Because you weren't involved and it could be easily considered slander/libel or whathaveyou.
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Well, in some of these cases, they are stealing from you. I think they are more in the wrong then you are for just calling them out. I mean if you were the person who was scammed, also.
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Well, what if you link to that specific person's Steam page and prove they scammed you?
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I could easily say you are a scammer and make some fake screenshots that are good enough to convince people it's true. Then you'd probably get a bunch of people harassing you.
It's not a rule to protect scammers but to protect everyone from trolls.
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Why does that bother you at all? You wanted a game in cheaper way that a Steam offered to you, so you are guilty for yourself anyways. You wanted to cheat on Steam and you got what you've deserved in the end.
Besides that who told you to even try to trade? Isn't that humans are smarter from monkeys to THINK before DOING anything? Oh right, sorry, you are lower than human in the natural tree...
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This is completely uncalled for. How are you going to know someone is a scammer if you haven't traded with them yet? It seems you didn't use YOUR brain while commenting.
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And that's why you don't call out. People who weren't involved jump to conclusions, the language barrier, misread info or faked info.
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there's not much anyone can do about it, except hope to present evidence against it, then it'd be ok.. I guess.
EDIT: DemonsRift is right:
"I could easily say you are a scammer and make some fake screenshots that are good enough to convince people it's true. Then you'd probably get a bunch of people harassing you.
It's not a rule to protect scammers but to protect everyone from trolls."
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This is what I said :/
Does no one know about defamation of character? Yeesh!
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Don't get mad at me! I haven't done anything nor I wrong you :P
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I'm not mad at you; at the time of my reply, you were the last response in the thread and everyone above is just regurgitating the same thing. :P
I <3 you, metaleroed.
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Even presenting evidence that you didnt do anything still leaves you with a negative image. It's not very easy to completely clear doubt surrounding you.
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Yep, I know. That's why once you're accused, the stain will always be there, even if it's a lie..
For some, it's enough somebody says you're dirty, then (for them) you are. No evidence, no reasons, just guilty as charged.
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This is like two bald guys fighting over a comb. Who cares!? - Dr. Evil
Just don't do it. Done.
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Because cheese could be green or yellow Then you wonder how long a piece of string is
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you cannot prove it 100%
someone may have impersonated oder taken over the account of the person you think is a scammer
to prevent those scammers falsly accusing you as a acammer with made-up proof
witch hunts did mostly hit the wrong persons whenever they occured in history
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So you're saying that it was/is wrong to burn witches? only a witch would say such a thing...
BURN BOLZANO(AKA the witch)!
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Report them to your nearest Commissar, they will take it from there.
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cos steamrep exists for a reason, this is steamgifts.
I get you, but steamrep is a better place to post as this forum is only for steamgifts related.
Imagine if you were able to post about scammers on the forum, every other thread will be about scammers
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Steamrep is so bad... The scammer that scammed me is still not approved and it's been 2 years
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I got scammed in this place and I agree with you. But if you call someone out, you will miss out the opportunity to win a game. (Btw if you are new to this place, it's like a communist or fascist dictatorship. You go against it, you will face grave consequences.
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I think it's because most people that understand how the internet works at all should already know that the moderators of this site have access to more than enough information to make these kind of decisions without your valuable, loud, sometimes wrong input.
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In my opinion, if someone scams someone else, they diverse to be called out so others know not to trade with them or get one of their giveaways. By scamming, I mean you trade with them a game, in the promise of you give them something they give you something, and you get nothing back.
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