Simply, you gave away a game that was in a bundle, but not yet in the bundle list. All giveaways for games that are in a bundle are retroactively devalued to the release date of the bundle. Stops people from exploiting the fact only one guy updates the list.
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I'm sorry to ask this dumb question, but I didn't see this explicitly written in CV value thread and I probably missed it.
Bundle/sale 15% CV credit applies retroactively at any point a game is bundled now or years to come?
15% only happens after the first date of bundling, and you still retain full CV value at time of GA prior to bundle date ?
Just wanted to confirm your statement 'retroactively devalue to the release date of bundle'
from the comments in mrpluff's linked CV thread, i think this is actually misunderstood; so a triple A giveaway would be full value without decreasing over time if given on release date ?
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Dayum that's a lot to lose I can only guess that some of the ga's you did now became bundled so that lowers the cv..
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Most of the humble bundle games weren't on the bundle list, now they are
Same goes for the groupees 50 blaster,
Some games still need to be added to the bundle list
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Hmm, now another question. Steam games are region locked here and only trusted website i know which gives region free cd keys are Humble Bundle. Is there another website like this? I wanna ga more but i kinda want to level up too. Because, normally i use reddit for my giveaways, but leveling up is interesting concept here. :)
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dailyindie games, Indiegala, bundlestars, groupees, cubic
Also have region free keys I think
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Just beware that not all games are region free, and most websites won't tell you if they are. Bundlestars does, as does nuuvem, but most other don't. Might be worth checking steamdb if you're unsure if a game has region locked keys or not. It won't tell you if the store sells region locked keys or not, but it will tell you about their existence.
Also, be careful with Humble Bundle, they've had region locked games in their bundles in the past.
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(Lost Planet 3 - Complete) is the reason
. Keep in mind that changes to the list of bundle games will apply retroactively, so if a bundle begins today, attempting to gift the game before it's added to the list will offer no advantage. Games may also be added to the bundle list if they're available for free during a promotion, or if they're highly discounted in a sale.
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To make you understand precisely how it went, Check out this
Lost Planet 3 - Complete, is worth 40$ on the steam store, and was worth the same amount in CV (short for Contributor Value) here until last tuesday.
Your real CV is 20.40$, yesterday it was 54,40$. It's composed of:
14.40$ from other games+
6$ from Lost Planet 3 <---- this was downgraded from 40$ because it was added to the bundle list yesterday and is now worth 15% CV instead of 100%.
Every time a game gets added to the bundle list, it comes with a date (the date the bundle it is in started) that affects all the giveaways that were created since that date.
So, insted of being in the 50-100$ range of level 3, you fell back to the 0.01-25$ range of level 1.
It's bitter for you that you had a day of glory and then had to be disappointed, but that's fair for everyone.
You still got 5CV$ more that what you paid for, so... keep it, it's still a good thing.
List of bundled games
If you need any more help, feel free to ask me about it more! I hope I've been helpful to you. :)
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The part that was unclear to me was the issue of sales counting as bundles, even though games were not actually in any bundle.
I researched before hand, but it caught me off guard that my first giveaway was just cut today 5-6 month retroactive. ouch.
What is the cutoff for the sale = bundle criteria ? 90% ? 80% ?
One more question, when a game becomes giveaway and considered worthless/ungiftable by SG, does it also subtract your CV? Or you keep your CV before game was given away?
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What is the cutoff for the sale = bundle criteria ? 90% ? 80% ?
95% of the US price, but it also takes different regions in account. This usually happens because of pricing in Russia.
One more question, when a game becomes giveaway and considered worthless/ungiftable by SG, does it also subtract your CV? Or you keep your CV before game was given away?
If you mean game becoming free, like the ones listed here, then as long as you gave it before it was free, you keep your old CV.
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Wait. that can't be right.
So 91% is the cutoff then ? That was russia / taiwan only
edit: thank you for GA clarification, this stuff should be added to the sale thread main post
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So take the lowest region price (which is practically always russia) and convert it against the US price ? I see the math.
Just wondering, how would US customer buy a russian market key? Isn't it region locked CIS?
I understand the concept I think, if someone in a region can get it cheaply make it fair for everyone by cutting gift value across the board; but at the same time because of regional pricing, we are not level playing field to begin with, since we can never get that kind of deal (?)
Sorry I am still new and region pricing is unclear to me. thank you for all the information, seriously :)
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Just wondering, how would US customer buy a russian market key? Isn't it region locked CIS?
You are allowed to make region restricted giveaways for regions you don't live in, so there's still possibility of abuse for those who are particularly persistent and buy copies from Russians.
I do agree that it's pretty annoying cause you can't always tell if it's gonna land in the list unless you double check it.
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Here I thought there actually was a hidden gib in there, somewhere :P
just look at Coren's page, 4 years old account, 9 to 1 record, plus this common title theme... I mean come on! figured there must be another cryptic riddle those we love doing :P
Heck I thought of doing it myself but then again laziness took over, so no riddle topic just gibs for badluckday or bloodyfriday? :P
Anyways, I think I avoid this downgrading CV thing by giving bundled games, 1: there are the only ones I can buy b/c unemployment and 2: if they're already bundled then SG can not longer take CV from you, right?
I know, it's bad..
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So let me get this straight...
If I buy a game in the steam store to give away thats worth $20,-. And this game hasnt been bundled (yet). I give it away today, so my CV gets credited with $20,-.
But then a year later, this game gets reduced to $10,- on the steam store and it gets bundled. Does the CV I recieve from the game go down now? And if so, by how much?
Is it now still worth $20,- CV (since thats how much it was when i gave it away)?
or is it now worth $10,- CV (since thats how much it costs now, and i gave it away before bundling)?
or is it now worth $1,50 CV ($10,- x 0.15)
or is it now worth $3,- CV ($20,- x 0.15)
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the cv you get here is based on the USA steam store price.
if a game is bundled, all giveaways created after that date will be bundled.
it doesn't matter when a game is added to the bundle list, what's important is the date it was discounted (date added to bundle list =/= date game got bundled).
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Yes, I understand that when a game gets 95% discount, it counts as a bundle game to. But that and being in a bundle are the only two ways for a game to end up on the bundle list, right?
So what would be the correct answer then in my example?
The CV does not go down? It stays at $20,- CV? Or will it go down to $10,- CV since that is the current price? (I'm not talking about 50% discount, im talking about a new lower steam price)
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game in tier 1-2 in bundle sites.
game discounted for 95% in any region, based on USA store price.
price errors in steam store or other sites (like amazon).
stackable discounts, like alienware coupons (happened with the talos principle).
the cv you get here is based on the USA store price. if a $60 games goes down to $20, then you lose 40cv.
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Thanks. Clear :). And yes, I'm talking the date with reversed working.
So, you give away the game on January 1st, 2015.
The game gets bundled October 1, 2015.
On February 2016 the bundler adds it to the list with the date as October 1, 2015.
In that case you get $10,- CV. But if you put up the giveaway on/after October 1, 2015, you get $1.5 CV.
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