So who is excited?! Considering this was my very first pre-ordered game, I'm really excited, can't wait to get my hands on it!


10 years ago*

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I'm seriously regretting not buying the soundtrack for this. Damn it.

10 years ago

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I found a living little poop, 10/10

Didn't take a screenshot :(

Edit: there is a big living poop boss, who spawns little living poops, awesome.

10 years ago

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living little poop 2/2

I just beat the game :D I was a pubetic flying cat goat with an army of 20 flies that rushed in and killed my mum :D

10 years ago

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From what I've seen in my 1,5h playthrough - there is a lot more poop.

My personal favourite - Rainbow Poop.

10 years ago

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Found a Rainbow poop as well!!

Totally worth it!!


10 years ago

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saw it once and i don't understand what the hell it does!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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So... anyone else having those keyboard problems? Basically after you play a while (seconds/minutes) the keyboard stops working. I'm playing with a controller but I minimized the game to buy another game on Steam and then my keyboard stopped working. I visited BOI:R Steam discussions page and I saw many people have this problem. I can still play with controller but I'm not gonna restart my PC every damn time I quit the game. Plus I often chat with people while playing.

Not to mention I can't even choose resolution I want to play the game in. It's either full screen or a very small window. I want to play in windowed mode but with high resolution but it's not even available.

And many people can't even run the game to begin with.

So unprofessional.

10 years ago

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Isn't it just Binding of Isaac 1.1, seems like pretty much the same game, with a couple with new things...

10 years ago

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That was basically the plan. Dropping the flash which affected the fps badly, putting more stuff, pixelating and re-releasing.

10 years ago

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They claimed it was a remake, so they are delivering what they promissed

10 years ago

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Nah, first one was overrated shite.

10 years ago

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Downloading the PS Vita version now because of PS+.

10 years ago

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Did Co-op with my nephew for like two hours... Was epic.

10 years ago

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why are there no trading cards, even though it says it does.

Also although I really like the game a lot, their plan was to make the perfect remake since they now have the funding to do so. So if I see some DLC that isn't a soundtrack or messes with the gameplay I might be a little pissed off since the game should already include EVERYTHING they have planned.

10 years ago

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They are there, but i think they tweaked the timing to card drops...
I got mines...
BTW, the cards are amazing! xD

10 years ago

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I've gotten 5 card drops in 2.7 hours of play

10 years ago

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Played 6.5h got 1 card O_o

10 years ago

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was that in one sitting, because I had a 3 hour sitting and nothing, but I think when I was playing there weren't any cards because I was checking the market and none were there

10 years ago

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They added them finally!!!!! Badges are very cool, emoticons and backgrounds too, I liked the BibleThump emoticon from Twitch, here we have :isaac:, not same, but still good.

10 years ago

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badges are nice and all but after taking a look i guess i'll stick to having normal isaac as featured badge :)

10 years ago

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Tried the game on Steam :D it's glorious !

now let's try the co-op on the ps4! the game was/is worth the hype !

10 years ago

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