When winter comes, I..,
-10C (14F) and -10F (-23.5C) are pretty different, so I'm not sure just how much sympathy you require. :P
Our typical usual winter daytime temperature range is between 28 and 48F (-2 and 9C), but getting down to the -10C range is fairly normal for our colder days (or for our nighttime temperatures), and we get down as far as -9F for a few days each winter.
(The record low is apparently -24F, but thankfully I haven't seen it break -9F while I've lived here.)
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Wind and ice make things colder, while snow insulates, yeah. Those distinctions definitely matter, yeah.
Well, we maintain temperature by producing body heat faster than the cold can leach it. The colder things are, the faster heat is leached. For healthy people, they're not really at risk until much colder temperatures, but for those who can't generate body heat at a normal rate, differences in temperature can become a lot more demanding. Similarly, wind strips away body heat in an instant regardless of one's circumstances, so it's a significant problem for anyone.
(Of course, up to a point, you can mitigate both ambient cold and the effects of wind a fair bit with quality winter clothing.)
To sum up, the wind is definitely a major concern all-around, but there are also those of us who have problems just with the cold alone. :S
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Celsius and Kelvin are actually the same measurement standard.
degree Celsius is a special name for the kelvin for use in expressing relative temperatures, and the magnitude of the degree Celsius is exactly equal to that of the kelvin
Kelvin is used for science-related matters, Fahrenheit is for expressing precise relative temperatures, and Celsius is the unintuitive black sheep of the otherwise superior [in terms of intuitiveness] metric system. (Sorry, you should not have to use decimal points to express how the weather makes you feel. That's how mathematicians are born, y'know!)
Ahem. So in sum, pretty sure we won't be using Kelvin for this conversation, since it's basically just a better version of Celsius that people outside of scientific fields inexplicably neglect in favor of Celsius. (Kelvin is Celsius + 273.15, for reference.)
Personally, I find utilizing a range between 250 and 300k much more intuitive than Celsius's comparable -23 to 27 [the comparable range in F would be -10F to 82F], so it doesn't even seem to have clear utility as far as making temperature notation more intuitive.
Of course, that unintuitiveness is understandable, given that Celsius was based exclusively around the freezing and boiling points of water [0 and 100C, respectively] at 1 atmosphere of pressure. Since none of that relates to human perceptions of temperature, and given that such measurement is not only arbitrary (and meaningless as far as benefits) in its associations but also deeply unreliable due to how widely atmospheric pressure varies location to location, the entire concept of Celsius is nonsensical, especially for its current meteorological utilization.
To sum up, I totally would have gladly substituted Kelvin in place of Celsius, but I decided to go with the option people'd more intuitively comprehend. :P
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I will never wear anything to bed though!
My indifference towards wearing clothes has always easily succumbed to the overwhelming practicality of wearing them. :P
Trying to get out of bed into a freezing room while wearing nothing, sounds like one hell of a punishment game. :X
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We have had a warm December so far. From 0,2C to 10,1C
So I still have the window open 24/7.
When it goes below 0C I usually close the window and when below -10 I keep the heater on.
On topic, I drink lots of Coco, and Tea to keep myself heated when I'm freezing.
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Winter hibernation is the only approach worth considering.
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Since I already drink nothing but tea and coffee [and straight water] year-round, I actually end up drinking more cooler beverages during the winter (since I start feeling more inclined toward creamy and sweet flavors- eg, shakes and smoothies). I do also start drinking hot chocolate and hot milk (with honey) during the winter, though, so those would be my warming winter indulgences as far as drinks go. ^.^
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I put on slightly warmer clothing, and wonder if we'll get more than 2 days of snow this year around. shrug
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Okay, but- is it the evil laughter that keeps you warm, or are the diabolical schemes to credit for it? :P
..I'm just saying, I will totally aid you in your schemes if they result in me being warm (excluding circumstances wherein I am also on fire). In the meantime, I'm gonna go practice my villain laugh.. just in case.
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I'm just waiting for someone to make an account here that has a picture of Jim Halpert and posts nothing but Office quotes.
Or just posts gifs of the "look" that Jim gives the camera.
If anyone is lurking out there waiting to get to that registration requirement, please do this.
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I've lived in places that hit 115F in the summer, so I may perhaps be able to properly commiserate with that.
My current location breaks just over 100 each year, with a typical summer range going between 80s and high 90s.
Humidity is also very high (both for my current location and the 115 one), and that's something which doesn't exactly help with summer comfort; So I'm well familiar with that aspect of things (as well as the issue of low wind activity during hotter days) as well.
Still, my body deals with heat much better than cold, so summer is a discomfort I can much more readily put up with. :X
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I get so much radiant heat from my neighbors' apartments that not only do I leave my heat off, but I also frequently have to crack my window open even while it's snowing.
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Just to be sure, have you encountered any other examples from the "signs that your neighbors may be hellspawn from the fiery pits of hell" checklist? :P
Well, that sounds pretty easy to manage on your part, so it's free heating; That sounds rather enviable, from multiple angles.
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The hell spawn live a few apartments further away than that.
The only problem is that it's harder to maintain an ideal temperature. Leave the window closed for too long and I'm sweating. Leave them open too much and I'm shivering. But it's still not horrible.
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You can't just leave the window very, very slightly cracked (sticking something in [eg, a popsicle stick] to keep it from closing, if it won't hold in that position naturally)? I'd assume having a stready, small drain on the heat would keep it pretty well checked, and since you can so reliably count on your neighbors to keep their heat on, you shouldn't have problems with any drain becoming too pronounced in its effect (say, if you leave the window that way overnight). Similarly, if it does get chilly, you can just fully close the window.
It's a wee bit [energy-]wasteful of an approach if you leave it that way for too long, admittedly, though.
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On milder days, when it's consistently above freezing, I can leave it cracked. But colder days, especially if it's windy, I'm still letting in too much cold air to keep it cracked all the time. Not a big deal though. I just open and close as needed.
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Such a great poll, wish I could choose more than one option lol
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I screwed up the phrasing on a few of them so, as usual, I regret SG's inability to edit polls. :P
An "all of the above" option woulda been nice, but- even putting aside the unusual circumstance in which someone both has the money to visit tropical islands and suffers from delusions of visiting them [just how overworked a rich person are you? And why are you spending your winters inside of flaming tauntauns while at a hot spring?]- it'd just be too easy a choice for those of desperately trying anything to keep away the cold of winter. :P
Besides, we've already got the East Europeans, Canadians, and/or Frozen fans pushing the poll in a certain direction as-is.
No need to add a counterpart to that. :P
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1) Hot drinks.
2) Curse my weird habit of getting freezing toes even in a warm house, and occasionally run hot water over my feet in the shower.
3) Play The Long Dark (endless winter survival game); and get amazing immersion, and try to derive sympathetic warmth through in-game means.
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“No one said anything about the cold” while freezing myself half to death and not wearing nearly enough clothing? Yeah that’s Texas surprisingly letting you know winter does happen here, it’s just late, and December is when it decides to set in. It’s practically summer from April to November otherwise.
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A little bit of coffee with little bit of alcohol. If I want a warm beverage at night and don't want it to keep me up, I make coffee with Irish cream. The alcohol in the Irish cream is enough to counter the caffeine high and not keep me up all night. And it's GOOOOOOOD!
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Losing warmth. So cold. Send rescue.
What method- intuitive or eccentric as it may be- do you use to beat out the cold?
From switching to wearing warmer undergarments to changing up your diet to occult rituals, I'm interested any changes or traditions you may have, however small or unusual. I mean, my self-survival may depend on your answers, after all. :shivers:
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