Anyone played it? Thoughts, impressions? Its on sale and I have hummed and hawed over picking it up but can never decide.

12 years ago*

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I was going through the same thing, then I finally went and bought it. It's currently installing (my internet is not great, so installs take a while).

Ultimately the facts are that I like 4x and I like Fantasy, but for some reason Warlock just didn't do it for me. FE was received well, which in itself is impressive after the first attempt at Elemental, and since then Stardock has continued to support and improve it. Also, in every Let's Play or similar thing I've checked on youtube, the player seems to be enjoying it.

It's possible I might hate it, but I really want a fantasy 4x that I like so I figured it was worth the risk.

12 years ago

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dammit lol still makes me wonder if I will love it or hate it. I've watched videos and just cant make up my mind :P

12 years ago

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ok well i just played it for a bit and from what i gathered its basically like civilization game
with a hero character that can get partners

your hero can get loot and he also levels up with rpg elements the worlds are big and you can also go on quests

so if you like civilization
you will more then likely love this

12 years ago

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isnt this a hero on dota 2?

12 years ago

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Edit: Of course, I love everything Stardock has done.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Risto.