Haven't posted here for a long time. How are you all doing?

6 years ago

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hello old timer :3

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6 years ago

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Same as usual, doing the princess!

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6 years ago

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she looks pretty alive to me surprisingly o_O.

6 years ago

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Haha! She's definitely alive. I know because.. well... you know...

6 years ago

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Eheh i keep forgetting this name implies weird jokes, it's the most fked name possible sometimes i get kicked or bant from online games for dam reason go figure...

6 years ago

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I wonder... why? I'm playing this (ADULT/NSFW) now. It's got to do with the subject, on a sort of level... but yeah.. I'm reviewing it now. I'm in a few lewd curations... couldn't be happier!!

Figured I'd toss it out there, since it deals with the subject in a way. And it just so happened it's what I'm "working" on.
Research material... ^___^

6 years ago

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Game looks cool , i'm a big fan of anything with zombies and guns not necessarily sex , i got that name as a joke in counterstrike by killing whole teams and dry humping them and i was one of the first in North America to play Resident evil 1 when it came out and always been a fan of horror movies since the 80's and its also kind of a tribute to Jeff Hanneman ->Slayer guitarist who passed away early 2013...people who know metal know right away what this name represents.

6 years ago

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Ahhh! I know metal. But - I am not a huge Slayer fan. I have only one of their albums (Seasons in the Abyss) - and not even the real one - just mp3s. I have quite an extensive background with death/black and power/prog bands though, especially from the 90's and early 00's. Not huuuge on thrash, but some hybrids are good. I have about 15k metal albums that are complete though, either in physical or mp3 format.

Oh, and the game's a little... dull so far. Kinda bland the way they pieced it together...

6 years ago

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I play lead guitar / composer i can play almost anything instantly even if i never heard it before i can follow along , main styles Thrash/Death/Progressive/Industrial/Alternative/Avant-Garde/Experimental/Nü-Metal... I have influences going back to the 70's ledzep,hendrix,blacksab,acdc 80's ironmaiden,slayer,kreator,death , 90's morbidangel,carcass,slipknot , 2000+and beyond , been playing since the age of 10 so I have like 30+ years experience and im gonna launch a new band this year check out my FB page add me if you can i know and i am friends with tons of celeb's and people in the show bizz https://www.facebook.com/hollandofhell

6 years ago*

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Thanks - I will have a look later. I have lyme - some insight there - long read - if you're interested in a touch on my situation, so it's tough for me to play these days.. and I didn't really do much with my days as a bassist when I was totally capable (in my teens+ when I started with classic rock [since it was easy to form connections with other bands learning it - not because I necessarily liked a lot of it] - stuff like Rush and Dream Theater, Kansas, Uriah Heep, Ozzy/Sabbath, Jethro Tull, mastering some of those albums as best as I could). Well, got to know a few people who have been around, but not super famous. My girlfriend's old band had a show with Anthrax once, back before she got sick with lyme and other crud as well. It might've been during it, since she still kept going while being fairly ill. I guess both of us do, to the best of our abilities.

Learning that early stuff got me into later more technical stuff. I can play almost anything though if I listen to it, same as you're saying. Not as easy with my brain being half-gone from 20+ years of lyme, but I can still hold my own if I was dropped into a random band and had to learn it on the fly, or had just a little while to review material and I'm pretty good at "improvising" since I just know how to naturally play bass... and where notes work together (of course, time changes are a whole different beast... can't predict those). Anyway, won't go into a Superfabs Superblab, more than I already have... It's been good replying back and forth though. I'll give it a look when I get some time though: Thanks for sharing! I also know a few people who are fairly popular out there... I'll only name drop one: my friend sang for one of Drowning Pool's albums... a buddy named Jason. He's a jerk though... and I'm sure that's what led to them kicking him out after just one album cut. Don't tell him I said that...

I kinda have the sound of a cross between Paul Gilbert and Billy Sheehan... That's weird since they were both in Mr. Big back in the day... lol. I don't like hair metal much, but... those guys do have some pretty admirable talent. Gilbert's one of my favorite "mainstream" shredders... though I like a lot of what many would consider more "mainstream". Most guys are way more talented than the "Top 50" lists these mags create - and it's amazing how much talent is out there that just isn't in the spotlight - and when you ask those guys, they usually prefer it be that way... ;)

Take care!

6 years ago

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Oops, wrong spot - see bottom response.

6 years ago

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The human body isn't made to last for none of us , even me I had an operation back 2013 if I hadn't id be dead by now for sure I had a fkin tumor in my head for almost 7 tears and doctors didn't know what I had up until I was almost gonna die , but I bounced back since now im in better shape then in my 20's and I look pretty young for my age i'm 50 and everybody thinks im in my late 30's and ready to start a new band using old school material I composed back in the late 80's early 90's , its my mission before i die , i know making it in music is a longshot for every musician that makes it theres probably millions who have tried and failed or like were saying life doesn't always allow you to be in a band or being just able to play has become a privilege , i know many musicians well known who had physical problems like cancer and stuff like that many talented people have fallen over the years its crazy , i fell like a survivor of the nuclear war , everybody's dying one by one...

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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lol funny vid but a bit too mainstream for me , i'm really into the underground been living there 30+ years ;)

6 years ago*

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Hello :3

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6 years ago

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Sorry for hijacking your thread, xboxer.

At least it got it some bumps/exposure. Apologies again - but I met some new person through it, so making connections is great I think. ;)

Wishing you well, personally, though I don't/didn't know you on steamgifts. Feel free to yell any time if you wanna change that!

Happy Holidays to each of you that read this! <3

6 years ago

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yo. im good. recently came bk to sg after abt a hiatus of 5 years. good to see the community thriving.

6 years ago

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