We're working on a number of major updates to the community, and the contributor system is one that we go back and forth on quite a bit. Let's start with a simple poll.

Edit: Currently the results are roughly 66% for keeping the contributor system, and 34% for removing. I looked into the users voting to see if there were any interesting trends. I looked at only votes from contributors, votes from users that have contributed $100+, $1,000+, users that have been registered for more than a year, etc. No interesting data though, they were all similar to the existing results, with roughly 2/3 for keeping it, and 1/3 for removing.

1 decade ago*

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I completely agree there are problems at the core of the contributor system. That's evident by the number of people that have been reported and suspended for feedback fraud. However, the same system has urged people to give away more, perhaps at a lower cost of purchase.

Contributor values are also a nice simple way to filter a giveaway and make it available to people that have generally been more involved and given back to the community. I don't doubt that fraudulent feedback still allows some undeserving people to enter high CV giveaways, but most of the entrants are going to be legitimate high contributors.

I do feel that people who donate to the community more than I do should have access to more exclusive giveaways, and CV is a simple way to achieve that goal. The system never claimed to solve everything, and it should not be treated under that light.

I voted keep it, but I'd support a few tweaks here and there, to alleviate some of the problems.

1 decade ago

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ever heard of private grups ?

1 decade ago

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I don't know, have I? Take a wild guess. I'd draw you a Venn diagram of how contributor, private and group giveaways intersect, but I hope you don't need it to understand why I feel all 3 are helpful.

If you still need an example, say you're part of a private group but still want to make a giveaway that's available only to the most generous members of the group. Why wouldn't you want the option of a group/contributor giveaway?

1 decade ago

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The current system just does not work out.

Maybe instead of getting the contributor value, we should have some sort of contributor system where the community has a direct influence on the CV - this could encourage more public giveaways, but you are still able to make hight-CV, private and group giveaways, that just will not give as much CV, because not as many people can "upvote" them.

Basically you would get a base CV, depending on the game value, plus an additional CV, based on the upvotes you get from people that enter your giveaway.

A possible calculation: CV = (game.value / 10) + (game.value / 1000 * upvote.count)

For example is someone is giving aways a $20 game and gets 1000 upvotes for it, he gets $22.0 CV

Is someone is giving away a $20 game in a small group and therefore only gets 20 upvotes, he gets $2.40 CV

Now before you stat crying "Hey, but it's a $20 game, why only give $2.40?" - that's because in this system, the CV does not show how much money you invested in the game, but how valuable your giveaway is to the whole community.

Only people who enter should be eligible to upvote and the vote has to be removed if they leave the giveaway.

Now, this is only one possible idea, I did not invest much time or thinking in the calculation part, as that could always been tweaked accordingly, please don't hate on my for actually making constructive suggestions =)

What do you think about a system like this?

1 decade ago

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MMmmm... I think isnΒ΄t fair for people who likes making group/private giveaways

1 decade ago

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Shouldn't people make giveaways to bring joy to the community instead of caring for their CV?

As stated above, this system would potentially reward you for making your giveaway accessible to more people.

If you want people to stay out (either by making it private / group-only or with a high CV requirement) you are still able to do so, but by limiting the people that can enter, your giveaway is less attractive to the whole community and therefore you get less CV.
But on the other hand, by limiting the people that can enter, you are making it more attractive for those that can, so you are more likely to get upvotes (since they are not a requirement after entering!)

1 decade ago

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Shouldn't people make giveaways to bring joy to the community instead of caring for their CV? Let those exploiters exploit then, since you shouldn't care about CV.

1 decade ago

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The problem with "upvotes" is that's is even easier to manipulate than the current system. It will encourage people to group up and upvote each others giveaways, regardless of their actual value to the community. Instead of isolated users, we'll have hundreds turning to what is essentially still feedback fraud, even at the cost of entering each others giveaways.

At least the current system can contain the bad apples.

1 decade ago

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They would have to group up in pretty big groups to cheat this system - and as I stated above, the calculation is not final and can always be tweaked.

1 decade ago

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Okay, I scrolled up :)
Interesting idea, much more revolutionary than mine. The only weakness I see, it forces people to make as long givaways as possible, to get many entries and votes. I think that voting is not nessesary, if someone enters, he must be interested in a game, so you can make it simplier. Also, many people are too lazy to say just "thanks" (like me :P ) so voting system could not work out. And it favourizes big groups... Anyway, nice fresh idea, CG should take it under consideration.

1 decade ago

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Wouldn't be fair for private forum giveaways, puzzles etc.

1 decade ago

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As stated above, this system would encourage giveaway creators to make public giveaways.
Since private and group giveaways aren't accessible to everyone, my suggested system would work as intended.

Again: Giveaways should be made for the sake of sharing the joy of gaming, not for collecting CV.

If people really are after a reward for creating giveaways, maybe cg should implement colored or sparkling user names...

1 decade ago

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Puzzle giveaways are (for the most part) accessible to everyone, I don't know what you are talking about.

1 decade ago

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Not every private giveaway is a publicly posted puzzle - please look at the example below (my reply to zelghadis) how one could abuse the current system with private or group giveaways.

I'm not saying that a lot of people are doing it that way (at least I hope so), but it's currently a flaw that would not exist with my suggestion.

1 decade ago

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Really Dope? Really? So no more puzzles from uncle zelg? :(

1 decade ago

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Nooooo, I didn't mean to :'(

Seriously, I enjoy solving puzzles and finding hidden giveaways, but with the current system, private and group giveaways can easily be abused (examples are given in other posts in this thread).

Well, it's a suggestion, maybe it can at least be partially used in one way or the other, to improve the current system ;)

1 decade ago

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yup - but your solution is rescuing contrib GAs by killing Puzzle ones. With a choice between contri and puzzles I choose the second one ;p Because in puzzles I can at least report puzzle cheater and get him suspended - you cannot do the same for exploiter contri booster.

1 decade ago

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I totally get you, but my point was that pivate and group giveaways can easily be used to gift "games in circles" (for example 4 friends want to buy a game, but instead of doing so directly they create a group or make private a giveaway for themselves) - by doing so, 3 out of 4 could get CV, without contributing to the community.

1 decade ago

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which is done and I think we know those persons,but your system would penalize many ppl for slightly penalizing those you want to stop.

But from all the ideas it's certainly one that can be thought about (although at the current form present I strongly disagree).

1 decade ago

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Remove it

1 decade ago

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Contribution value is a good idea, but it became overly complicated with the time. People cannot understand why some games marked with asterisks, why their values cannot increase or which sales count as "bundles", write about this in forums and generate much rage in replies. Some people dedicate themselves to "farming" contribution value, others in return begin judging people by their contribution too much.
How about returning to basic contribution system - each game counts af flat constant value for everyone; sales, bundles, keys or regional prices do not matter. Keeping it simple. Otherwise we need to get rid of existing system completely and come up with something entirely new and different.

1 decade ago

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That would make things worse tbh. What's the point of creating a $2000 CV giveaway when someone can reach this value with $20-50?

1 decade ago

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So do not create such giveaways. Or, more accurate, do not take contributor value too serious, do not scale people only by their contribution value.
This is Steamgifts and we have an absolute and objective value for each game - its Steam price. There is private groups, where you can invite people based on their percieved, subjective value of contribution. Contributors that create hudreds of giveaways with $20-50 are doing something useful too, they're keeping the site alive and they deserve to be rewarded too.

1 decade ago

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I still don't see why we should replace an exploitable system with a more exploitable one. Remove it or make it better - either of them would be better than maintain it without any restricton.

1 decade ago

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Contribution system was implemented to reward users for creating giveaways, isn't that right?
Right now I don't think it still have same "reward" feel. More like some "guilty until proven innocent" persecution. You can buy games from different sources and for different prices, even same bundle can be bought for any amount of money you see fit, not necessary 1$. But the system places everyone in same "cheap leecher" category by assuming all "bundle" games after some date were bought for nothing.

But you're right, for this poll's purposes, the answer is "remove".

1 decade ago

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Even tho I am annoyed most of the time because I don't have enough contribuitor value to enter some particular giveaways, I still think it's the right way to be followed. There would be way too many leeches around and to be honest, I think many would lose interest to do giveaways, just because they get nothing in exchange. As it is now, they get CV and they have higher changes to win something for themselfs, not just to give away stuff.

The problem are the bundle games. Maybe I'll edit this later with an explanation, cause right now I gotta run.

Yeah so.. I don't know. I already said bundle games cause problems. I honestly don't know how the system should change, but I think it should be something like, more CV, not full value of the game, maybe 25%, but for EACH one and for a limited ammout of copies to stop farming.

If you think my raw idea is bad, its ok, because I'm not sure what I'm saying either. :D

Either way, I'm happy how things are going right now.

1 decade ago

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the contributor only is overused... so many good giveaways people can't enter.
Imo it doesn't rward contributors because of the little higher chance to win and prevents more people from gifting those who win something -> gift something). It only rewards those who grind their points, really. Any else will just by a game instead of waisting time here.
Remove or requalify it at least!

1 decade ago

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"the contributor only is overused", said the guy who never gave away anything.

Sorry, I just couldn't hold myself.

1 decade ago

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Yes. that's way i want to keep it, because we will get people who just clicking to win games more and more and not giving them away.

1 decade ago

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Yep. I agree with you ViperMM, check my post from above.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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yeah you know, I don't have the money to buy games and give them away for free.
When I'm feeling generous I gift something to friends and not to strangers on the Internet (besides tf2 items - I smetimes give them away).
But still my point is that there is no use in contributor giveaways so maybe try to argue?

1 decade ago

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There's no point to argue, you stated your opinion as a fact without anything to back it. There's no room for discussion you are to busy living in you imaginative world where you are a victim of the grievous system.

1 decade ago

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haha yur right
fuck the system; YOLO

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I dont care. (btw steamgifts should be renamed to bundlegifts, because its 95% bundle games, 5% normal games :( )

1 decade ago

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It's only 95% bundle games because people are trying to abuse the system. This is the only reason why this topic was brought up.

also you were too late, someone has already said that about 1 year ago.

1 decade ago

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What's the "Contributor giveway" ? Is it the fact that some games are restricted for peoples who gave the equivalent of a certain amount of money. This just doesn't work. I mean, give 1$, buy 100 bundle at 0.01$ and you can get anything... this system is weak.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Yes you can. Please learn how it works before making assumptions.

1 decade ago

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You must delete upper limit of bundle games. at least add 1$ contribute for bundle games. And for not to abusing this bundle contribution, for one man only can add 1$ for 1 bundle game.(I'm poor at english, gorgive my poor grammar.)

1 decade ago

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This this this this.

1 decade ago

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Totally disagree. It's there because it was abused in the past, and in a big way. Re-opening old loopholes is just madness.

Like most on here, I've given away a number of bundle games knowing full well that because I've hit the limit for these I won't get any contribution for them. Who cares? Just relax, and enjoy making a gift...

1 decade ago

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Here's the thing. Community votes for contributor value, okay. However, in my opinion it needs to be modificated. CG should make a public contributor value for public giveaways, and a group contributor value for group giveaways.

Why, you may ask. There are multiple giveaway groups, with their own rules like 1 win = 1 giveaway. They're more like a trading groups, where members giveaway many games and get another for them, in a close, little communities. It's very unfair that they receive the same contributor value as users who giveaway games in public.

Imagine somebody who have "traded" many games in those groups, getting some amount of another games for them, and he is able to enter a public giveaway with i.e. ~1000$ value. He didn't do anything for the public SG community, but for his groups only. So he shouldn't be able to enter public giveaway, unless he hadn't contributed to the public. That's my idea.

1 decade ago

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maybe you want to scroll up a bit and give me your thoughts on my suggestion for a different CV system ;)

1 decade ago

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keep it, i have not contributed so much but it's a good system for me, it only need some improvement. :D

1 decade ago

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Use "Our Wishlist" on CV (changing the name to Contributor Points or something).

Like -->

CP = CV * (W/C + 1)


CP = CV * X

CV = as always

W = number of people who has it on whishlist

C = any constant to avoid big numbers

X = 11 if top 10 | 10 if 11-20 | 9 if 21-30 | ... | 1 if isnΒ΄t on our wishlist (or any scale)

1 decade ago

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I do like the idea of giving more cp to the games that are on more wishlists xd

1 decade ago

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Shouldn't you add a third option, modify it? I really dislike the current system, but I definitely see why it's in place.

1 decade ago

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Tell us your idea in the comments, then.

1 decade ago

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The biggest problem with contribution based on the US dollars: not everyone SG members earns 1500-3000 US dollars per month, and not everyone paying for Steam games same prices.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I wish there was a 3rd option that said discontinue it, but for reasons. I love the idea of rewarding people who contribute to the community, and think we should continue to explore ways to do that, I think the current system doesn't do that very well though. It would be a full time job or more to properly monitor and edit values for games that become dirt cheap or free, or crack down on people gaming the system etc.

I think overall the people who have the money and heart to throw down some of their own cash to give games to others tend to do fairly well for themselves when it comes to game purchases as well though, and I think the current system does a poor job of rewarding and thanking them, while rewarding people who invest time in playing the system.

I don't know what a different system would look like, but I feel like there has to be a better solution than what we have now. (Which is a system that already requires massive amounts of moderator and admin input, editing, policing, etc.)

1 decade ago

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Contribution system is a good concept, but it doesn't work very well now, since people tend to exploit such things and the exploitation rating is growing. I voted for removing it, but hoping for something improved to be done.

1 decade ago

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Shouldn't there be a vote option saying "remove the bundle restriction only"? That causes all the problem... nearly nobody buys a game for the full price, weather it is via a key page or steam...

1 decade ago

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Removing the bundle restrictions would make contributor value meaningless. Someone that spends $10 on bundle games could then enter giveaways meant for people that ten times that much.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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If you were to remove the cg no one would giveaway anything but bundle games.

1 decade ago

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if you were to remove cg no one would giveaway anything.

1 decade ago

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well, at least not on this site ;)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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To remove the cg? O:
How dare you...

Now about the subject: If there wasn't contributor system, why would anyone giveaways many bundle games? People would give away only from the goodness of their heart.

1 decade ago

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people used to give away alot of games that were on sale before contributer value was added. (granted, not as much as now, but still)

1 decade ago

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Contributor system is an awesome system, but needs more attention from STAFF.

  • is necessary for games included in bundles (like Indiegala-Indiegala Store, HIB, etc..) for preventing spam.
    Retroactivity is not always a good thing, it's a fast as bad solution.

So, keep and IMPROVE the current system. Set the * to the games spammed with the giveaways more fast than now and we'll have a good system.

1 decade ago

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It usually takes less than a day. What the hell do you want 24/7 attention for VOLUNTEERS?

1 decade ago

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I don't understand what the big problem with bundle games. In my last two giveaways signed up over 200 people, it means that at least 200 people wanted that game.

All the games that I have won come from bundles and I am happy because I wanted those games.

I prefer to be many giveaways of less value and everyone wins, that very few giveaways where only win contributors.

Sorry for my english.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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The wrong thing with them is that they can be easily exploitable.

1 decade ago

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Although some of the people really do want to win, you have to think of the inactive people on the forums who just spam join any giveaway they see. People are still buying metro 2033 when clearly it was for free for at least 1 month

1 decade ago

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They are definitely broken, but they need to be fixed, not removed. The system is getting abused by bundles, it should be fixed. Steam doesn't really help by keeping huge prices well beyond their time (crazy machines $20? oh come on...!)

1 decade ago

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I think that there is a better solution. Alchohol. Lots of it.

1 decade ago

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the solution to everything

1 decade ago

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as well as the cause

1 decade ago

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Alcohol is not a solution; it is a solvent.


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Well, alcohol isn't, but it is mostly consumed as a part of drinks that are %)

1 decade ago

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Very true. Booze is definitely a solution.

1 decade ago

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The problem with contributor system is that it's open to abuse by some members. They make a group for a couple of people and make giveaways for themselves so they can enter contributor giveaways. Groups with a low member count should not be valid for contributor value on site.

1 decade ago

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Uhm don't know if this idea has mentioned before in this thread, but I don't want to read through all 700 comments.

Keep the CV and make it so there is no decreased value for bundled games. Instead, a user can only get CV for a game once. If he/she gives away the game more than one time, he/she doesn't get any CV.
This prevents "leeching" from 95% discounts or 1€/$-special offers.

1 decade ago

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So, someone gives away 5x Skyrim and gets 1 contribution score, and another person gives new bundle game every week and in the long term gets 10x more than the first person? How about no?

1 decade ago

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But the person that gave away Skyrim five times would still have more contributor value than the person giving away bundle keys.

Assuming the bundle limit is still left in as well as giving no CV for multiple copies...

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.