We're working on a number of major updates to the community, and the contributor system is one that we go back and forth on quite a bit. Let's start with a simple poll.

Edit: Currently the results are roughly 66% for keeping the contributor system, and 34% for removing. I looked into the users voting to see if there were any interesting trends. I looked at only votes from contributors, votes from users that have contributed $100+, $1,000+, users that have been registered for more than a year, etc. No interesting data though, they were all similar to the existing results, with roughly 2/3 for keeping it, and 1/3 for removing.

1 decade ago*

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If someone gives me bacon I just might be able to choose~ :3

But yeah instead of removing it, the contribution rewards should be based on the popularity of the games, not just how expensive they are. It would tempt people to create more quality games giveaways, such as Recettear. :P

1 decade ago

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I haven't seen you in a long time :(

1 decade ago

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Howdy~ :o

1 decade ago

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I dont really have much of an opinion on it.

So far as I can tell all it does is occasionally keep me from throwing points at a giveaway and I dont mind that much considering odds are I wouldnt win those ones anyway.

1 decade ago

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Imo, the contributor system is important to motivate some people to create giveaways, regardless of their intentions. On the other hand, it's kind of unfair to find only one entry of the game we really want and it just so happens to have a high CV. I think it could be reworked. Maybe increase the point generation for contributors, and raise their point ceiling for every X$ of contribution. Maybe even add the option to increase the point cost for giveaways, but for no more than the standard point ceiling (or a fraction of that). That way, contributors still get rewarded, which keeps the extra motive intact and the site running.

1 decade ago

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I voted to keep because yes I think it has pros.

But I still think that many games even if they are not bundle should be put like bundles (looking at you crazy machine stuff).

I understand that there are those amazon bundles but I think they are very different in Nature to those made by gala honestly, amazon bundles have some quality to them and they are not 1$ instead gala they are clearly CRAP games and seems to be released because they KNOW they will be used here

1 decade ago

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Crazy Machines is not crap...what did you smoke?

1 decade ago

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seems that any bundle game is crap in steamgifts

1 decade ago

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Cause it's cheap, and easy way to get contribution. Deal with it xD

1 decade ago

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the games given with graphics cards are cheaper and nobody says they are crap XDD

1 decade ago

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Yeah you have to spend 200$ on a graphic card XDDXDXDXDXD

1 decade ago

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Exactly, game is free.
Amazon fail: game is free.
owners gameshop: they have games free.

who cares. All games are beautiful :P

1 decade ago

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as far as I remember I can believe crazy machines is crap.

Plus is crap.

1 decade ago

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Raise CV 20 cents for each bundle game after the first 25 dollars.

1 decade ago

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i think that would be a nice change

1 decade ago

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I think it would need to be more than that to be balanced (somewhere in the 1-5 dollar range) but it is a sound idea

1 decade ago

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Not sure if it has been said, but, what I'd like is just to fix Contribution system, f.e. if we gaveaway game that was f.e. 50$ and when it's price drops, it should still stay at 50$ contribution, and maybe few more fixes (dunno if there is anything else left to fix). So yeah, that's all, voting to keep contribution system.

1 decade ago

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This is what we need! (said by a guy who lost 1000+$ contribution value because of the price drop)

1 decade ago

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I don't think anyone has ever lost that much...

1 decade ago

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then i was the only lucky one!

1 decade ago

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Unless the DoW2 franchise pack used to retail for over $300 I find that hard to believe

1 decade ago

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DoW full franchise was on Summer sale 50% off with a one time 90% sale,valueing $380. on winter sale it changed to $40 without sale and $20 on sale. Was kinda more realistic.

Ping,you didnt lose your contributor. On Winter sale it was already valued $40 on steam store. The DB hadnt adjusted on the first day. YOu could claim that you lost it if you had bought them for the high price,but since it was already the down price you should have know quite well what you get.

Edit: Except the one from Summer Sale.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I demand a neutral option in that poll, because

1 decade ago

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I think the system is fine as is. There are still plenty of giveaways that require no CV at all, so they can't say that the people who haven't contributed are being screwed over.

1 decade ago

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I think the contributor system actually encourages contributors, even if it's all sales and bundles. Perhaps we can restrict raffles for a $5 game from having $9000 entry requirement? Someone's contributed THAT much but can't get that game on sale for $1?

1 decade ago

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You can't set the contributor value higher than twice your own contribution. And when a $5 game is given away for very high contributors, it's usually some kind of gag gift anyway. It has nothing to do with the ability for the winner to buy the game themselves.

1 decade ago

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I wish there was an option to vote modify it. I have no issue with it existing but I feel it needs to be revamped.

1 decade ago

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Here is a cute argument: if you do not like the Contributor system, do not use it (when creating a giveaway)! Simple as that...

I really really do not understand how people can ask to remove it, since it is a CHOICE to use it. If I am CREATING a giveaway, I should be allowed to decide how I want to give the game -- in a Private group, in a Public one, by latitude, by number of fingers on the right hand, whatever. Obviously, I am not going to ask the site keepers to implement all these options, but the Contributor system is already in place, so, let it be! It is an imperfect filter, but it is not forced on anyone!

Besides, I truly believe this system has encouraged people to give games (I myself gave a couple just to get my points above $100, which seemed a nice round number). I gave away bundle games, heavily discounted games and not-so-discounted games. Some of them in a group, some of them totally public, some of them with Contributor values. It is all good! Look at the sky, what a beautiful day! Supercalifrathever, man!

And, no, I am not high nor drunk. :)

1 decade ago

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You believe that the system itself will be fair for everyone just because people are able to make a choice that doesn't impact themselves but everyone else.

Hey, go high. It won't get worse.

1 decade ago

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Why aren't their giveaways for people who are underneath the estimated win statistic?

1 decade ago

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Estimate was implemented recently. There exists a group for that purpose at the moment.

1 decade ago

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I voted keep it.

The number of comments, amount of disagreement, and amount of suggestions for change tells me that starting the contributor value system opened a great big can of worms. Trying to get them back into the can now they've had time to disperse is, I fear, too much work.

I don't know what else to say really other than that I really like this community and I enjoy giving people a chance to win games and whatever happens, CV or none, I'd like to stick around.

1 decade ago

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I'd say keep it, but change it.

Maybe it would help to disconnect the system from spent money and change it to some arbitrarily defined points. After that, some form of reward for creating giveaways of games that a lot of people want (some metric between time and number of entries). Altough this would somehow disadvantage group and private giveaways in terms of contribution value, I don't think this would be a bad thing. Private groups already exist because of the idea of gifting games to a small number of people, with a high chance of getting a gift yourself. Why would you need a contribution value for that? Those groups create their own reward / motivation system by defining their own rules.

In my opinion this would be a better system than the current one.

1 decade ago

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Why are people even asking the question to add a "I wish there was a question to modify it".

It's obvious that if we keep the old system they will change it and keep changing it because that is how you keep a website alive. There is always room for change, the question here is whether we actually WANT Contributor Values or Not.

1 decade ago

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How people react on a system that is changing to its enviroment we could see yesterday

1 decade ago

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It all started with that thread about the guy who didn't want Private and Group Giveaways to contribute to CV. I miss the old days when it was like this

1 decade ago

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Poor support :D

1 decade ago

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/Poor support

Poor Dragon Eye :(

1 decade ago

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Pour absinthe.

1 decade ago

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My biggest problem with CV is that it seems to discourage giving away games that have been in a bundle. And it completely ignores that someone who buys 20 bundles and gives away the games has indeed contributed to the community and should not be scorned just because the games are not what some of the other top contributors want. One way to stay active with SG when there are no games you want to win is to buy inexpensive games and give them away.
Another opinion of mine is that the value of a game should be the same for everyone who has given the game away no matter when they gave it away. If a game becomes bundled, the CV changes for everyone, just the same as if the price changes in the Steam store the CV changes for everyone. This would mean the cap on bundled games would have to removed.
Finally, this is all just my personal opinion. I don't have to run this web site, and it is the people who really make SG happen who get the final say and have the most vote.

1 decade ago

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Just remove the bundle limitations imo.

I like the exclusiveness and higher chances of being a contributor.

1 decade ago

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contrivalue is optional and nobody have to set contri :)

1 decade ago

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I think the contributor system is a good thing as it prevent leechers from getting free games while giving nothing to the community and it rewards people that do with a chance to win a game that possibly a mayoralty of SG's population can't enter because they chose not to give.

1 decade ago

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I quite like current SG system: contributor value, private giveaways (which open the possibility for puzzles), group giveaways. We got all we need. Well, except ability to add games in filter list manually.

1 decade ago

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Keep the contributor now, otherwise it will be a complete failure to this page and community.

1 decade ago

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Why not equal to all games on the bundle-list? Now when I buy a game on Steam in the offer, it could be tomorrow's included in a bundle ... sorry my bad english!

1 decade ago

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If you give it away before it is on a bundle you get all contribution value. :)

But if it appears in a bundle all giveaways after that date will be considered as bundle.

1 decade ago

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Contributor should be remade imo. When someone has for example 50.13$ contribution and someone else makes giveaway for 50.14$ contributors I think it is rather annoying and not that uncommon. It would be a good idea to limit contribution level of a giveaways to integer values like 5-10-15-20-etc $. Same with adding contribution to you if you for example make 9.99$ giveaway you should get 10$ contribution.

1 decade ago

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No. I want my giveaways to have silly values.

1 decade ago

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I've actually made silly contributor values be part of a puzzle, so I veto this idea

1 decade ago

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Some of this has been mentioned before, but it bears repeating as its own comment in hopes the powers that be will see it.

I don't believe anybody is arguing for the complete equality of bundle games, whether modifying or keeping the current CV system. It seems to me that people are mostly concerned about the fact that once you reach the 20% cap, further bundle game GAs offer no incentive. This feels like the greatest crime in all of this, as it actually encourages the exploitation of deals like Shadow Ops and Crazy Machines just in order to feel like there is any reason to give away your excess bundle keys (as you could boost to make your 20% margin way higher). It's not a matter of expecting unreasonable return on incredibly small investments - it's about getting something. Below I have outlined a few ideas I've seen regarding the current dollar value CV system.

  1. Remove the bundle classification entirely
    a. This would open the system up to farming/exploitation too easily
  2. Allow bundled games to count towards your CV once
    a. This encourages people to give away a single copy of the bundle, and facilitates "normal" people dropping the extra keys once they picked the games they wanted from a given bundle
  3. Have bundle games add some fixed amount to your CV
    a. The amount would obviously have to be carefully selected, and could even be calculated separately for each bundle. However this system would bring the potential gains from giving away masses of bundle games down as the deals are brought in line with purchasing games through other sources
    b. Example: I bought IG Dwarves to get Warlock and Ardania, and the rest of the games are of no value to me. The BTA version of the bundle had 7 steam keys and ended up costing roughly $3.50. So each game cost 50 cents, and thus could reasonably be awarded $2 in CV (equivalent to purchasing games at 75% off on steam)
1 decade ago

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I like that third idea and although the calculations aren't very specific yet, it would help with the contributor system. It would lower the contributions you get before the 30$ mark, but you could easily surpass that mark and even hit 100$ contributor value by just giving away bundle games. It discourages farming through bundle games (there are better deals on steam and GMG) but doesn't discourage other people who just want to give away bundle games (there is no limit, you just won't get full value, which doesn't seem like too much of a problem to me, although I can't speak for the entire community)

1 decade ago

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Number two seems more simple to implement, and is quick and easy to understand. I'm in favor of such a system.

I wouldn't even mind it if CV only counted once for each specific game given away. I mean, if you're giving away multiple copies of a game because you want multiple people to enjoy it, does you really care if it raises your CV for every copy? That is certainly how the system currently functions when making one giveaway of several copies.

1 decade ago

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I think there should be third option 'I have nothing against CV' in this poll.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.