Have you ever gone overboard with your gaming expenses?
A random giveaway, for those who read everything: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/iw6l3/the-secret-order-2-masked-intent
Please ignore the 4th poll answer, it's just a leftover from a previous thread.
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€20 was just much more than usual, I usually spend between €5 and €10 per month, unless there're many bundles I really want (like the case I mentioned, I think it was May or June).
My family's financial situation is the following: only dad has a (more or less) stable job, and his salary is just enough to keep a family of 5+1 people, 2 dogs, a cat and 2 fishes running, after paying bills.
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Well I still think games as a hobby is a lot cheaper than other hobbys...playing an instrument or playing sports usually will cost more.
But I think its a really hard sell towards parents...my parents certainly wouldnt have paid for my video games :(
I got a paper route back then xD (not sure thats the way to phrase it)
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I'm not even sure I want to share my hobby with my family... just look at my profile!
How could I explain to them, that I enjoy playing games with young-looking girls in skimpy outfits (Neptunia series)?
I'm not sure they would understand, or that they would look at me the same way as before.
Luckily, with my bitchy personality, I can get away with mostly anything,
That case was just an exception (I'll make sure to scold the naughty employee next time).
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I only buy bundles with cards, so "I'm not losing money, because the cards I get are worth more than what the games costed."
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Well, im gonna spend 999$ in a new pc, just for games.... but then i tought, what i do with 999$
So then im thinking about stop playing because i start to think that im wasting money for nothing, hum... you maked me think D:!
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Having more than one life (gaming life) is the thing to do, unless you are rich or was born in a rich family, then go crazy and live "la vida loka!"
Going out with friends, at least for me isn't really the best thing to do. If you got someone special on your life, then go out with that person, or your best friend. I usually avoid going out with groups, it always ends up with drama or speaking about other people that aren't there, stuff like this, i dislike it and i want to stay away from people that do this when going out to have fun. Of course, this doesn't mean the friends you have are literally the same as here, not that i value friendship that much, only a few people is enough to me, guess i could call it true friendship is what i value the most.
Living on potatoes for years is bad for your health, but if you are like me then JUST DO IT!
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earn my own money. and usually don't spend much.
if i do, i'm allowed, after i ask my wife ;)
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I am a student and i have some amount is given to me each month. If i go out more i buy less games but if i stay at home i buy more games. Nobody asks what i spend on and i am not explaning. :p But it's a hobby so like every hobby it costs some money.
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Cant imagine my gf actually saying anything about it. I buy games or game related stuff from my own personal money ( after paying for all the lifely hood stuff) and i'm pretty sure she get's that's my own stuff.
I dont spend much thou anyway. Living in pretty poor country so keeping up with AAA game prices is a bit out of my budget . Looking for sales and bundles mostly.
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Tell her it's like books, then. Sometimes a bunch of stuff you're interested in all comes out at once, so you spend more in a short period, but it still averages out long term.
Or like when you go shopping for new clothes. If you just look at the week she goes shopping, it looks like she spends a ridiculous amount on clothes. But if you look at spending over the whole year instead, it looks a lot more reasonable.
The point is, basically, that you may have spent more than usual on entertainment, but it's also going to last longer, so it will balance out.
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Sometimes I have the feeling that I get attention from her only when I do something "questionable".
But then, my sister spend much more time out with friends than she stays at home, and burns a lot of money on gasoline, cigarettes, take-out food, handbags... and gets away with everything, 'cause she's a girl, and she's younger.
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I also still live with my parents 'cause I still have a year of high school left, and I can't get a job because of high school, so I just put all the money I get for my birthday or for Christmas on my card. My dad loves video games too and he started understanding my need for actually buying games ever since bundles became more popular, and my mom's probably happy I don't spend my money on alcohol or drugs.
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My usual excuse is that it is to help my inspiration in my writing or that I want to support a developer, which those aren't incorrect in most cases. When I was younger I use to go crazy and had to buy tons of games the moment they released at full price. Now that I'm employed and I've gotten older, I've learned that waiting for a good sale or a nice bundle is much more rewarding. Every now and then I get impulsive and get a little crazy, but I end up slapping my own wrist really hard when I realize my impulses lead me to have to sacrifice something else I wanted or something I needed. Budgets are important things.
No one in my house really worries too much about it since I have trouble bringing myself to spend large amounts on myself, but my boyfriend (despite living on the other side of the country) scolds me pretty badly when he finds out I bought another bundle or game. He really has no room to talk as he can be just as bad as me and his money situation is worse than mine.....but I do have a habit of impulse buying him gifts. I like spoiling him, what can I say?
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If I don't buy this game now, I will probably buy it later (when it's on sale and costs less), so.... err, that didn't work out.
Let's try again.
The game's on sale! 75% off!! It would be wrong not to buy it!
That is the best selection of games I have ever seen in a bundle (since the last bundle I bought 2 hours ago).
It's Steam wallet funds. Not even real money. I can't buy food with it now, can I?
My backlog is only a few hundred or over a thousand or something games strong. Doesn't matter anyway.
It's for work/research, etc. (Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that).
It's my money! I earned it!
I want this game. Now.
Seriously though, I spend in moderation, compared to other expenses anyway. And ever since the Summer Sale blowout buying frenzy madness of '13 when I went on a massive spending spree of over $400 during the sale or something, I have come to my senses and haven't had a relapse of the sort since. I also somehow got married in the meantime, and although my wife doesn't pry or nag (she's an absolute angel), I could never be dishonest to her about any excessive recreational spending anyway. So there's that, I guess.
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I'm more or less in the same situation as you, have no job and live with parents. I try to spend as little as possible for games (for everything, actually). If the game is on Steam I can sell cards and get the funds, if it's somewhere else, well... I buy it only if I badly want it and it has a high discount, or it is in a bundle with other games I really want, always keeping an eye on the price.
For payments, I use the family card, the problem is... my mother is a bank clerk, so she could see transactions almost in real time XD
P.S.: sicuro che sia una carta tua personale e non cointestata?
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Eh ma sai come funziona, conosci il cassiere dalle elementari, gli chiedi di vedere il conto di tuo figlio, non ci pensa neanche... Sono abbastanza sicuro che se le dicessi di non ficcanasare più, non ti caricherebbe più il conquibus hehe
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You have over 500 games, and it looks like you haven't even started half of them - and among those not started are Yesterday, Unmechanical, The Last Remnant, Draakensang, Duke Nukem 3D, Amnesia: Dark Descent, Darksiders, The Witcher, Mafia II...
You don't have the problem you think you have.
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i do understand getting some games even if there is not much money to spend - but you know, considering your circumstances - maybe play what you have first and pick up something else when you finish some? in the meantime you could save some money and treat yourself to something else or a new release after some time.
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i do know those, i have been impulse buying more than once ^^
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Well, my GF is a gamer too, so I don't have to hide stuff from her. I'm temporarily at my mother's house while I'm looking for a new place to rent though, and I do hide some console-related purchases (that are physical, unlike PC/Steam, so they are hard to miss) by telling that it's just old stuff from when I was a kid and I found it somewhere in an old box.
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I gave up long ago. Thankfully, I have a job so I don't have to justify anything, but if I'm still asked, I tend to mention only books and music albums I purchase.
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Well i'am single now, but have 2 Kids i must raised, but i buy toooo many games. i think almost every bundle and Games that i want.
100 Euro in month is easy gone.
but i don't have to tell somebody what i buy or how much i buy. iam old enough hehe :)
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I'm 26.
I don't exactly get a fixed allowance, just a bit of money every once in a while, but I earn it.
I've basically become a dog-sitter for my sister's dogs, because she's always out with her friends, and when she's at home, she sleeps all the time.
I'm searching for a job, of course, but it's nigh-impossible for young people to find something here, because employers always ask for "work experience"... that no one allows us to do.
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I'd like to hear from you, fellow Steam Gifters, if you don't live alone: how do you justify spending money on games/bundles?
I-It's not for me, I-I swear... I-It's for... a friend? Yeah, it's definitely for a friend! O-Okay, it's actually for me...
See, even though I'm... ahem... not too young anymore (although not too old either), I'm still unemployed, so I must live with my parents.
I have a personal (debit) card, but given I don't have a job, I must rely on the money mom loads on it (I'm too lazy to do it myself).
I'm not a leech, though, if you're wondering... I actually earn it, by doing a bit of houseworks every now and then.
The real issue now, is that I'm... not particularly fond of sharing my hobbies, especially with my family members.
Therefore, I usually "hide" my gaming expenses behind other ones, like purchases on Amazon (especially if my brother is involved with them), by "inflating" their costs.
Some time ago, I went a bit overboard, spending something like €20 in a month... and somehow, mom got an over-condescending bank employee to show her MY card's balance (which is TOTALLY against the contract, but that's a story for another day).
Luckily, the receipts are kinda generic, so all she knows is that they're sites related to videogames.
So, if you read all this... how do you justify your expenses to your parents, wife/husband, childrens, cats... whoever lives with you and might get upset about them?
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