as I have problems with actions of a particular moderators (ignoring rules, punishing retroactively for comments as if they would appear after a warning) I would like to ask where can I contact an admin or someone, who has an ability to look at the problem. I won't be naming the moderator I have a problem with and I ask you to not turn it into a harrasment topic of any kind as I perceive the rest of the moderators as great members who are doing the best they can.
thank you for your answer :)

6 years ago

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yeah I know - but is there some sort of an email contact? I have tried adding cg on steam, but understandably with no results :)

6 years ago

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Go to their Steam profile and write why you are adding them in their comments sections, then send a friend request.

6 years ago

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ok, I will try it with the super mods as cg has the comment disabled on the profile :)

6 years ago

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Don't. The guidelines clearly suggest not to do so, and it's generally frowned upon.

6 years ago

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If you want the author of the tread to see your post, you should reply to their comment, not mine.

6 years ago

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Intentional - I'm telling you since you suggested it, so you don't advise people to do so (although it's really up to you to decide whether or not you'll follow my advice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). OP is bound to see the comment anyways.

6 years ago

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While Guidelines do indeed advise the users not to contact the support members directly, they actually do not prohibit us from doing so. Guidelines are just that - general recommendations. Not a set of strict rules. If a user thinks that his case deserves some special attention, because of this or that reason, they are in their right to do so. And face the consequences, if there could be any. Despite what some self-proclaimed "advisers" might or might not suggest.

6 years ago

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No need to get passive-aggressive... it was just friendly advice, nothing less, nothing more.

6 years ago

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I did not ask for your advice. Passive-aggressive is shoving opinions where it does not belong.

6 years ago

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Chill dude, holy shit. This is a public forum, I'm just doing my thing and posting around like everyone else. Not sure what I did to rile you up so much. Sorry for participating in a discussion I guess?

6 years ago

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I already explained why I think you're wrong in my original post in our little conversation here. You're the one who keeps coming at it.

6 years ago

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I really don't see how this has any relevance to the conversation - The fact that you've explained why you think I'm wrong has absolutely nothing to do with you being pissy about my replies to you. I legit just shared my insight and I'm honesty baffled you're angry with me (since I assure you it was not my intention to piss you off).

I keep coming at it because you keep coming at it - In fact we're both coming at it as long as one replies to the other. :P
My intention by continuing with this conversation was (hopefully) to clarify that I had no ill intent in case you had misunderstood my intentions, but it appears that clearly, you have some kind of grudge against me which I won't try to understand. With that said, I guess there's nothing I can do about it at this point.

No hard feelings here, hope your day will get better!

6 years ago

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The "grudge" that I have with you is only in your head. Unless you just like the sound of your voice or having the last word, if you don't like the conversation - don't follow it.

6 years ago

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I'll have the last word for both of you so you can stop. :P

6 years ago

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Thank you!

6 years ago

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@Starwhite Fuck, I messed it up by writing for too long. Now we need you to make another one. :P

6 years ago

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You might be right and I'm glad you've clarified it, as I may have misinterpreted your replies and you just always tell people off when they share their opinions/observations on the forum, which while I can't say I approve of and appears quite strange to me, it's none of my business what you do when interacting with other people. Although it would be well to note that if you act the way you do, don't expect people to just shut up and move on - your behaviour can be easily misunderstood as hostile, as I initially assumed, and then well... you know what has been the result of that.

And not at all, last words don't matter to me. I just enjoy participating on the forum, regardless of what the conversation is about - if I can add to the ongoing exchange, I will. Same as if I feel a comment wasn't warranted, I'll point it out. Just like you didn't have to tell me my advice wasn't wanted, I didn't have to tell you your reaction wasn't justified - But we both keep conversing because... you know, this is a forum. This is what people do on a forum. I won't drop the topic just because your attitude confused the fuck out of me - See, thanks to me keeping on replying to you, I've learned you're actually not angry with me (but have a very strange way of showing it). :P

I'm actually having a good time discussing things of little matter, but I certainly don't want you to continue this conversation if you don't like it. I'm bound to keep replying unless you want the conversation to end, in which case; I welcome you to quit replying to me so I have nothing to add. Else, I'm perfectly fine with discussing any other points you'll make - Yep, I really have nothing better to do today, believe it or not.

6 years ago

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Laster words. :P

6 years ago

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Fair enough, I'm done then.
It's too fucking warm today for foruming anyways

6 years ago

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I'm not even gonna bother reading this. If you're still interested at going at it - have it your way. I have more interesting stuff to do.

6 years ago

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Nah, no worries mate. I'm done. Have a good day. o/

6 years ago

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Lastest words.

6 years ago

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They're technically right- they're being actively aggressive far more than passive. :P

Also- :hug:

Just, 'cause you deserve something positive after that. :X

6 years ago

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I figured this was as best of a place as any to tell you how much I like your profile picture. I'm not into scraping google for your post history just to tell you this.

please don't hurt me (⌐■_■)

6 years ago

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It's a promotional photo of Nick Nicely, British psychedelic rock musician.

6 years ago

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It's triggering some other recollection of a similar photo but I just can't put my finger on it (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง

6 years ago

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If a user thinks that his case deserves some special attention

Here is the problem, everyone think their case need special attention, hence the flooding... Even if it's not a strict set of rules in the wording, I would take it like that anyway.

6 years ago

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"The problem" is when you decide that your personal interpretation of rules is the correct one.

6 years ago

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What make you think your interpretation is better than mine ? Both can co exist you know ?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Dude, the support, would not be support, if they would ignore you specially. I guess, that
it have more to do, that they gave you an answer and for them was this closed. As example...
I have blacklisted one from support at steam, but he is friendly and everything here on steamgifts.
Would help you for sure here. I really think, that you ignore something, what is for support allready closed.
If not, then please bring an example, where everybody understand your problem.
Thanks and have a great sunday

6 years ago

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Believe me, I am not ignoring anything and I am familiar with how the support works :)
My ticket got closed with no answer 2 times (I have rewrote it with asking for an answer, explanation of why it got closed or at least if the moderator I had a problem with was spoken to). After I have made this post the request got suddenly reopened (again with no answer) by the same moderator.

I went through the whole help section and guidelines 2 times already to find any clue myself.

For the problem - the moderator went through comments of a recently ended giveaway and retroactively acted as he was there for the whole time giving suspensions based on how "new" a commennt was with messages such as "You have apparently failed to learn from the other people in this thread. Take time off to review our Guidelines." - for the same comments. The result was that people "on top" got warning and few posts down he was giving suspensions for several days. I am pretty sure mod should not act like this - punishing everyone in the same way is more than ok but a mod should not act like this.

6 years ago

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This sounds strange and more like from steam and not from here. But ok, if you had those problems, then I am
sure 1 will read it and will relook into it. Anyways, wish you the best, that you get solved this problem. I had really only good and very friendly contact to support.

6 years ago

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I had the same experience up to this point and I didn't had a single issue with any of the moderators so far :)

6 years ago

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Filing a ticket under "User Report" does not allow the Mod responding to that ticket the ability to comment. User Reports are left open while being handled, and closed when there is no more action to be taken. The following notice is included on the User Report itself:

Due to the high number of user reports, comments are disabled. Reports will be closed by a staff member once they're reviewed, and action taken if deemed necessary.

6 years ago

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I am aware of that but I though this applied to user commenting, not moderator replying to it. thanks for clarification

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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if that was true the ticket wouldn't be reopened by the same moderator after I have made this post. Also support tickets are not solved by the whole team as far as I am aware since it would be impossible to get an answer in time (just imagine 10 people deciding about win reroll)

Also I don't want the moderator to be punished in any way, just talked to about how he/she is treating users since I saw it in more cases

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Also support tickets are not solved by the whole team as far as I am aware...

Generally speaking, Support members try to avoid working on tickets with which they have a direct connection. (i.e. We recuse ourselves.) For example, I would not respond to a ticket if it was a re-roll request from my mother.

6 years ago*

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Your mom gifts on SG? That's pretty metal. :D

6 years ago

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Just wait for the 3rd generation and we have grandmas making user report tickets for not dressing warmly enough or eating too unhealthy.

6 years ago

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Naw... You're thinking of parents. Grandparents are the ones who spoil you rotten. Then, they send you home and let your parents deal with the fall-out. D

"Mom says I'm supposed to eat only healthy food."

"Chocolate cake is healthy! It's got milk, eggs, and wheat in it!"

6 years ago

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That is healthy home made food that you need to stuff yourself with to grow big and strong compared to the whatever junk/fast food the kids like. :)

6 years ago

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If you wish to have a case reviewed, you have multiple ways of doing so.

  1. You could file a ticket in "Other." These tickets are handled by all Support Staff, and the matter will be "bumped up" as appropriate.
  2. You could file a "User Report," but those do not allow comments, so you will be unable to receive personalized feedback.
  3. You could leave a reply to a Support member's old comment, but they may ask you to file a ticket (see #1).

Contacting a Support member by Steam is inadvisable as that is considered an intrusion upon our private lives outside of SteamGifts. We understand that there may be situations which require it, but look for alternatives.

6 years ago

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I will then repost it from user report to others. Thanks. (I though the moderators are able to comment to user reports and since I didn't need a discussion, just reaction, I didn't consider it)

6 years ago

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hey Mod!

from up here, your words:

Support members try to avoid working on tickets with which they have a direct connection

didn't know that and found this as "professional". really nice, also :D

Just read this answer, giving us options to help solving the case internally. keeping everything on SG.
it seems to me this is something we don't do enough, maybe cause we didn't have the needed infos.

first option, for most cases, is going straight to your Steam profile and leaving a comment.

we have the tools, here. Steam site is not Steamgifts site.

just wanted to ask you if giving these infos a more prominent space here, somewhere, would be useful not only for you, Support, but for us too, the members.

thank you, as always, and sorry, Ascate, for the intrusion :P

edit: was re-reading this thread title and thought might be a really good FAQuestion if only add a ? at the end :D

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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You realize they're all dummy accounts managed directly by cg, right? ;)

6 years ago

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This brings a interesting topic to be discussed that I never thought about it before.
Any new moderator can punish you for whatever they feel like they need to punish for whatever time it has been passed. That's interesting, because a new mod can do whatever they want about whatever they feel about whatever happened before, even if other mod already did read and analyze that before.
So if a old mod has been thru that comment and decided to not punish that user and a new mod comes thru that and decide to punish that user for the very same comment (for any subjetive reason), we have a whole new level of support problems. This oppening extends the "subjetiveness" way more wide than I thought it was before.

6 years ago

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I can't speak for all cases but i had reports that were handled by new Support members that leaded to, as example, 2-4 days punishments.
After 2 days that were changed to 2-4 weeks.

I think so, that people that are longer in the support/mod team look over there decisions and correct it at the beginning -and normaly explain them why-.

I didn't know that 100% but i am 99,9% sure all looked in that way.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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you seems to be used browsing the Internet. you have just shared some juicy info about things works "behind the scene". don't know elsewhere, that's really appreciated here, as a member. so, wanted to ask you, for pure cat curiosity:

happened to you to see something like this? i mean, a mod explaining these kind of things, browsing the Internet?

thanks. a lot!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I don't thinked that anyone override a decission because of personal wants. Only because of experienced staff members and new ones that can't know all from the beginning. Without any bad on it. Normal learning process.

Your explanation is the solution. Thanks
The (new) support members give a 1x offender punishment, passed the case to a higher ranked stadff member and that one added the repeating offends and stack the punishment up.

I don't push anyone to hurry. The offenders get there punishment when needed. That is all that counts ;)

And yes i have every time 2 eyes on the results of my reports i get all infos i need without a word from the support too :-D

6 years ago

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did your time suspended get increased during suspension?

6 years ago

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I have actually seen that - After I have reported a guy for GTA V giveaway with a cd key being "haha-haha-haha" he was suspended for 2 weeks which was during that time changed to permaban.

6 years ago

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They could also have been very aggressive in the unsuspend support ticket as a reason for perma.

6 years ago

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that is certainly possible - or the case was looked into by another moderator (or there were reports from more people aftrerwards). we will never know :)

6 years ago

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as Pete said for "Support rank staff", guessing that for "perma", Mod needs grrreat powa :D

6 years ago

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No from reports. I seen it more then once with the new bunch of support members.
Solution see above PeteOzzy's answer.

6 years ago

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