad for me because I think I only gave away one of those once.

2 years ago

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The RPG Maker that I gave away was from tier3 bundle if I remember it correctly, it was the newest version and it's still hard to get for cheap, so it's for sure not 0CV, they mistaken it for the older version of it obviously.

2 years ago

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I think Axelflox wrote about the multiple copies of the RPG Maker DLCs that you made.
I don't think that all of them are from Tier 3 but i am too lazy to check it.

2 years ago

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Check here, there's a bunch of RPG Maker things in that list marked as 0 CV. I just based my assumption on that, no clue from what tier those came from, and as I said I'm not sure if this recent change is fair or not.

2 years ago

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Well if Support was to give you back all your XP then they would have to do it for everyone.

2 years ago

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I also lost some CV a month or so ago. I was devastated.

I took the opportunity to reflect, and to reassess my priorities in SG, as well as in life.

It wasn’t easy, no sir!

But I've grown from this traumatic experience, and I can say with confidence that, given enough time, you will as well.

You will thank the moderators for giving you this tremendous opportunity for personal growth! 😁

2 years ago*

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Ah yes, the true hardships in life 😊

I'm sure there is a support group available somewhere. With bad coffee and stale cookies.

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2 years ago*

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Please everything but bad coffee

2 years ago

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Quickly, let's form a union. Only good coffee! We'll even give up our stale cookies, all of them, dammit!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I estimate the reduction (from 5.16 to 4.16) to be about $166 CV - That does seem like a lot of game value to lose in one adjustment.

I'd be interested in how many of your GA's were recently added to this list:

2 years ago

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This is so sad... 😿

2 years ago

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Hurricanes killing people. War's in the world. Cost of living/Recession looming. Nuclear war on the horizon.

But yeah someone losing a number on a website is very sad.

2 years ago

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Glad you agree. Tragic, absolutely tragic... 😿

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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One of the first members and still dont lnow how the site works.

2 years ago

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That's a big leap to be fair. I'm sorry it happened Rilke. 😔 I can understand the fact that you've been trying to build that up over time. Although I doubt the admins will do anything about this because as some said, it would require giving to everybody, what we can only hope is that you get it in other ways your level back.

I am curious to hear where this situation takes you. You can always find me via Steam.

2 years ago

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Thank you brother. I am not stupid to give even a cent on this site anymore after this happening. They should bundle games within a month or two, not within 2+ years. This isn't fair at all, mind games.

2 years ago

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Just stick around, I don't give giveaways at a higher level than Level 2 so you should be good. Also, there are not many who do give giveaways on high tiers, but even if they do, they do give quality sometimes.

When I'll be doing giveaways anyway, I'll be considering my whitelist and friends here. 😄

2 years ago

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Its fair. End of story.

Support is not paid to do what they do. They are volunteers who do it when they have time. Hence adding something to bundle list can take longer. Who are you to set some rules on them? So its not fair when you think you can get something in a bundle and then receive full CV for it just because support doesn't have time to add it to a list of bundled games in time thats acceptable to you.

Also levels are not that important either way. Most of the giveaways are in the lower levels. And all in all this is a site for giving away games, not amassing some virtual ego points.

2 years ago

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this is just the beginning, the worst is yet to come.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Welcome to SteamGifts, where points are low, levels are dropping and people are blacklisting you just "because"!

2 years ago

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I'm in far worse situation.
Was in lvl 6,66 and dropped to 6,62 :o
Then I tried to make some gas to be on my designed lvl again...
And now I'm at 6,67
seriously though, were you under the rock for last... 5-6 years? missed all those "my lvl dropped" discussions so far?

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2 years ago

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This one here is tragic

2 years ago

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Could be worse.

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2 years ago

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noooooooo.... poor guy!

2 years ago

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Another satanist heckin' owned by based God-fearing Christian SG mods. 😎

2 years ago

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That's how "Devil may cry" concept was created.

2 years ago

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Actually I wasn't much active and also didn't develop a habbit of reading Discussions on this site.
Btw - They should bundle games within a month or two, not within 2+ years.

2 years ago

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Like with a lot of things on this site - period between something happens and some measures are taken by support depends only on how bad the situation is xD

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2 years ago

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That's just support in general for most sites, don't fix the problem until it becomes catastrophic.

2 years ago

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It's just a general rule to not giveaway shit, if you care much about your level. Stick to unbundled games through steam gifting (according to your regional prices, be careful to not drop below 75-80% discount), or just use casual bundle games, like the majoriy does.

2 years ago

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nah, i giveaway Doom when it was 60$ on steam store, and year later ID lowers Doom price to 30$, so guess whats happens retroactively with Doom cv. Same was with new Prey. Its just mechanics of this site, ull face it earlier or later anyway. Value decay over time, and i even think it is quite fair, yet i am unhappily about decreace, yeah. Were level 7 like 4 times already :)

2 years ago

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It's not really common, so shouldn't be much of a problem, but yeah, worths mentioning anyway.

2 years ago*

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AFAIK, the CV only decreases if you gave away something after a game got bundled or had a massive discount.

If you give away a game before this happens, you should be safe.

2 years ago

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Let me clarify alittle. Game was 60$ on steam store. Then after a year game got new price of a 30$ in store. It is not discount, just base price gets lower due to game lifetime. It is was in my case with Doom and Prey both distributed to steam by ID Software. And when it is happens, ur 60$ nonbundled game GA becomes 30$ nonbundled game GA. Retroactively. Discounts and bundles did nothing there.

2 years ago

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I see, thanks for clarifying. I guess SG doesn't keep a record of price changes, so it just uses the current base price, even for giveaways in the past.

2 years ago

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Thank you, I missed this kind of threads. Nice to see that someone respects traditions.

2 years ago

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You are very welcome.

2 years ago

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Maybe see it this way: You got 'XP' based on the game not being in a bundle even if you got it in a bundle. So it's not 'fair' that you would get the unbundled 'XP' for the game.

2 years ago

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Maybe see it this way: They should bundle games within a month or two, not within 2+ years.

2 years ago

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Understaffed..They not getting paid, they are volunteers. And some people complained about it not being fair that those old games remained giving CV.

2 years ago

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Old games are the best, I still play the ones from 2004 from time to time... I am tempted every day to switch to WindowsXP! 😅

2 years ago

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Think about it the other way round: If it was bundled within a month or two, you would be level 4 all this time. Instead, you were able to enter lvl 5 giveaways for 2+ years, for free!

2 years ago

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Wow, may I borrow your mind please? That is real positive attitude! I want to be like you! 😅

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This cat makes a lot of sense.

2 years ago

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Personally i believe SG mostly does the correct thing and have good structure of the XP system. I wouldn't really cry for something like this (depending on the loss of course, if i would drop like 5 or more levels i would start to question the system of course, but one level on already low, i wouldn't bother). That said, it is "good", i guess, to question your drop if you are concerned about being wrongly treated in some way.

2 years ago

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That is your problem. And there is no use of the Help genre, you not going to get help, you just have to deal with it like the rest of us.

Staff is ganging up hard on everything from the past, is it demotivating? Very.

Will we get dozens of the these threads now? Yeah probably. I made the first one, yesterday there was someone else, now you.

2 years ago*

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Ye, thank you for understanding though... 🥺

2 years ago

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I lost a fair share of (partly) level too, i understand.

What someone else said and goes in line with what you said, this is slowly killing the site, you already saying you would stop gifting, and you wouldn't be the only one.
I can get sad about it, get angry, but what does it solve? Nothing, only the owner and staff can change things, not us.
There are far far worse problems going around worldwide now, that this is nothing compared to it.

My thread:

2 years ago*

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Sorry, I have to say it: (I still remember the meme)


2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Surely the whole point of the site is just to giveaway games and not worry about some actual number that doesn't mean or achieve anything.

2 years ago

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If you want just giveaway games, Mortal kombat 11 is in sale. Three copies are enough to give you back what you lost and that time it is no CV exploting, so I think we can guarrant you in 2024 you will have that 5 level.

2 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by Indig096.