Do you get this message for every inventory (even TF2 / CS:GO / ...)? Or only for the Steam inventory when "All Steam items" / "Gifts" is selected?
If it's the former: no idea.
If it's the latter: it's because the user has hidden his gifts.
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I know about the feature to hide your gifts, but even if thy're hidden, it still should display something, empty item slots apparently (if yhe doesn't have any cards or backgrounds even), but I should be able to see them but not the message I get: "This inventory is not available at this time. Please try again later."
And yes, looks like this issue only applies to Steam inventory (with cards and gifts), I'm loading CS:GO and TF2 inventories.
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unfortunately this is not about how it should be or how it was. I noticed this behavior for every inventory I came across that matches these criteria: user has set gifts to hidden in his options and user actually has gifts in the inventory.
if you're saying that you don't have the problem with some users, I'll just assume they don't have tradeable gifts and thus the problem does not exist.
Valve might make a lot of money, but they also seem to hire the wrong QA supervisors and programmers.
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but if it displays the gifts he does not have the option "hide gifts" enabled, so what I'm saying still holds true ... so far :P
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it happened for me and my friend (when we had our inventory on friends only), but after we both set our inventory to public we could both see each others. I also have my gifts hidden and it still works.
also I saw another comment about this, sometimes when changing from 'all items' to a specific group of items like 'coupons' seems to work
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Its a setting. The user can have their profile set to public and still have their inventory set to private. Also, a private inventory can still choose to show gifts. Click on your steam profile -> edit profile -> my privacy settings. Read through all the check boxes.
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first read, then post. steam was not down the last 2-3 weeks. ^^
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Pretty sure those are all inventories set to private. I think Valve has that option on by default. It used to say "This user has no items in their inventory" which was obviously false because you could sometimes see the number of items in a person's inventory on their profile. They only changed the message to say "unavailable" relatively recently.
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then you see only community items. the problem is most likely the hidden gift inventory.
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Strange, I just looked at your inventory and it came up with the not available message, changed the drop down to community and it came up. Just a question about your privacy settings, do you have the check box about gift inventories hidden checked? Seems like this is the switch that makes it behave this way.
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we could try this out now. your inventory is already public. i get the error message, when trying to see your gifts. if you uncheck the extra option to hide your gift inventory now and tell me here, i can check again and see if i can see your gifts now. are you willing to try that? :)
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Item Rewards, Gifts and Coupons I can not see from you, just empty fields but that's OK because you can hide them or do not have them now ...with my steam friends list I get this message "This inventory is not available at this time. Please try again later." ...before everything was fine
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Steam community servers are constantly near or past overload state, and this is why it happens. In the time frame when Europeans get home, then Muricans a few hours after that, the inventory loading just dies. If you try 10 hours later, you can see the same inventories.
Apparently people need to buy and sell more pointless weapon skins and stupid hats so poor Valve can afford another server or a better bandwidth plan from the transaction fees, because they clearly don't have enough money for that now.
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this is not happening because of high server load. i noticed this for weeks now. i get the error message no matter at what time i check. i get it always. i think it is in fact related to the hidden gift inventory option (which is checked by default, and many people still don't know about it).
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should we try it out? you could check my inventory now. then you tell me to hide the gift inventory. i 'll do it, tell you and you check again, ok? :)
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thanks. ^^
i just hid my gift inventory. check again. what can you see?
EDIT: also, you mentioned a hidden gift inventory message. i have never seen that message. usually, when someone hid his gift inventory, you (a) don't get "Gifts" as an option in the listbox and (b) don't see the gifts in the "All Steam items" category (but you see everything else). at least that's how it has been in the past.
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Hm, you were right, the not available this time message.
Then maybe the truth is the combination? I check inventories because of card trading, so these people have them open. But also people just left it as non-public by default if they are new or non-trading?
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yeah, i guess newbies just don't know this option. it's hidden by default, so it stays that way until someone complains about it. ^^
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I got this issue for something like 2-3 weeks already or so. When I try to load another's person Steam inventory, it says "This inventory is not available at this time and bla bla" I can still view my own inventory, but not a random's person one.
Tried different browsers, Steam client - nothing changed. SO I wanted to ask: WHAT THE CRAP?
EDIT: contacted Steam support, but knowing how they work keeps me wondering how much time will it take for them to respond this time.
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