We're working on a number of major updates to the community, and the contributor system is one that we go back and forth on quite a bit. Let's start with a simple poll.

Edit: Currently the results are roughly 66% for keeping the contributor system, and 34% for removing. I looked into the users voting to see if there were any interesting trends. I looked at only votes from contributors, votes from users that have contributed $100+, $1,000+, users that have been registered for more than a year, etc. No interesting data though, they were all similar to the existing results, with roughly 2/3 for keeping it, and 1/3 for removing.

1 decade ago*

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Though i am going to vote yes i sometimes have serious doubts about the system. To give you an example, when a 1 dollar dlc is open only to contributors who collaborated with more than 1000 dollars worth of games, I feel that the system is at least "funny". So while i do think that this is an indispensable part of this site (that actually made me give away two games and a movie) it should, i do not know, be changed to a 3 or 4 levels system and also levels or collaboration requirements should go according to the game's value. To put it differently, if someone wants to give away the most acclaimed, most expected, and expensive game it is ok to restrict it to those who contribute the most but when it is a cheap old bundled game it is not.

1 decade ago

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Why? It's up to the giver to decide who to give the gift too. I'd stop doing public and puzzle giveaways if I couldn't decide how much contributor I want to put on them.

1 decade ago

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Yes i agree it is up to the giver to decide, only that a 1 dollar dlc for 1000 dollar contribution is funny. Also i am not really a guy who likes over regulation so freedom for the contributor to decide to whom he/she wants to give his/her game is good.
Also thanks for the reply. I had a look on your profile and I have to admit that you made lots of contribution. Also, so far I was not aware of the possibility of private giveaways (i know i know it is bec. i have not given away too many games) but I will explore this option in the future.
Thanks again for reading my idea and replying to it.

1 decade ago

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So actually I was just talking about this:
tell me what is good in this, Also I suppose that who created this giveaway would have liked many to participate (though it is only my supposition)

1 decade ago

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One part of me likes it and one part of me dislikes it. Mostly because of how people react to it. I don't really care if we have a contributor system or not, however, I feel like a lot of people are being judged because of it. It's "bad" to give away bundled games because they are cheap, but a lot of people can only afford to give away cheap games. I don't know, I just don't like seeing all the hate around but it is a nice way to give thanks to people who contribute to the community (and yes I think people who give away bundled games contribute as well - and I understand the problem here when it comes to the value). Maybe it needs a few changes but I can't really suggest anything that would work better. Personally, for me all that counts is that I make a person happy when they see that green notice on the screen and realizing they won a game. :)

1 decade ago

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There should be an option for REFORM. I don't want to get rid of it totally or keep it as is. CHANGE IT!

1 decade ago

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I would have voted that button in a heartbeat.

1 decade ago

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So please explain what it should be changed to :)

1 decade ago

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Voted to remove it the contributor amounts was mostly just groups sharing points off groups anyways.

If there was a seperate public contributor and group contributor amount it would be good though

ATM just remove it completely, the current system is just set-up for constant abuse and contributor stat maxing

Also prefer to have an rpg leveling system for this game called steamgifts

If people want to give games away they will do so regardless, whether they give to people they know or not is up to them

1 decade ago

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"If people want to give games away they will do so regardless"
Not true. I only started making giveaways when the CV system was created. Before that, I had been a leecher.

1 decade ago

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So you did not give away games to people you know before vs group giveaways?

Gave away like 5 copies of magicka and 2 copies of magicka vietnam before it was in bundle and not this site partially because of the CV. (free magicka pax codes yeah!!)

Probably did 35-40 indie game giveaways this year to other sites without CV also 3 non-indie/bundle games so far on other sites. (less than most, but eh)

Also we should be able to use a level up system to replace CV that does nothing, but show you generous you are.

1 decade ago

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Correct, before that I usually sold or traded extra games. I only very sparingly gave games to friends in real life (none of them are gamers). Note that I starting giving away games here because of CV, but that's not the case now.

1 decade ago

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I vote for "remove it" but both options are wrong. Improve it, there are so many good suggestions in this thread.

1 decade ago

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It's perfectly fine, keep it. It helps a lot!

  • A member since the site came out of invite only
1 decade ago

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Too easily abused and broken, if it doesn't work - get rid of it or fix it

1 decade ago

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Keep it. I am making well to reach $50 contributor stuff!

1 decade ago

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I will just say that should I chose to give away a game I feel I should have the right to chose if freeloaders are allowed to try win it or not.
People with no contribution do not help this website in any way whatsoever.
Freeloaders do not provide the website with giveaways,
Freeloaders do not provide points to use on giveaways either,
People still make open giveaways but if somebody should CHOSE to limit their giveaway to people who keep the site running, So be it.

Furthermore, it makes starting a giveaway appealing. To gain access to more exclusive giveaways. Which all helps keep this website running.

1 decade ago

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I don't really mind. but please let a devalued game still contribute to the gifts value. if you don't want to use the full value, make it $1 or even less if you have too. And please update the bundle listing, like Indoe Gala, so we can gift the full package without giving key sparingly.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Kurwa :DDD

1 decade ago

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You could grab the average value of a bundle, divide by the number of games, and use THAT as a contributor value for any game that's given away from a bundle. The users giving away the bundle games should get contribution value equal to what they paid for for that game.

Also, if the bundle has non-steam games in it, divide the value by the number of steam games only.

Is good, yes?

1 decade ago

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How does that help with BTA? You pay $1 for 4 steam games, pay $7 for one additional game, so games are worth $1.40 each?

1 decade ago

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Well yes, you at least get "something" for the game that's been given away, instead of the 0 contrib. over 30$ you get now. ( or has that changed? )

1 decade ago

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You only get 0 if you persist in only giving bundle games. If you give non-bundle games, you start to get some of the value from the bundle games.

1 decade ago

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Yes I know, but given jatan's example, would the current system exceed 1.40$ for bundle games given after a non-bundle?

1 decade ago

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No, I meant to say that this would not be fair to the BTA price. Because in your case, you would get $5.60 CV for the $1 bundle but only $7 for the BTA bundle. In this situation, I think a better solution is for the first 4 games to be worth 25 cents each and the BTA game to be $6, since you are paying $6 extra for the BTA game.

1 decade ago

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Ah ok, yep that makes sense.

My suggestion still doesn't solve the issue with "big" or "valuable" games like Darksiders II though, which theoretically should give 49$ contrib value.

Maybe they can factor in the metacritic ratings of the games into the contrib value...or something :P

1 decade ago

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I voted to remove it, but at the same time I'm not sure I care; I guess with the fluctuation of prices it does get annoying to have contributor value though. As an example the first two Serious Sam giveaways I did were at one time 50p each, now they're down to five; I have a Franchise pack in my inventory that I've done as a puzzle a few times that nobody solved...at one point the value was 350 USD (or 150p) and now it's down to 40p, which is bothersome.

1 decade ago

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I think it was a mistake in the first place to have those Serious Sam games at 50p >_>

1 decade ago

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A advice on "submit a gift" page with the contribuitor points to receive (not all people know "*" significate on this page) can evade a lot of future problems.

1 decade ago

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After 7 days and nights of thought I finally have the solution to CV problem.

Non bundled games give regular CV.

Bundled games give randomly generated CV from 0 to full price if user's given away bundled games only. The probability of it being 0 is 85%, full price something like 1%.

1 decade ago

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Rolling with the random value - how do you decide which games count as bundle games?

Sorry, but you have solved nothing :p

1 decade ago

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'You decide'? You don't need to, admins do and it really doesn't matter.

1 decade ago

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that's what they do atm and that's what caused the whole shitstorm

1 decade ago

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LOL what a soln.
Better not to think :P

1 decade ago

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I think it's not necessary. SG worked just fine before that as well. People were actually making giveaways because they wanted to make somebody happy, not because they needed to raise their contributor value, sometimes just dropping something lame after realising the contributor value is high, but they can get it cheap.

1 decade ago

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i think we should keep it, or else this site would die because it's no sense donating games when you have nothing left

1 decade ago

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i think so too, the site would not die, but there would just a few people creating giveaways left

1 decade ago

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Like for me Contributor lvl should be still on this site.

1 decade ago

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It's alright I suppose - some may lose motivation to make giveaways if removed. Not me, I gift bundle keys.. :D

1 decade ago

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It doesn't need to be removed, but it does need to be revised a bit.

I can understand the thought that a game that's part of a bundle shouldn't be worth its full value... but then, why would a game bought for 75% off during a steam sale be worth its full value? And if I contribute a $50 game, should my contributor value drop as the game's price does?

1 decade ago

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Contributor system is a joke. If you want to restrict the number of entries, actually you can just let your giveaway only 1 hour. Or an option to limit the maximum players instead of this contributor system. Like on Galagiveaways.

1 decade ago

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It's not about limiting the numbers,it's about giving only access to ppl who gift something.

"Like Galagiveaways" is always the first step in the wrong direction.

1 decade ago

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Contributor giveaways are about limiting certain categories of players (read: non-contributiors/low-contributors) into giveaway, not about abstractly limiting number of players in, there's absolutely no point in such option.

1 decade ago

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For me this kind of things is "dumb" (not in an insult way). If you want to donate a game, you don't need to know if the guy who will win it give as much as you want it giveaway. You give it, and that's all. In any case, it's my thought. I found this contributor system bad, no more no less. But anything with a currency system is bad for me, so it could be not so much impartial.

1 decade ago

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I don't understand. If you donate something you should get to choose what kind of person the game goes to. Think of scholarships. Most of them require you to be part of some group, or be of some ethnicity, or have good enough grades. It's up to the person donating to decide who the money goes to.

"But anything with a currency system is bad for me"
So you want to get rid of money? We'll go back to the stone ages with bartering?

1 decade ago

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Ahah thanks for the joke. People are so indoctrinated, money is their god, poor people. Money is nothing, resources are. You should get some information about RBE (Resources Based Economy) for instance. There is no need to go back to stone ages without money, that's totally absurd. And for instance without money atm, we could feed everyone on earth.

And the "what kind of person", that's totally wrong. How could you know what kind of person the game goes to. A contributor value is nothing. I've always given game keys freely on forums i used to be on. I've only 28$ of "contributor value" here, i could have several hundred (or even more) but it's meaningless. And with the current system i don't want to give more here in fact. It's not how i see gifts.

1 decade ago

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Ahah, thanks for the joke. Money is what people make it to be, and it's pretty valuable because of that. Good luck trying to wean people off of these currency schemes. I wish you all the luck in the world. Hint: it's not going to happen anytime in the near future.

"And for instance without money atm, we could feed everyone on earth."
Yeah... sure. Pretty sure people were still starving to death back when money didn't exist.

And the "what kind of person", that's totally right. I know exactly the kind of person the game goes to. And that's because I know most of the high contributors.

1 decade ago

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First of all, contributor system is still optional, you can install SGPlus and never even know there are giveaways you can't enter (this is the matter, yes? I know it is!). Second, contributor value was, is and always will be an option of e-penis mesurement, which is (in most cases) important for a human being. Third, a lot of people hate leeching and have a possiblity of restricting people into giveaways by a 'leeching' matter.

Yes, in current 'conditions' (esp. on lower values) cv is merely an illusion of 'value' (like easy 30 cv for 1$ bundle), but anyway there always will be a sense of relief for a giveaway creator, seeing 0.01$ (or 30.01$) in the giveaway, the inner voice will declare to person's mind 'I have no leechers in my giveaway' or 'I have only good people who value my giveaway', and this feeling is an inspiration for further giveaways, because people actually feel some emotional feedback for a giveaway and thus cv system is essential for a gifting community as an additional motivation for gifting.

1 decade ago

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Says a guy with 28$ contribution value.

1 decade ago

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Get out.

1 decade ago

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Says a guy who won 8 games and hasn't given anything back yet.

1 decade ago

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I really don't think you are in the best position to judge others.

1 decade ago

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Says a guy who.... is rich.

1 decade ago

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Because spending $30 a month on games to give away = rich.

1 decade ago

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Do you even think before you actually write?

1 decade ago

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Says a guy whose username in spanish means Mister Wine.

I hope that name is still available.

1 decade ago

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You don't say?

Guess what,I actually know what it means...and just to spoil it for you,it is also the name of a breeding horse. With all that wisdom I am pretty sure you made an excellent decision with jaded,especially in combination with your avatar.

1 decade ago

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And my face, don't forget my face.

1 decade ago

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. . . says a guy who uses ad hominem because he apparently can't formulate a reasoned response.

1 decade ago

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Says a mod...

You both don't understand the small sarcasm which I have hidden in my post :(

1 decade ago

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If no one catches your sarcasm, is it actually sarcasm? I don't know anyone other than you who would consider that sarcasm

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Have you looked at Galagiveaways at all? Do you really want steamgifts to become like that?

1 decade ago

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I didn't say i want the same thing that Galagiveaways, but a hybride, why not.

1 decade ago

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APossibly going to be shot down here, but I've seen lots of people saying fix it, don't remove it.

Here is my idea to fix it: have a split value system.

Non bundle listed games count as full price, and bundle games count as a second total at full price. People can then make CV giveaways where you specify with or without bundle value...

For example, someone gives a $20 game, and a $15 bundle listed game. He/She can currently enter CV giveaways for $35. In my idea he/she could enter a $20 CV giveaway if the giveaway creator specified CV without bundle value or a $35 CV giveaway as current if the creator didn't specify without bundle value.

The creator specified the with/without clause whilst making the giveaway as an extension to setting the value. I.e. have a box for a number saying without bundle value and one saying with bundle value. To give to people who haven't given bundle games set the second box to 0. To give to all contributors, set a value in both boxes. To give only to the people who give bundle games, set the first box to 0 and et a value in the second box.

I think this would help the situation as it gives people credit for gifting (the full value of what they have given away is shown possibly as in my example: $20+15) BUT it also allows creators to create CV giveaways to thank contributors who might not have used a humble bundle or other bundle to boost contributor value.

Whilst typing this I thought of one improvement: the bundle listed games only count in the second total if the game is given away multiple times by the user or the site is flooded with giveaways for that game (by flooded I mean either a big spike of giveaways for that game or a general large increase in giveaways.)

Feel free to start shooting me now, improvements / ideas equally welcome.

1 decade ago

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This is certainly one of the better solutions that have been posted(although not new ;) ). Won't change me to an upvoter because of CV itself and what it brings with it,but would certainly encourage some upvoters to do contributor giveaways again.

1 decade ago

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Im a downvoter as well. My idea is simply that, an idea. I see the contributor value as a nice number but not entirely in line with the idea of gifting for the sake of gifting which was what the site started as.

1 decade ago

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There might be something here, but the way you state it it sounds like you could exclude people from GAs based on whether they have ever given away bundle games (by setting bundle value to 0) - which would be very detrimental. It makes sense to be able to say you should have donated X value of non-bundle or Y value including bundles - but to say "Oh, you gave away a hundred Skyrims, so that's cool. But I see you also gave away Torchlight after it was in HB, so go be a bundler somewhere else" doesn't sound quite right

1 decade ago

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Yep, that's a good point, I was stating the extremes of my system though so yes you could mix-and-match the values if you wished.

1 decade ago

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Please remove it.

1 decade ago

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Why so serious!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm not a fan of getting rid of the CV system entirely, but at the same time I think it does need a bit of rework.

I for one thing that rather than basing 'CV' on the current Steam Price of the game (bringing up all the issues with bundles, farming, etc) it should be based on the number of people entering the giveaway.

Someone gifting Bioshock Infinite or Skyrim probably deserves more recognition than someone gifting ten copies of iBomber Defense, and this would likely be reflected in the number of entries vs. active users in that time.

The difficulty is that longer giveaways would gain more entries, but I'm sure there is some way to adjust for this.

When it comes down to it though, there isn't going to be a completely fair system that's also not open to abuse and is practical to implement. The current CV system seems to be the most practical of all possible systems, although I would think that locking in CV at the time an item was gifted would be fair - a person shouldn't lose CV simply because a game they paid for and gave away is now in a bundle.

Another option would be to only allow users to receive the CV once for any item that is in a bundle. It would allow people to receive CV, but it would help to limit farming.

1 decade ago

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I basically agree with the number-of-people idea. It's not perfect (you'd earn less for shorter giveaways, and it would reward gifting more popular games, which is a value judgment that might not always be the best thing), but I think it'd be better than what we have now, and most importantly it'd be self-correcting -- there's not really any way to abuse it that I can see, since it means that the steamgifts population itself is deciding what something is worth.

1 decade ago

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But if you made GA for people, who have X points, you get smaller amount of them, so its kinda useless

1 decade ago

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What do you mean? Point values correspond to base price; generally, more expensive games are also newer and more desirable. A Bioshock Infinite giveaway may require 60 points, but it still attracts more people than a Fortix giveaway!

I mean, no system is ever gonna be perfect (partially because I don't think there's any agreement on what exactly CV giveaways should be rewarding, and therefore no real agreement on precisely what CV should measure.) But I think it'd be an improvement over what we have now, and would be a lot more self-regulating overall.

1 decade ago

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I don't think you're going to be seeing many puzzle or forum giveaways anymore. Also, contributor giveaways would give less value than non-contributor giveaways. I don't think you want to disincentivize those.

1 decade ago

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Voted for "Keep it. Contributor giveaways are an important aspect of the community."
Everything is fine as it is :)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.