We're working on a number of major updates to the community, and the contributor system is one that we go back and forth on quite a bit. Let's start with a simple poll.

Edit: Currently the results are roughly 66% for keeping the contributor system, and 34% for removing. I looked into the users voting to see if there were any interesting trends. I looked at only votes from contributors, votes from users that have contributed $100+, $1,000+, users that have been registered for more than a year, etc. No interesting data though, they were all similar to the existing results, with roughly 2/3 for keeping it, and 1/3 for removing.

1 decade ago*

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It has its flaws but I think ultimately the site is better for it. It might discourage people from giving away bundle games but it also encourages people to giveaway games here rather than elsewhere or not at all. There could be some system where bundle games regain part of their value if they haven't been in a bundle for over a year, although with $1+ pay what you want deals becoming more and more popular I don't know if the system will even be able to work for much longer.

1 decade ago

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As I've said, I think it's imperfect (and would inevitably be imperfect), but that it's better than having no rewards at all.

1 decade ago

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Need to be reworked. Not to be removed.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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+1 (It's not that bad)

1 decade ago

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Wow, this is some serious bullshit.

1 decade ago

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It amazes me, 654 people's problem solving skills go as far as "FUCK IT EVERYBODY GETS NOTHING".

1 decade ago

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lol this

1 decade ago

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Thats an arrogant way of putting up "Look at those downvoters,they dont have my opinion...THOSE FOOLS".

Many were against the system right from the start. It isnt even true that everybody gets nothing,if you want to put it like that,go ahead,feel free.

There are many reasons for downvoting the system,same goes for upvoting.

Anyway. "It amazes me,1370 people's cognition goes as far as "FUCK IT I WANT TO BE REWARDED FOR MY GIVEAWAYS" "

1 decade ago

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Leechers will win as much as contributors that way, it will make people less inclined to give (because why give if you dont get better chances?), meaning less giveaways, meaning less chances to win, meaning less users (as people grow tired of wasting time with little to no winnings). Those who are against the system may have valid points, but none that outweigh the points for.

Yes the system is flawed, greatly. Yes it needs to be reworked. But removed altogether? No.

1 decade ago

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I know quite a few contributors who either stopped giving away because the "moral" aspect of contributor giveaways and others who stopped making public giveaways and shifted to several groups. Most contributor giveaways are in such low values that they dont keep anyone out at all except those really poor guys who cant even afford bundle games or other cheap sales.

"Why give if you dont get better chances?". Because it's steamgifts,not Steaminvestments. That whole "I need to contribute to increase my chances" is totally flawed in many ways. There are very few high contributor giveaways,with the money you spent on getting in that range you could easily buy those games...and that would be 100% chance of getting it,not 1%. If you start to exploit/abuse you will be blacklisted from most giveaway groups. Giveaway groups however not only have the best giveaways around,they also offer the best chances. Next point is the total giveaways created because of bundles...more giveaways,more points,more entries...chances stay the same. I won't even jump on the quality/quantity train here.

You know there was a time on SG when bundles were not allowed at all. Sure,some tried to get around that system too,but others just gave away their keys for free. They didnt care that they didnt get CV,not even another +1 for games given away.

So yes...some might get pissed by removing it,others would love it. Besides....everyone is "keep it,but change it". To what system? If the system introduced isnt liked again ppl will continue to complain? We change system on a yearly basis? You can't satisfy everyone.

1 decade ago

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I stand by my statement. Yeah, the system can be better. But saying remove it all together says one or both of two things: Either you are unwilling to think of a better solution, or because you think you're some martyr by doing all your giveaways and supposedly expect nothing in return (Congrats on the 65 wins by the way).

"1370 people's cognition goes as far as "FUCK IT I WANT TO BE REWARDED FOR MY GIVEAWAYS"

And? Since when is it your place to say people don't have the right to want to be rewarded? I love giving away games. I really do. But I like winning them, too. I still like giving quite a bit more, but I love winning that particular game I've been chasing. Is that a crime?

There's nothing wrong with contributor value as a system of incentives. It can either entice people to put games into the site, or reward those who already have. It's a fair system at its core.

1 decade ago

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I stand by my statement. Keeping the system is neither necessary for the site,nor would it benefit the community. Keeping the system will change nothing,even when you modify it. Ppl will still exploit/abuse,others will continue to complain because its not the system they wanted that benefits them. It has nothing to do with "to dumb for solution" or "Moral wanking". I have discussed solutions many times and thought through many different ways,but all of them are flawed,thats why you don't see a "We should ...." from me. You fail to see the flaws? Not my problem

What's wrong for being rewarded?Nothing. It is wrong to see steamgifts as an investment that gets you entitled to anything when you spent something.

Also winning a game you want has nothing to do with your CV.

1 decade ago

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I don't think that's the case and I don't really think you are that ignorant to not realize that people who voted that have reasons behind it and don't just do it out of spite.

Also, they might have suggestions for a different kind of reward system so they want this removed?

1 decade ago

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This is very bad. I spent HwB $ 5. And I got 4$ contribution. Meaning distribute Hvb if it is not profitable? It's easier to buy for yourself HwB for $ 1 than to get here for $ 0.2 or less. I am sorry for my English.

А теперь что я думаю по русски.
Это очень плохо. Я потратил на бандлы 5$. А мне все пересчитали и я получил 4 контрибуции и это еще я перераздал несколько игр, которые выиграл, но которые у меня были в steam и я просто не успел синхронизировать аккаунт. Тогда какой смысл раздавать бандл, если это совсем не выгодно? Легче купить для себя один бандл с играми за 1$ чем получить здесь по 0.2$ за игру если не меньше. Еще можно в steam на распродаже купить какую-нибудь игру скажем за 30р (1$) и раздать здесь и тебе дадут за это скажем 15 контрибуции. Другое дело что это будет плохая/стремная/никому не нужная/ не популярная игра, а в бандлах игры намного лучше, но получается что их раздавать совсем не выгодно. Вот так вот.

п.с Добавлю еще что вчера у меня было 272 контрибуции. а после перерасчета стало 32. Я в печали, зря потратил 150р, мог сегодня в steam купить Prince of Percia complete pack (все игры о принце) чуток добавив 74р.

1 decade ago

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Are you sorry for your Russian? Are you selling something down there or what?

1 decade ago

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Раздача игр не должна быть вложением денежных средств. В этом основная проблема тех, кто считает ограничение в $30 великим злом, а добавление игр из Humble Bundle в бандл-лист преступлением. Сайт не предназначен для долгосрочных вложений, которые должны затем окупиться выигрышами. Сайт предназначен для создания раздач стим-игр на альтруистичных (в идеале) началах. И именно такое отношение, как у вас, и создает существующей системе плохую репутацию.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I say we shut the site down for a while and go on a trip/vacation around the world so we all come back relaxed and care free.

1 decade ago

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We will offer the airlines our payment in the form of steam games.

1 decade ago

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That would actually be quite good for everyone's backlog.

1 decade ago

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Relaxed backs!

1 decade ago

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This poll would change drastically if the options were "Keep as is", "Keep but change", and "Remove completely".

1 decade ago

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I was thinking this too, heh.

1 decade ago

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+1 to keep but change

1 decade ago

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It would. That's why it wasn't included in this one.

1 decade ago

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Keep it but it needs changes. It seems to be too easy to farm it up from bundles and other almost free/free stuff.

1 decade ago

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And I don't know why my contributor value bugged on 30$. Eyup, system need tweaks

1 decade ago

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Not a bug.

1 decade ago

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Read stuff. Learn how the system works.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Keep it! I like this contributor system ^_^

1 decade ago

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Contributor system = a very good idea that needs better implementation. It's not terrible, but it's not great either. Unfortunately, I don't have an amazing alternative to it, except for an idea that might be too problematic. It depends on some specifics.

Here is my ideal system:
Contributor value is based on the lowest price a game has been sold for at the time of the giveaway. This would mean pulling data from something like IsThereAnyDeal.com. I suspect this would involve too much work and tax the server too heavily, but I think it would be much better than the current system - if it could be made practical.

1 decade ago

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That's kind of ridiculous and doesn't keep track of regional price differences, sales on physical products, more obscure sites, etc.

1 decade ago

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I know it's ridiculous. It's less ridiculous than what we have now. Do you have a better model for automatically valuing games?

1 decade ago

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Other than removing CV, nope. There will always be flaws with any method used.

1 decade ago

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Removing CV automatically values games? Now that's ridiculous.

1 decade ago

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No, removing CV makes the value of the game a moot point

1 decade ago

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Indeed. CS has its own problems and need to be improved. I don't like being swarmed by too many indies and worthless games.

1 decade ago

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I actually love being swarmed by indie games and cheap games. I don't understand why anyone has a problem with it.

1 decade ago

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They probably bought them themselves already or don't know how to use the filter system of SG+. Also some might fear they will have an even lesser chance on winning that BS:I or RE:6 giveaway for 60 points, if the site gets flooded with cheap games and the points they bring along.

1 decade ago

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That would be quite more difficult to maintain than the current bundle list so I am not sure it would be the best idea. Thank you for taking the time to suggest it though.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for responding to my suggestion! I expected it would be too much of a hassle, even if the right people liked it.

1 decade ago

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Bundled games should give people something like 1-2$ CV or 10-20% of steam price, so people who give bundle games only will get something, they must buy so guy who gives only 3 games have 30$ GV but guy who gives 30 bundled games have only 30$ too.

1 decade ago

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You are rigth!

1 decade ago

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I totally agree. But I'm just slightly worried for people who pay more than the average for bundle games. So imagine if someone payed $40 for a bundle, and decided to give away 2 or 3 of the games. He'd only get $3 contributor value, whilst he'd basically payed $20 for the games.

1 decade ago

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If you choose to pay above the minimum, you're essentially making a donation. You willingly paid more because you either wanted to support the developers, the bundle site, or a charity. If you're doing that, why would you also expect to receive contribution equivalent to what you paid?

1 decade ago

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Contributor is gaining ground, keep it up guys! Vote to keep it!

1 decade ago

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I haven't contributed much, really. My contributions don't give me much more of a chance to enter giveaways, overall. Despite that, I feel inclined to prefer having some sort of contribution value system. That said, I hope those supporting the site make their own decision rather than just letting democracy/the mob decide, and I suppose I hope they listen to their biggest contributors more than to the rest of us (Though CQ is saying each group seems to have the same overall opinion.)

1 decade ago

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The results of this poll won't make the decision final. This is just to check what the general consensus is and to get some feedback on it.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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A simple way to solve this problem : Remove the whole bundle list and give cv for each game given by the person, once per game. If the person giveaway that same game again then no cv for that. as simple as that.

1 decade ago

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you don't see why this idea may be flawed?

1 decade ago

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i was thinking for +ve effects of it:
(1) People will contribute to gain CV, so there will be giveaways.
(2) There will be no flooding of the same game by the same person on the home page so only 1 person can giveaway one game only once

1 decade ago

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No,it will be just a flood of every bundle given away. Everyone will try to spam it out,as you would get full CV for it. It would be a big and nice raise for everyone,while they easily could have kept those games they bought,its just about "giving away,will win anyway and will have CV now".

The other problem ppl address is that you hurt "legit" (bad word) giveaways. You can't say BSI flooded the page,but yet everyone was happy that some ppl made more than one giveaway. (just 1 example)

1 decade ago

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hmm right. then there should be not a full value given to the bundle games but some proportion should be given.
We should add galastore bundle and that ghost sniper sale to the bundle list too.

1 decade ago

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It solves nothing for people who give away non-bundle games.

1 decade ago

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I think people need to stop caring so much about it. People are getting gifts regardless and that is the whole point of the site.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Voted !
I like the system how it is now.
The thing is, I'm not gonna start 50 threads about how i think the system is good.
That's why we only read threads from people who disagree with it.

I like knowing that there are giveaways where less people can join because there's a CV needed.
I didn't give much as I don't have much, but I still succeeded to go over the 30 points CV, so it's not that hard.
I also like making puzzle for a giveaway, that is the main reason why I made some actually, but if some people see the CV as an insensitive to make giveaway, so what ? Everyone see it as they want.

I really feel the debate is more between those who see giveaways as generosity and those who see it as a way to climb a ladder.
In the end, the system is the same, and it works.

1 decade ago

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Btw just saw your edit. To me the "no interesting data" is actually quite interesting to a certain extent ^^.

1 decade ago

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How so?

1 decade ago

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I expected something different,although there still might be "qualitative" differences

1 decade ago

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I'd say remove whole contrib system, only people left will be ones that want to give away games for sake of giving away (and treating winning games as nice addition) and all other tards that try to maximize their profits will go to SteamTrades

[edit] and don't get me wrong, there is absolutelly nothing wrong in wanting to win something here, it becomes a problem when you try tomaximize your chances with all means, just look at all thoose stolen CD-Action giveaways and all Valley without a wind 2 from keygen

1 decade ago

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"only people left will be ones that want to give away games for sake of giving away"
I disagree with that.

The ones who make giveaways in order to have a better CV and access more giveaways, won't need to make any giveaways anymore... why would they leave ?
They just can access more giveaways than before without participating.

1 decade ago

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and that may be a good thing, at least they wont steal from cd action/ubisoft store/valley without a wind devs etc... every single month there is some abuse and some jackasses steal games to boost their contrib here

1 decade ago

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I agree, that's a point.
But I don't think it's as bas as what removing the CV would be.
I prefer too many giveways than less than now.
The main problem is to find a way to have a more efficient bundle list maybe.

1 decade ago

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heck... i don't mind, CV is not problem here, problem is that admins are too nice to abusers, when you reported someone for giving away tons of valley giveaway and see him only suspended instead of banned you feel like someone slapped you in the face :/

1 decade ago

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Permanent bans are still labelled suspension, there's no way to tell the difference just by looking at profile.

1 decade ago

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If it says "Banned", it's a leftover from the old system. Punishments always say "Suspended" now, even when they're permanent.

1 decade ago

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that's good to hear

1 decade ago

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IN one hand, i found the contribution system is the source for fake giveaway, ....etc , Get rid of it will get rid the need to do those "thing". But we still need it to seperate those give nothing and those ...willing to invest or have a generous heart. So i say , unless we able to come up with something better, we still have to keep it

1 decade ago

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Don't delete it. It would be undeserving to the people who have put in the most giveaways for example you cg

1 decade ago

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Why there is no option to change CV system, only keep and remove?

1 decade ago

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As mentioned earlier in the thread, a neutral option wasn't added because it is so fluid that almost everyone would vote for that without input on what would actually need to get changed. There will be more discussion on this and this poll is not what decides everything.

1 decade ago

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Both options has positive and negative at the same time. I can't choose any of them for now.

1 decade ago

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That Yin and Yang fits your InnerPeace...

1 decade ago

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I have heartburn now. I need InnardsPeace. Let the Yin and Yang fits inner organs for InnerPeace!

1 decade ago

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I think the voting is broken. It seems like it adds votes if you click on the thing even after voting the first time. For the record, Im in favor of keeping the contributor system. Been here almost since the beginning, and have always thought it would be a good idea.

1 decade ago

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If you click a second time it seems to remove your vote, if you clik again it adds it again.
At least on my side with chrome.

1 decade ago

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maybe after your initial vote you clicked on it and so removed your initial vote,then you clicked again and it was added again. The first vote comes with a button,after that you can change your vote (for whatever reason),but there wont be a button anymore.

1 decade ago

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Ah yeah, that seems to be what was happening. At least thats how its working this morning. Maybe I was just tired last night :P

1 decade ago

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No need, my penis is pretty fancy anyway.

1 decade ago

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I love you.

1 decade ago

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Maybe we should have a similar poll about your penis.

1 decade ago

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contribution system is ok, not perfect but ok. It would just be better if people that get houndreds of free keys from devs, they would not get contribution value from that..i would put a limit of three copies that you can giveaway for two mounths for the same game, so if there are exploiters they can exploit only 3 copies...and if there is a massive giveaway or a broke system like gamers gate or amazon for max payne 3,support can easly know that from the community and stop exploiters.. for the rest i dont see the point to remove a system where the majority (me first) that cant afford a full price game , buy and share games in discount or in a bundle. if you remove CV system this site will be for private groups ONLY and it isnt that nice imo..

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.