We're working on a number of major updates to the community, and the contributor system is one that we go back and forth on quite a bit. Let's start with a simple poll.

Edit: Currently the results are roughly 66% for keeping the contributor system, and 34% for removing. I looked into the users voting to see if there were any interesting trends. I looked at only votes from contributors, votes from users that have contributed $100+, $1,000+, users that have been registered for more than a year, etc. No interesting data though, they were all similar to the existing results, with roughly 2/3 for keeping it, and 1/3 for removing.

1 decade ago*

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It seems the most important factor to this debate is that most contributors don't want to be the only one's gifting. Which is fair. Then again, this site is a gift site. Give without expecting anything, or in my honest opinion, don't come here anyway. But I digress. I thought this site was wonderful when I stumbled onto it, still do! But I then felt a great need to contribute a game myself, which given extra cash, will gift more soon. However, it's understandable that us without the major funds to reach, say for example, a contributor factor of $2,000, feel "left out", or overwhelmed, so to speak. I would much rather see contributor gifts no higher then say a max of $500, seems like a nice round number for anyone of a working nature to reach within a year or two.

Even with my arguments above: I fell to see the point in removing the contribution gifts feature. I vote to keep it, with or without changes.

Thank you all!

1 decade ago

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Contributor value of $500 can be reached by spending ~$10 of real money, which is why this issue is being discussed.

1 decade ago

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Consider me out of the loop then. Because you've lost me. :/ How is that possible? Unless you're a developer and you choose to give the games away, then that would be up to you? On second thought, before I finished typing this, I did some research, and I see what you're talking about. I really should look for these deals people are talking about on here. If these prices are right, I could have had a massive collection by now... Kind of disappoints me. In which case, they should adjust the system somewhat to compensate, instead of remove. Thank you.

1 decade ago

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Yup, the entire debate right now is because it's so easy to get to high contributor status nowadays. Some people actually do spend hundreds of dollars to get there, giving away new AAA games, but other people rely on "exploits" and pay far, far less on games that are not necessarily as desired to get to the same amount.

1 decade ago

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Contribution system works fine, need only find a way to prevent abusing and in other hand dont prohibit users to create giveaways. Bundle list perfect copes with it. The reason why we raise this question again is this new humble weekly sales, that not actually a bundle but also a nice way to increase contribute value. So why we cant simple rename bundle list to "big sales" list and add to it not only bundles but also the games that once was with, for example, 90% sale. Killing floor + Red Orchestra = 70 points for $3, 100-100*3/70=95% - to the bundle list. Darksiders + Red Faction = 110 for $7, 100-100*7/110=93% - to the bundle list. Crazy machines = 50 points for $5, 100-100*5/50=90% - to the bundle list. New Sniper Ghost Warrior with 90% coupon - to the bundle list. That would be great. Discuss. Thanks.

1 decade ago

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Brink Complete + Dishonored + Doom 3 BFG + Fallout 3 GOTY + Fallout NV Ultimate + Hunted + RAGE + Rogue Warrior + Morrowind GOTY + Oblivion GOTY Deluxe + Skyrim = $300 CV (at the time) for $27 at GG = 91% off. Put them all on the bundle list!!!

Also Borderlands 2 = $60 CV for ~$4 at GG, more than 90% off, put on bundle list!!

Might as well just get rid of CV, because you can find a case where you can put almost everything on the bundle list. (If you live in Russia, you can get almost everything in the steam store for over 90% off the US prices during sales)

1 decade ago

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Yeah, this some horrible sales I forgot about. Well for example if the bundle cost more than $10 its not count. Dont think people will be buy $10 bundles few times. Also, as I remember GG dont allow to buy games twice.
I know russians is cheaters, with this question talk with Valve. -)

1 decade ago

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GG lets you buy games twice. But it's also a simple matter of making more accounts :P

1 decade ago

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Or buy,gift the games at once(for example to your own email),buy again...repeat til you have what you want

1 decade ago

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I would say remove it, but all of my wins are from contributor giveaways. I would be curious to see what strategies were involved in a no c.v. system, though. Considering that if it worked, it would solve the community dilemma. Maybe you could try an open BETA to see the logistics? (And in my defense, I like giving games and have the mind not to giveaway a shitty one, but I also like winning. Giving away AND winning... feels good man.)
Either way, I'm addicted to this site how it is, including the forums. Oh, and it might make a difference if there was a tab at the top for the site Guidelines, that clearly give new users the lowdown.

1 decade ago

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mastaninjax has some good points.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It's not really about it working, more about how many people will complain since the site worked fine before CV was introduced.

1 decade ago

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so regardless of how the poll goes I think we can almost all agree the system needs some sort of reworking

1 decade ago

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No matter how much money people have, the vast majority enjoy getting something for free. I dare say that that is what drew most people to this site, even those that espouse more noble intentions. If one simply wanted to give things for free out of altruism there are simple ways that do not involve logging on and using this site. I do not endorse an "investment" attitude about gifting, but I do not think that most of the altruists are being completely honest either.

Are there none that would giveaway games without incentive? No. There are a small number that can afford to giveaway games and have the inclination to do so, but I suspect that number does not exceed 30. The bulk of giveaways come from what might be considered the "middle class". Many of them are not rich. They came here with the hope of winning a free game or two. It would be very easy for them to just be leechers like so many others, but they are not in part because of CV.

If a leech and a producer are treated the same, what reason is there not to be a leech? Why carry a burden when one can be carried? This is why communism will ultimately fail, and yet it continues to rear its ugly head over and over.

1 decade ago

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By that "communist" logic the site didnt work before you came here

1 decade ago

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From what I've heard, before the CV system was implemented there were even fewer public giveaways, and even worse odds outside of group or private giveaways.

1 decade ago

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ofc there were fewer public giveaways. Bundle games were not allowed at all. If you delete all the bundle games now and compare non bundle giveaways to giveaways back then (and take in account that ever since amount of user did rise,too),then it at least equals out. The variety was bigger.

Odds are still bad outside of groups/private today,except setting very high contributor values. Also odds isnt an argument for "If a leech....." at all. You got leechers now,you had leechers before. You have contributors before,you have them now. THe difference is creating the new class of "Contributing for the sole purpose of boosting CV". You get those wunderful giveaways with the huge variety we saw the last days (and before on other deals) and also an increase of exploits. Yeah I know,exploits arent allowed,by they get often tolerated to a certain amount "We wil allow one giveaway...." With freebies alone its easy to get a few hundred CV. Yes,those guys didnt exist before.

1 decade ago

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Communism has not failed yet. And I dare to say that Comunnisim is not suited for mankind's mentality. We are sharks, or better said lupus

Anyways, what has failed has been deviations from the Marxist ideas such as Stalininsm, Maoism and such resembling more our good old dictatorship that the ruling of the proletariat

1 decade ago

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I was going to comment in agreement, until you mentioned communism. I'm not about to jump into that boat =P

1 decade ago

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This reminds me of that "lower class users" post earlier in the thread.

In any case, there would be as few public giveaways as there were before if the bundle game restriction wasn't lifted. Also, almost all the site would be permanently banned for sharing bundle keys.

1 decade ago

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I feel that the contribution system is a flawed concept. Many high level contributors have most of their contributions from group giveaways, and have dozens of gifts won from these groups. Seeing these people as somehow more deserving of winning feels ludicrous to me.

I would much rather have a system which funnels wins towards people who haven't won much.

There are lots of down sides to the contributor value and implementation, and as a gifter (although less often these days) I know my gifting is skewed by this system, even though it shouldn't be. But the thing which bugs me the most is the idea that contributors are inherently more deserving of winning.

1 decade ago

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But that idea is not forced. No one is forcing anyone to put contribution requirement in their giveaways. Removing contribution system would make people force their ideals on others. Why should one concept be holier than the other? At the moment, both have more or less equal rights.

1 decade ago

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Why should one concept be holier than the other?

What is better a matter of belief. I'm sure you have a lot of concepts which you feel are better than others, and you agree to draw the line for others based on these concepts.

Using contributor value isn't forced for gifters (although it's forced for giveaway participants), but having it condones a certain attitude, contributes to certain negative behavioural aspects, and is based (IMO) on a false premise.

Is this a good enough reason to eliminate it? Each person would make their own decision. That's what the poll is for. It looks like more people want it than don't want it, so the best solution would be to fix it as much as possible.

1 decade ago

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Any freedom granted to the creator becomes a restrictive force for entrants (private/group/contribution/special rule) as they are intented to reject certain entries. On technical terms, I see no difference between the use of contribution requirement or group giveaway. Both act as limitators.

It certainly enforces certain behauvior and will have both positive and negative phenomena by merely existing. Introduction of contribution system had a major impact to the site. Whatever decision support ends up with, it will affect how the site works. Also, a negative backslash is to be expected.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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just remove bundle thing...or at least rise it to 50$

1 decade ago

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Raising it to $50 won't do much except make giveaways start at $50.01 instead of $30.01.

1 decade ago

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I'm happy with the way things are.

1 decade ago

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I think it provides giveaway creators more options, which is always a good thing. It also helps give some incentive to give more, which is always a good thing. Its not a perfect system, but I think its pretty decent and doesn't need a major overhaul.

1 decade ago

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Not really any point of keeping it. Maybe make a system that rewards making a giveaway with some points (and bundle games wouldnt give them). Some improved version of GalaGiveaway system.

1 decade ago

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That was not a well posed question. I want the contributor system to stay in place, but it needs some tweaking. I don't have time to elaborate now, I'll reply later if the poll is still open.

1 decade ago

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Improve documentation.

Whatever decision support makes, improve the documentation cg. No matter what, we have had constant stream of queries, topics, complaints and questions that are because things are not that easily found out. Couple quick fixes:

  • Link to FAQ in top bar (e.g. between Home and Giveaways).
  • Explain what asterisk means in create giveaway page including formula, example and how it affects.
  • Make FAQ up to date (well this one is not a quickie).
1 decade ago

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I just added that to my post, hah. I think a Guidelines tab that clearly states how the system works would bring much less drama.

1 decade ago

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Totally agree. I've been pushing for this since I joined the site.

1 decade ago

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Yes please.

1 decade ago

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If you idle on a page for more than a minute, get redirected to the FAQ.
If you pick a game from the list that you shouldn't have (whatever game tends to be removed at times), get redirected to the FAQ.
If a page times out, get redirected to the FAQ hosted on pastebin.
If pastebin is down, link to imgur showing a cat reading the FAQ.
If imgur is down, go to sleep.

But yes, the FAQ when joining, on create a giveaway page and somewhere on top would be good.

1 decade ago

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Even better: remove site, replace it with FAQ. Cannot miss it anymore.

1 decade ago

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I kind of feel like how bundles are handled is the only problem most people have with the contributor system. In genuine curiosity, I feel that I should ask if it would be an absolutely terrible idea to just make all bundle games worth 10%, or whatever percentage, as CV (so a $20 bundle game would net you $2 CV) instead of an arbitrary cutoff at $30 CV?

1 decade ago

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There's no arbitrary cutoff at 30$.

Bundles give 20% of your total not bundle value.First 25$ whitelisted.

1 decade ago

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Keep the system, operate it more flexibly - operate a bundle cooling-off period (would this be 'that hard', given you've already retroactively change CV several times?), as mentioned by others so games traded outside the time when the bundles are reasonably 'acquirable' get their full value. I don't know where people are getting their 'copies' of Humble Indie 1, for instance.

I personally don't care for my contributor value - I use SG Plus so don't see anything above my value apart from the occasional featured giveaway or doing a site search - but it seems to be a decisive element in how people behave on here.

It's essentially boiled down to a class system of the well-off people who build it organically through generosity, the farmers and the have-nots and such a toxic division just ruins any sense of community.

1 decade ago

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That would kinda promote hoarding of keys for later use so would pretty much delay the "ending date" for each bundle.

Problem is, it seems to be the major decisive element in how people behave here lately and thus the concern and poll. Thank you for the input.

1 decade ago

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Personally I can't say whether the system's existance has been for better or for worse. There are certainly some good things to it. Perhaps the most important being that people are contributing more.

There are also bad things and to me these outweight the gains. Many of the giveaways nowadays aren't as ingenuous as they used to be. Well does this matter? It does, the noble idea of Steamgifts is faced towards the worse. As someone mentioned before, the site is now treated more as a business.

The contributor structure's original idea is not supported anymore to its full potential, not even close, and perhaps the structure has gotten too many negative aspects. Maybe the system was a good temporary tool to freshen the site and is now obsolete. Maybe we should let it go.

1 decade ago

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Edit: Too bad the thread I was referring to is already closed.

1 decade ago

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The Contributor system have impulsed me to do more giveaways, i think you should keep it. Never had problems with it, some people just want to exploit contribution value buying super cheap AAA titles (like Darksiders 2) and want to farm it up, when those people say that DS2 got added to bundle list they whined, ofc (farm over).

Like i said, you should keep it because it's an wonderful feature.

1 decade ago

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Neither of them is a good solution. We should try to get a better system, I think it should take a different approach:

If a giveaway is more desired than another one, the former has to reward more points.

As you can see, I used the word points, the first thing to do is remove the dollar in the CV. Contribution don't have to be related to money, it should be some kind of number that means how valuable your giveaways are for the community.

So, how can we know if a giveaway is more desired than another one? It should be something arround "Number of Entries / giveaway duration".

My point of view is that we must get a correct mathematical formula to completely revamp how the CV is calculated along the idea that CV should reflect how good the community think your giveaways were.


CV += (giveaway_entries copies) / giveaway_duration*

1 decade ago

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That kinda kills private and group giveaways.

1 decade ago

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Any suggestion kills either public giveaways or private/group giveaways, as it seems.

1 decade ago

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I like " reward more for more desired games"

1 decade ago

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An idea:

Real Contributers System

If for example L4D2 had the cheapest sale price (until the giveaway started) at 5$ then give 5$ contrib value for it.

If Crazy Machines had the cheapest sale price (until the giveaway started) at 1$ then give 1$ contrib Value for it - If someone bought it before the 1$ thing came and the cheapest price was 5$ then he gets 5$ contrib value.

If a bundle contains 5 games for 1$ then give each 0.20$ for it.

Remove the bundle *

No of these "I haz 2394293856 $ contrib value from my Crazy Machines" guys come, no of these "Crazy Machines should be bundled", "90% off games should be bundles - or not" discussions come up and just everyone gets what he is supposed to get.

Also add a function that somehow checks wheter the game that guy XY gives away is a key or a steam gift. Let's take Super Meat Boy: If it is a Key then the cheapest Sale price was 25 cents. If it is a Gift then the cheapest price was 3,75$ and that is what that guy payed for it. Everyone will be happy. For that: write the Value that the Giveaway will give behind every game in the List.

Furthermore the System will not get spammed by those 99% off games hat noone wants. There will be more more-expensive and new games that haven't had a discount until then and so even the niveau rises.

End of my argumentation, flame me in the comments below.

1 decade ago

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so much problems here.

What if a game is not yet bundled yet but has a key form?
Example: DMC 6 = 50$, gifter gaveaway key, whats the value then? GMG might have it for 27$, CD key sellers might sell it for 15$ My point? Price discrepancies
What about russian and BRs?
Example2: RE 6 = 40$ in steam, gifter is from RU. He bought it for 19$ My point? Regional Pricing Bias
What about bundled games (1-2 years ago) but is given away?
Example3: I want to giveaway SMB but its a key came from a sale on GMG, other retailers. Gifter gets 25cents? My Point? Your system Punishes more. At least in the current bundle system, it will still allow you to get the full value of SMB, but only if you have other non-bundle games being given away.

1 decade ago

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I've already raised so many points against this. In addition to what MDuh wrote, there are price mistakes, freebies, etc. Bioshock Infinite? Free with graphics card purchase. So it should be worth $0 CV?

1 decade ago

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What it's been already said. Also the key/gift thing is easily exploitable.

1 decade ago

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Burn it to the ground, this whole drama gets really boring lately and I'd like to read something else being the cause.

1 decade ago

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I haven't been here on the site that long, but the contributor system seems like a good idea - but it's implementation is slightly off.
It's not weird that most of the games on the site comes from bundles; bundles are everywhere these days. So that these games drop in value on this site is understandable and a must.
But what about those who have bought the games fair and square after or before it game in a bundle with the intention of giving it away, but now are "screwed" by the fact, that it is has been in a bundle at some point?

I have no idea what a better solution to the system would. I think it should be kept, but tweaked so it fit with how big a part bundles play in the giveaways these days. Obviously not all people buy these bundles, or else there wouldn't be people entering. And as far as I know, the point of this site was to give away stuff, and not worry about CV or anything like that. Someone else wrote further down, that perhaps you could cut percentages off the value of bundle games rather than cap it at 30 - someone who has given away multiple bundle games is still a good contributor; perhaps he is exploiting the system but perhaps he is just happy to contribute something to the community.

Aren't most of the "good" and "ingenious" giveaways given in private or in groups anyway? By that logic CV does not matter at all, as it is more about being lucky enough to have gotten into a great group or have some great friends.

1 decade ago

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I think the problem is not the system of contributors. I think the problem is how you value games.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Whichever way this goes, people who voted "remove it" should have their CV reset. Then they can pat themselves on the back all day.

"I do it because giving feels good." No you don't, you do it because getting to say that feels good. If it was really all about giving, you wouldn't give a fuck about contributor value one way or the other and you wouldn't need to explain why you do it. If somebody else was exploiting the system it wouldn't matter to you because it's all about giving. As long as people are at the receiving end of your games you shouldn't care. You're full of shit.

1 decade ago

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Uh, no.

So just because I don't agree with the system does not mean you have to be penalized for doing so. I say I wouldn't mind have my CV reset if everyone else's was because if not I'm in a clear arbitrary disadvantage against everyone else.

I don't care about people giving away thousands of cheap games, I only care about breaking the rules.

And you sir, are full of shit.

1 decade ago

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Actually, no. Believe it or not, some people's motivations for gifting are in no way connected with their disgust at other people's behavior.

1 decade ago

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i won't even comment this... -.-

and that's someone else here thet's full of shit...

1 decade ago

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You know, there were giveaways before CV giveaways were introduced, right?

1 decade ago

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I think that for the option "remove it" vote only those, who do not distribute, and who wants to get games for free, in no way sharing their.

1 decade ago

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Please tell me that you consulted google translate for this

1 decade ago

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Sorry I badly speak English, so some help of Google translate :D

1 decade ago

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See, now you're just making him feel badly. :) We got the gist of it, didn't we? o/

1 decade ago

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With all due respect to him, I have to say no, I honestly can't make heads or tales of it and I read it several times. It's a fault of Google Translate, not his though.

1 decade ago

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I think that the "remove it" option is only being voted on by users who do not do giveaways, those who want to get games for free without sharing anything.

1 decade ago

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Thank you! This what i wanted to say ^_^

1 decade ago

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Heads or tails*

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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That's not true. :)

1 decade ago

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Not true :>

1 decade ago

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Check the comments and you'll see a few examples showing the opposite.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.