Steamgifts has not been nice to me these past few days. Lots of weird stuff happening, and I suspect a userscript, but I can't figure it out. ._.
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Its almost like we are the... Same person...
I like speaking about psychology in both a casual conversational tone (ice-breaker or similar) and in an academic conversational tone, either way I am happy!
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"You often get so lost in thoughts that you ignore or forget your surroundings."
"People can rarely upset you."
"You do not let other people influence your actions."
"If your friend is sad about something, you are more likely to offer emotional support than suggest ways to deal with the problem."
"Being right is more important than being cooperative when it comes to teamwork."
''You feel more energetic after spending time with a group of people."
"You often take initiative in social situations."
always alone D:
"You try to respond to your e-mails as soon as possible and cannot stand a messy inbox."
"If someone does not respond to your e-mail quickly, you start worrying if you said something wrong."
i only receive "no reply' email :S
"If the room is full, you stay closer to the walls, avoiding the center."
why would i go in a full room, i'll go where there is space ...
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Oh very interesting result!
I do agree some of the questions are quite peculiar xD
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i remember first seeing this in a Pewdiepie video, and after i took the test it said that i'm an architect
however Pewds said something really interesting about this and it was that, try not to categories personalities every human is unique and has unique personality when you do these kinda tests you just make your self like the ideal that the result is giving to you :)
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Yes that is very true, the brain so so complex and everyone is very unique indeed. I just find it interesting.
I remember in high school I volunteered along with one of my friends to attend a psychology event and we did a personality test with 30 other people. We all got paper printed out with a unique result and weren't allowed to compare it.
When asked how the results were we all said "its so accurate and this is amazing"
After asking everyone we swapped results... It was all the same message, word for word xD
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Sorry, just thought it would be a bit of fun!
Excuse me? I don't quite understand what you mean. Are you trying to ask if its my survey that I created? If so.. No its not my survey.
"King's College London"
I live in Scotland.
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I don't own Nier yet (I've ordered but there were some issues and I'm still waiting for my copy) but buy Persona 5, plenty of psychological stuff on it. :)
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Oh I'm sorry to hear that D:
Oh it does? Interesting! I couldn't get a copy of it the first couple of weeks so I bought Horizon Zero Dawn but now I want Persona also..
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All Persona games has some kind of psychological stuff and dilemmas. Some better, some worse. The fact that they are, somehow, good "social simulator games" always makes it interesting, specially Persona 4, which is one really praised and aclaimed.
I don't know if it's piracy or something, but you could try persona 3 and/or 4 in an emulator. Persona 3 works more on an urban japanese scenario and persona 4 in an extraradio/semirural town, more "real".
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The only thing people complain abouit Persona 4 is that "happy-go-lucky" vibe, that's not really natural for a Persona game, if you know what I mean. At least there's a darker background on Persona 5.
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I don't think japanese developers ever had lack of balls for that, there's Jun Kurosu in Persona 2, and going back even further in time there's Super Mario Bros. with Birdo.
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Briggs Myers piss me off a lot for some reason.
The other one was interesting but innacturate.
Your score on Openness to Experience places you in the middle range, indicating you have a combined style of thinking: sometimes you like to think in plain and simple terms, when the circumstances dictate, while at other times you like to think in more complex, abstract ways. You like a combination of these styles of thinking, and combine them in ways to best suit what you are doing. Sometimes you are down-to-earth, practical, and a no- nonsense type of person. At other times, you prefer more novel and stimulating things. This combination of being a "doer" and "thinker" puts you in a potential strong position in your occupational, social and personal life. It is a very flexible way of perceiving, thinking and behaving towards the world, and means that you can apply yourself to different tasks with ease and flexibility.
In terms of enhancing your potential, you might want to consider experimenting separately with exclusively novel/stimulating tasks and routine/practical tasks. Such experimentation would strengthen your cognitive skills in these two different areas, and this would serve to improve your overall performance when both sets of skills are required, as well as allowing you to deal with situations that require a high level of proficiency in one of other of these areas.
I don't even know what the hell all that means.
Your score on Conscientiousness is low, indicating you like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized and other people may view you as unreliable and a bit of a loose-cannon however you are able to see the big picture without getting bogged down in too much detail. However, jobs and situations that require attention to detail over an extended period of time will not be to your liking. Either you should think of changing your life circumstances so that you are not required to engage in too much attention to detail, or you should start to develop skills to ensure that your improve your attention to detail. Although you have the disposition to pay inadequate attention to detail, your behaviour can be changed by focused concentration and practice. This is one area of your life that would benefit from further work. When such skills are developed, you should find that you have acquired the ability to switch rapidly from the high picture to fine detail, which could place you in a very advantageous position in your life.
I would actually agree with this.
In general, in some situations attention to the big picture is needed, but in other situations attention to detail is needed. Your challenge is to develop the skills to recognise these different situations and then to modify your behaviour to meet the challenges presented by these different situations.
Your score on Extraversion is in the lower range, indicating you are introverted, reserved, and quiet. You are likely to enjoy solitude and solitary activities more than hectic situations. You will tend to be very selective in your friendships and thus will have a small number of close friends rather than a large group of loose acquaintances. Introverts can appear to be cold and indifferent to others, and even sometimes arrogant and so when first meeting people, you may want to put a special effort into being engaging and warm to people so that they do not misinterpret the signals that your introverted personality may give off. Introverted people are often very thoughtful, deep thinkers, who can make a real contribution in life. They often persevere when others give-up through boredom.
Nah, I'm this way because of crippling social anxiety, I don't prefer solitude, I just can't interact with people. And I don't know about selective about friends, I chase after people who don't care about me at all or I'm not worth nearly as much as others to them and that hurts me a lot. And I'm not making a contribution to life.
Your level of Agreeableness places you in the middle range, indicating some concern with others' needs, but, generally, unwillingness to sacrifice yourself for others. You can be tough, critical, and uncompromising when the situation demands, but also tender-minded, accepting and compromising at other times. How you typically behave will be influenced by your scores on the other four dimensions of personality, especially Openness to Experience, and Neuroticism.
I wish, I do really shitty things for really shitty people. I live for peoples so I might as well do my life for them too. But I'm incapable of being tough except for to two people.
Your flexibility, and ability to modify your behaviour depending on what the situation demands, meaning that other people will see you as a particular asset and not something who is stuck in one mode of behaving irrespective of what the situation demands. Although extreme ways of thinking, feeling and behaving are usually inappropriate, you might want to play around with developing some very tough-minded ways of thinking and behaving, as well very tender-minded ways, so that if situations arise that call for such extreme responses then you are prepared to respond. Developing the capacity to switch between these states may be especially beneficial in different areas of your occupational, social and personal life.
Your score on Neuroticism is high indicating that you are quite easily upset, even by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be sensitive and emotional. Being sensitive and emotional may be beneficial in some situations, where they are appropriate; they may also be a pre-requisite for strong empathy and artistic feelings. However, experiencing frequent and intense emotional reactions is not good from either psychological or physiological perspective. Things often get blown out of proportion and other people can be hurt and offended by strong emotional over reactions, especially when such emotional reactions lead to arguments where things are said and done that have long-term negative consequences.
Yep,I can't deal with normal life.
Whilst recognising that you are an emotional person, with the capacity to experience a full and rich range of emotions, you should start to develop a strategy to reduce the negative consequences of frequent and intense emotions in order not to let them harm the way you feel about yourself and the world, as well as the bad effects they can have on others. One strategy might be 'time-out': when you feel yourself getting angry or upset, then remove yourself from the situation or person(s) who are provoking this reaction for 10 minutes. Don't just walk out, but say something like 'Excuse me for 10 minutes, I need to do something.'
Alternatively, if you are feeling overwhelmed by multiple worries, you may find it helpful to write down a list of the things that are worrying you. Then you can simply read the list and cross out all the items that you cannot change and all the items that are not important in the big scheme of things. This will help you to calm down and focus on the things that are really important and things that you can change. Negative emotions tend to dominate the way we think, feel and behave, so it is important that you rehearse in advance how you should think, feel and behave when you feel the surge of negative emotions building-up. They merely represent emotion centres in your brain that are over-reactive, so you need to develop skills to allow you avoid becoming dominated by them, especially when this badly affects work, social or family relations.
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Your score on Openness to Experience places you in the middle range, indicating you have a combined style of thinking: sometimes you like to think in plain and simple terms, when the circumstances dictate, while at other times you like to think in more complex, abstract ways. You like a combination of these styles of thinking, and combine them in ways to best suit what you are doing. Sometimes you are down-to-earth, practical, and a no- nonsense type of person. At other times, you prefer more novel and stimulating things. This combination of being a "doer" and "thinker" puts you in a potential strong position in your occupational, social and personal life. It is a very flexible way of perceiving, thinking and behaving towards the world, and means that you can apply yourself to different tasks with ease and flexibility.
In terms of enhancing your potential, you might want to consider experimenting separately with exclusively novel/stimulating tasks and routine/practical tasks. Such experimentation would strengthen your cognitive skills in these two different areas, and this would serve to improve your overall performance when both sets of skills are required, as well as allowing you to deal with situations that require a high level of proficiency in one of other of these areas.
Your score on Conscientiousness places you in the middle range. This means you are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled. You neither like to live for the moment and do what feels good now nor become too stuck in mundane routine and attention to detail. Your occupational, social and personal lives tend to be well-organised, and where things go wrong you have the capability to go about remedying matters in a sensible fashion.
In occupational contexts, you have the ability to switch between attention to detail, when this is necessary, and seeing the bigger picture, when this is necessary: this is a great asset. One possible downside is in those areas where either extreme attention to detail or the bigger picture is needed. Here you might want to experiment with acquiring the ability to attend to detail only and then to ignore detail and focus on the bigger picture. This acquired ability would place you at great advantage when situations arise that demand one of these two extreme forms of behaviour.
Your score on Extraversion is in the lower range, indicating you are introverted, reserved, and quiet. You are likely to enjoy solitude and solitary activities more than hectic situations. You will tend to be very selective in your friendships and thus will have a small number of close friends rather than a large group of loose acquaintances. Introverts can appear to be cold and indifferent to others, and even sometimes arrogant and so when first meeting people, you may want to put a special effort into being engaging and warm to people so that they do not misinterpret the signals that your introverted personality may give off. Introverted people are often very thoughtful, deep thinkers, who can make a real contribution in life. They often persevere when others give-up through boredom.
Your high level of Agreeableness indicates a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative. Unlike people who are low on this trait, people see you as tender-minded, uncritical, and compromising. These attributes appeal to other people, and you are typically "easy to get along with" and you are likely to have wide circle of friends, especially if you are also somewhat extraverted. People like you and, in general, you like people.
The potential downside of being highly agreeable is that, at time, you may find it difficult to adopt the tough-mindedness to deal with specific situations and people. Also, other people may see you as a "soft touch", whom they can exploit without consequences. This potential downside might be a real problem if you are also somewhat introverted. In any case, it might be sensible to develop a capacity to deal with awkward situations and people, even though this goes against your natural inclination of being agreeable and compromising.
Being overly agreeable is also not conducive to developing tough-minded thinking, which may be necessary in some situations that require tough decisions to be made. Due to your agreebleness, you may be prone to putting off to tomorrow what really should be done today (procrastination), or not confronting problematic people or situations immediately. You may also be unduly influenced by the opinions of others, and go along with things to "keep the peace". Sometimes, these are necessary, but on many occasions they are not. These are skills that may require some work for you to benefit in your occupational, social and personal life. Don't let other people see your good-natured agreeable character as a sign of indecision or weakness when tough-mindedness is demanded.
Your score on Neuroticism is high indicating that you are quite easily upset, even by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be sensitive and emotional. Being sensitive and emotional may be beneficial in some situations, where they are appropriate; they may also be a pre-requisite for strong empathy and artistic feelings. However, experiencing frequent and intense emotional reactions is not good from either psychological or physiological perspective. Things often get blown out of proportion and other people can be hurt and offended by strong emotional over reactions, especially when such emotional reactions lead to arguments where things are said and done that have long-term negative consequences.
Whilst recognising that you are an emotional person, with the capacity to experience a full and rich range of emotions, you should start to develop a strategy to reduce the negative consequences of frequent and intense emotions in order not to let them harm the way you feel about yourself and the world, as well as the bad effects they can have on others. One strategy might be 'time-out': when you feel yourself getting angry or upset, then remove yourself from the situation or person(s) who are provoking this reaction for 10 minutes. Don't just walk out, but say something like 'Excuse me for 10 minutes, I need to do something.'
Alternatively, if you are feeling overwhelmed by multiple worries, you may find it helpful to write down a list of the things that are worrying you. Then you can simply read the list and cross out all the items that you cannot change and all the items that are not important in the big scheme of things. This will help you to calm down and focus on the things that are really important and things that you can change. Negative emotions tend to dominate the way we think, feel and behave, so it is important that you rehearse in advance how you should think, feel and behave when you feel the surge of negative emotions building-up. They merely represent emotion centres in your brain that are over-reactive, so you need to develop skills to allow you avoid becoming dominated by them, especially when this badly affects work, social or family relations.
I hope you enjoyed taking this personality questionnaire and found the results interesting and of some value to you. They are only a starting point to further developing your psychological skills and achieving your full potential. Remember though, whatever your scores, you are a unique person who does not fit exactly into any convenient categories. A questionnaire such as the one you have just completed can indicate only general areas of personality. Whilst these are undoubtedly important in your life, it is equally important that you feel comfortable with your personality and use the information contained in your personality profile to devise ways of using your existing potential to enhance those areas of your life that you particularly value and cherish.
Usually shit, my personality isn't great, I'm moody / too sensitive, and I think too much but don't act. The first test fails to explain stuff like social ineptitude and personal issues in such atmosphere. I usually get INFJ-T and INTJ-T.
spoiler isn't working I guess because it's too big
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I've taken these before and it's not really saying anything you don't know. The parts of "constructive criticism" are usually different on the tests though and are still fun to read on "how to improve your skills" sort of thing. The Brigg Myers results have swayed sometimes over the years but usually end up INTJ(over INTP or ISTJ)
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Did yesterday and oddly enough.. everything was mediocre..
Meh :)
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