Laugh out loud and move on.
Is it this game by chance?
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Fuck you Canadian idiotic fag, I am going to report you for fraud!
I know generally it's frowned upon here on SG to recommend somebody to commit suicide but I really think for some people it can be a good fit 😅
I mean we are living on a vastly overpopulated planet so for some people, who don't have the potential to contribute anything to the human race, ending themselves and stop wasting our limited resources might be the best thing they can achieve in life.
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You know I didn't mean you, right?
To them? Apparently it was worth it to waste 30 minutes - 1 hour of their time and more importantly call you a faggot so I'm not sure anything of value would be lost.
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Well, if you are compensating him, then it's based on how much the trade was worth, which would have been probably a whole $1.50
Or you could tell him to stick it.
EDIT: Just saw the guy's comment - you basically did a FREE trade, and yet he's demanding compensation? you owe him:
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It's worth nothing but some other free cheap shit.. That's about it xD
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I'm surprised you even managed to trade away such a worthless key. And I'm also surprised that your trade partner finds it worth his time to demand compensation for it. I'm curious, what did you receive in exchange?
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Offer him another worthless freebie as replacement maybe. It's just a huge waste of time. Some people really don't value their free time at all.
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Because all day you are trading and you've got such a strong and well thought opinion.......................................................... insert heavy irony
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noone owes u anything after trading lol, not your bad that some key was revorked.
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Oh look.... More "strong and well thought" opinions..
Anyway, I don't care enough to hijack the thread.. I'm out. Good luck if you ever trade.. You'll need it xD
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very strange to think by your logic, all things all digital and any1 can took something from you anytime.
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If the key got revoked by the developer you can try contacting the shop where you bought it and they should give you a replacement key.
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15 months?
You don't owe them anything. It's out of your control and the warranty period ran out ages ago ;)
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Trades are based on trust. This is purely an "ethical" issue, nobody can force you.. BUT it is your responsibility to keep that trust. This wasn't a key for "resell" but something was activated and revoked.. It differs
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The person they traded with got a working key 15! months ago.
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Apparently it got afraid and deleted its comment so here is the evidence you need for your report.
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in case if he deletes his comments
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I dont understand why you bother removing other comments where you call people faggots and such but then double down here on the personal attacks?
I am sure a mod is going to stop by soon enough and give you a time-out ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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damn i loled hard on this. feels like i just joined the kindergarten area of steamgifts.
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This is unethical and you knew it! Maybe you don't because you are a fucking petty thief. If this was accepted, every fucking dev should steal from other traders by revoking the key the moment they seem trade has been marked complete by the other party.
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Yeah. They seem to want to be perma-banned over a game that a dev revoked 15 months later *smh
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You're wrong though. Honestly. Apparently that scummy dev even revoked keys they gave out themselves:
How could any trader have known that 15 months in advance?
Edit: apparently the post I linked got deleted. I have a screenshot though:
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Yeah, developer had a 3rd party giveaway. Promoting his youtube/twitch/twitter subscribes for a key.
I remember him livestreaming and giving out keys in chat. They probably got burned as well.
It been a long time, don't remember how I got the key.
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So you are angry. And say some harsh unacceptable words.
It clearly wasn't a shady key as it took 15 months to be revoked.
Be angry all you want, but you should be angry at the dev.
Personally I would have given you another crappy game to make you stop crying. But after reading what you wrote here. I would only point and laugh. But...
On that note. Here are some other crappy games just for you.
Don't cry and blame me if they get ninjad.
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Imagine losing your account over a 10c game for acting out in the forums against someone who had nothing to do with your key being revoked smh
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Getting some thoughts in through the spamming he did^^:
First I am not a Lawyer, so this is not legal advice, but only my interpretation based on my knowledge of our law. That said: "our law" in this case would be German one. But since such laws are all based on the same EU guidelines, you can expect it to be the roughly the same for all of the EU.
Is EU law relevant for you? If the other side is located in the EU: yes, if not: maybe? Since Canada is seen as equal in protective rights, I would expect the laws in Canada to be alike.
Most important in this case trading is the same as selling. So you are clearly inside of the 2 year warranty phase (I wonder how some say 15 months is a long time?Maybe it is less in Canada?). Now as a private person you can get rid of it by declaring it without warranty before the trade, but still that would not get you out of an unexpected lose of value situation.
Result would be: reverse of the trade, a new key or money at the level of value lost of the key.
Of cause you would have the same rights against your key source.
So far, so easy... let's get to the complicated part:
Was the key stolen in the first place? Or was it misappropriated? If the later the key removal on steam wasn't ok, and you would be out of the woods (unless it was reasonably clear to see by an average buyer, that the key was fraudulent at the moment when you got it(or if you were the one misappropriating)), since it's between steam and user.
If the key was stolen, then you never legally owned it and a big can of worms get opened. So big that I don't want to go down that road.
But I see the chance, that the keys were actually stolen, as very very very small; In the same way I see the chance that someone would take legal actions against you (especially in some regions you need a minimal value or you would have to jump through a few hoops before.).
Overall I think you are in the clear, and it is between steam and the other party. But still: I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.
Also interpretation of the law chances all the time, and this stuff is still at a point, that we would call Neuland here (or in english virgin soil).
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So I’ve done a trade 15 months ago with someone and his key got revoked by the developer today!
The trader is demanding a compensation. What would u do in this situation?
also he gave me a negative review on steam trades lol?
[8:27 PM]
The game X Wars Deluxe I got from you just got revoked today. I want a replacement. Previous trade with you: revoked today:
X Wars Deluxe 2 — Postimages
[8:38 PM]
Sorry to hear that, many people have reported this issue just recently, but I suggest that u contact the developer.
[8:40 PM]
I got the key from you in a trade. You should send me a replacement key, I can accept another game. Let me know what you have.
[8:42 PM]
I am so sorry Bart the trade was done a very long time ago and im not responsible for the revoke!
[8:43 PM]
Of course you are. You should stand behind every trade you've done.
I'll report you as a scammer!
I have kept the evidence
[8:52 PM]
Fuck you Canadian idiotic fag, I am going to report you for fraud!
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