After going through a recent event where someone very close to me was feeling depressed and suicidal, thought I'd make some GA's to get a point across. If you are feeling this way, there is help, and people out there want to help. You're not alone and you are cared about. If you are not of this state of mind, realize that you could be the difference between them getting help, or doing the unthinkable. You will most likely never know how, who, or how many you helped, but that should make no difference. It just matters that you were there. Go and be the best you that you can be. If anyone out there needs someone, i accept all steam friend requests and will reply as soon as i see your message.

Try and keep the thread alive for a while so that more can see it. May i suggest pictures of cats? Anything really.

I'm going to attempt to update this thread once again once a week, between Friday and Sundays.
Link to last page

Change log;

EDIT: If you choose to bump with a GA, especially a higher level, and wish for it to be featured on the active GA portion, I suggest a week or longer running length. It can sometimes be a number of days before I can edit this to add new GA's. It's also super helpful if it's in

`[Your Name Here](Profile URL)` | `[Your GA Here](Link to GA here)` | Date Ending

formatI'm switching to a table format. Not required, but it would let me update the main post more, as it currently takes a while, which means less updates.

EDIT: Total number of GA's added to thread as of last update- 1687+
Note that this is likely much higher. From pages 54-94, I assume all trains to contain only 3 games, while they are likely much higher in number.
GA log of past record

I'm no longer going to keep a detailed log of past GA's. It was simply too much work.

The following, continuously updated, users are the real VIP's of this thread. They have contributed to the development of this ever growing thread, either through exceptional giveaways, an exceptional amount of giveaways, or relentlessly bumping the topic, even when it is/was in a period of disarray, and I wanted to thank them for it, not to cheapen anybody else that has contributed, but to celebrate them for it. Treat them kindly.



This thread has reached it's limit and has been moved to a reboot

9 years ago*

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I'm gonna to bump with song before going to sleep :D

8 years ago

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I had a pretty good Thanksgiving. I'm thankful I didn't have to spend the week with my father, even though I'm anxious about next time i see him. I probably should have called him, but I was to scared.

So gib and how was your Thanksgiving (If you celebrated it) and what are you thankful for?

8 years ago

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I'm thankful I didn't have to deal with a bunch of people, just me and my cat this year.

8 years ago

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As I read that, my feline companion sneezes at me :D

But yeah, having a day off from other humans, can certainly be something to be thankful for.

Just, grab a glass of something nice, lay back, curl up with someone fluffy and special and sweet, and catch up on the shows you've been missing.
That's a good holiday. :')

8 years ago

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Something nice = beer or wine?
TreeB is underage ;) are you soliciting teenagers? ;)

all in a joking mode

8 years ago

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:scratches head:
First off, minors in most western countries are often legally allowed to drink alcohol with parental approval, though typically only so long as the parent is actively supervising the drinking [Source countries: Germany and United States. See also.].

Second, hot cocoa is a very nice drink for this time of year, and doesn't contain ANY alcohol!
..yet. (>^.^)>

8 years ago

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maybe your Hot cocoa doesn't contain alcohol ;).
i didn't know you are allowed to drink under adult supervision in the US. that's stupid.
they are not allowed to buy until they are 21. whats the point?

8 years ago

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Parents are allowed to raise their children how they want to, so they can allow their child to have a small, restricted amount of alcohol if they want. It's not nearly enough to get drunk (If if they're lightweight enough to get drunk, it's illegal), so it doesn't really go against the idea of the high drinking age.

There's also a law that makes it legal to posses alcohol under parental instruction, so you won't be breaking the law by grabbing a beer or some wine for your parents.

8 years ago

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Bloggy bump.

I I cried again today. I seem to have done a lot off things again. Cutting, breaking shit out of anger, bullshit with my father, and not eating. I've done a lot of this in an attempt not to try to kill myself again, and I don't even know why. I want to die so badly, it's the only thing I wish for that I can actually achieve and I don't know why I won't go for it. There's a little bit left in this world that I actually want to experience but I can't, and I'm doing nothing to, so why can't I chose suicide. I'm too much of a fucking pussy to choose and do like anything else.

8 years ago

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Oh man, you're in a hurting place.... I feel for you. I know I don't know you or your situation well enough to be able to really be of any help. But know this: you're well loved here at SG. You're even one of the few people who I've given my blue hearted love. That stands for something. Know another thing: life has a way of changing and changing and changing. Sometimes fast, sometimes so slow you don't even notice. But being in a shitty place now says nothing about where you'll be tomorrow, in a year or in ten years. Don't give up. Look for ways to accelerate the change and you will get there.

all the best

8 years ago

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Your messages are read, there's people caring of you, even if they are thousands miles away and you don't know them. Go out, look for them, world is so wide and has space enough for all people, go out and look for those great places there if feels great to be. Exactly because there's a choice, take the correct ones. Life can be long and fulfilling, full of many choices with which you keep creating your own path.

8 years ago

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Since I'm up, why not bump this up!

8 years ago

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4 hours without a bump? Nai wa~

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Le bump

8 years ago

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Bump... Just had a friend purposefully step in front of train... Went to memorial two days ago... She was suffering with many serious health conditions... Sooo sad,, hang in there guys! You are loved!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Sorry for your loss, stay strong.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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...rescued from the depth !


8 years ago

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Here comes the BUMP

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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I've got the last unused key for this month, so let's rescue the thread

8 years ago

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Bump for being lucky ass.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Great idea with this thread. No one should ever feel alone!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Both my GA's have ended so when you have the chance can you move them to the ended list ? I may have another GA soon I hope.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump for the win!

8 years ago

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All ended!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Before bed bump :D

8 years ago

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It has been too long since I contributed to this thread. Let's fix that.

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by DesertMouse1.