We're working on a number of major updates to the community, and the contributor system is one that we go back and forth on quite a bit. Let's start with a simple poll.

Edit: Currently the results are roughly 66% for keeping the contributor system, and 34% for removing. I looked into the users voting to see if there were any interesting trends. I looked at only votes from contributors, votes from users that have contributed $100+, $1,000+, users that have been registered for more than a year, etc. No interesting data though, they were all similar to the existing results, with roughly 2/3 for keeping it, and 1/3 for removing.

1 decade ago*

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the moment CV get removed. there won't be any public giveaway anymore, the only thing that left are group giveaway and private giveaway

1 decade ago

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the moment I read this I knew that you havent been around when there wasn't contributor giveaways.

1 decade ago

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Too many people abuse the contribution value. It needs to go.

1 decade ago

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An amusing observation:

Look at how many people are giving away the Tripwire Interactive Bundle (which doesn't count as a bundle itself, of course.)

Every game in the bundle has been given away in an indie bundle, now. That is, every game and piece of DLC in it is marked as a bundle game. Furthermore, most of them are currently available in a proper pay-what-you-want bundle -- at a much much lower minimum price.

Yet people are buying it at the 85% sale in order to regift it, purely because doing so adds to their CV while buying it more cheaply doesn't.

Obviously something has gone wrong here. Clearly CV was not intended to encourage people to behave stupidly, or to reward people for pointlessly spending more money than they had to to buy a game. But that seems to be what it's doing here -- I can't think of why else so many people are buying something for $9 when they can get nearly the same thing for less than $3. (Sure, the weekly sale doesn't include Dwarfs?! or The Ball, but those were bundled elsewhere much more cheaply.)

I still think having CV is better than not having CV, but I thought I should point out that bit of silliness. (I'm not sure how it could be avoided short of fundamentally changing the concept of CV, too.)

...what if instead of basing it on value, CV was solely based on the number of people who enter your giveaways, or perhaps the total number of points people have spent to enter your giveaways? (Which would mean partially value, but also how much you give away things people want.) This has a few major drawbacks (it means shorter giveaways earn you less CV), but it's self-correcting for bundle games or anything that gets spammed too heavily, since beyond a certain point fewer people will enter. And I think "giving lots of people a chance to earn a game they wanted" is what we really ought to be rewarding with the CV system.

1 decade ago

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It also includes RO2 Deluxe upgrade and KF golden weapons.

1 decade ago

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Really? Huh. I don't see those on its page -- I checked before posting, and I already have everything listed for the Tripwire bundle.

But anyway, even so, it's a bit silly to spend $9 instead of ~$3 just to get those, and I think it's pretty clear people are largely doing it because of the way CV works.

1 decade ago

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"Every game in the bundle has been given away in an indie bundle"

Except for "Dwarfs?!"

1 decade ago

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Dwarfs?! was in the BeMine 4 bundle

1 decade ago

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Thanks, I didn't know :)

1 decade ago

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Indie Bundle Wiki to the rescue!

I did have to check myself to be sure.

1 decade ago

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Thanks, I didn't know :)

1 decade ago

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Make the system less arbitrary!

1 decade ago

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Make less arbitrary statements about making the system less arbitrary!

1 decade ago

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Make less aviaries in states that have systematic makers!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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take a arbitrary pill

1 decade ago

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to get it out of the system

1 decade ago

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You can only get CV from bundled game once and something like 20-40% of it steam price

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 decade ago

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3/10 voted no, do you have any stats on how many users never give away games? or only give away bundle games rather.

1 decade ago

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What we really need is a way to filter bundle games from the rest, then people can ignore the huge number of giveaways if they want to. Yes CV will still be abused but its worth it in the end. 5 contributor giveaways ruined is a small price to pay for having 50 more giveaways.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, and then people who give REAL games not bundles you can have for 1$ give up and all that remains on SG are bundled games. Good idea. I used to don't mind games with 1000$ contribution required, because someone of great contributors would win it, now I just go 'meh' seeing one as most likely winner is an exploiter. Think a bit on consequences, maybe?

1 decade ago

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There have been lots of "real" games in bundles... Everything by THQ comes to mind. And if everyone only gave away $60 games you would have a lot of people leaving because there wouldnt be many giveaways and therefore very very low odds of ever seeing a win. you need both and getting rid of CV doesnt get rid of bundle giveaways.

1 decade ago

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A) THQ is very much of an exception brought by one very nice company dying, not norm. B) I don't want to have people only give AAA games. Bundles are very welcome, too, the only thing I oppose is people exploiting the system with 'pay what you want' bundles because it makes both "real" contributors lose heart and hurts Humble Bundle company as bank costs kill any point of HB due to bank costs eating all donations. So, it makes both less big games appear on SG, and makes next Humble Bundle less likely - and for what? So some exploiters can enter giveaways previously reserved for generous donors? Sorry, to me it's just wrong.

1 decade ago

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And thats why people dont see the full contribution value. I think we should keep both CV and the current policy on bundle games. Those exploiters are exploiting contribution value by giving away hundreds of games... while you may not want them I imagine there are thousands of winners out there that are quite happy with what they won.

1 decade ago

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Making bundled games 1$ would both limit exploiting, and still give people giving bundles good return on their money 1:6-8, making them still want to give them.

1 decade ago

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I would support them making changes to how they deal with bundled games but I still think if the only choice was CV or no CV we would be better off overall keeping it around. $1 for non-bta games and maybe $3-$5 for BTA games is more than reasonable in my opinion. (also might encourage people to spend the extra couple bucks per bundle)

1 decade ago

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We already have a way to filter bundle games. Try searching for steamgifts plus.

1 decade ago

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You could add every game on yourself but the odds of that happening are pretty low considering how many people complain about it. I would ask for a "filter bundle" feature to be added to steamgifts plus but last I saw it wasnt being worked on anymore.

1 decade ago

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Actually, she has a fairly big update in the works right now.

1 decade ago

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Awesome news! I havent kept up with things lately so I would have missed it if you didnt tell me.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I like the contributor system, but could we remove games from the bundle list after a specified period of time, for example 6 months? Because it's not fair that games which were once in a bundle suddenly count for nothing for all eternity.

1 decade ago

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Set time frame: Ppl would just wait.

If you are concerned that the games don't get you CV: Give away non bundle stuff,suddenly those games will give you full contributor again OR just buy other games that arent bundled and give them away OR if you have the games already: good luck trading them for something else with equal CV,but non bundle.

1 decade ago

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Yes. I bet people still sit on piles of Metro and DotA hoping gate will slightly open, THEN we will see real flood :|

1 decade ago

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More of a dike than a simple gate, I guess.^^

1 decade ago

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I voted remove it mainly because the contributor system is just abused and if you don't abuse it you lose out on a lot of giveaways. Because people abuse it the giveaway requirements get higher and higher each time a new pay what you want bundle comes out and people are giving away 10's of things like dungeon defenders complete pack and darksiders 2 which in reality cost them like 50 dollars for 10 but are getting a 500 dollar contributor value increase.

Unless you wipe it and then have someone constantly monitoring and changing the contributor value for things as soon as they show up on the indie bundle to like 5 dollars worth of contributor points it's a silly system and more effort then it is worth to do properly.

1 decade ago

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If you're curious, I voted against the contributor system because of my beliefs.

*Picking a random winner should not have to be based on credentials (amount you have given away).

*It benefits those who have the ability to give away and hurts those who may not have the same luxury

*It promotes a sense of elitism that I've observed on the site. I've seen cases where people with contributor value undermine the opinions of those who haven't given away, even if said opinions were valid.

*I figured the site is based around generosity. I think generosity should be extended towards all. If the majority of games being given are won by those who are already well off in terms of games, then there's a clear discrimination against those who don't give as much. I don't see this much as generosity, more so as the circulation of games between a set group.

*I don't see anything about giving away games as a requirement on the site, but it's starting to feel that way with the increasing number of contributor giveaways (at least that I've noticed). Sure, it promotes more giveaways, but some of the ingenuity behind the giving turns me off, but I suppose people won't care as long as they get free stuff.

I guess keeping the contributor giveaways as an option is fine. It's just the negatives of it that outweigh the positives for me.

1 decade ago

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I agree with pretty much everything you say and those are some of the reasons why I voted for "Remove it.".

But we have to remember, when the system was first brought up it was merely to reward the contributors. I support this kind of thinking as long as it's reasonable. Now we have come to a point where the core idea of contributor giveaways is partly lost and we have gone to extremes with it.

It's a vicious circle with no better future. As I posted earlier, maybe the system was a good temporary tool to bring something new to the site, to freshen it up. Maybe it's time to think of something completely new.

I don't know what would the 'something new' be, but I feel like the site could do well without the contributor system. I think Steamgifts needs it.

1 decade ago

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remove it.

1 decade ago

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You make a good argument.

1 decade ago

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I think the contributor only giveaways are a nice incentive. But when you put a $1000 contribution requirement on a $10 game, it's just silly. The system could be made more sensible.

1 decade ago

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Definitely, definitely, keep it. Remember that it is OPTIONAL . The people who don't believe in it can make giveaways without it for other people who don't like it.

The overwhelming majority of giveaways don't even have a contributor requirement on them anyway. This topic isn't an issue until the majority of giveaways have the requirement.

1 decade ago

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It's not only about the fact that it exists,it also is about what the system brings with it.

1 decade ago

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I don't think you understand the debate here. If I make a giveaway at $1000 contributor, I don't want someone who only spent $20 spamming Crazy Machines to win.

1 decade ago

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This is exactly it. It was put in place to reward those who gave away a lot of games NOT people who farm CV with games like Crazy Machines.

1 decade ago

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Contibutor's giveaways are not the problem, the problem is with the way the bundles are handled. A lot of people sincerely don't understand why they're not moving beyond $30 because they never found the info deep in the bowels of the FAQ. Then there are thos who buy overly cheap games on sales to farm contributor value.

I'm not sure how feasible it would be but I think maybe CV could include all of one's contributions, but a second weighted value could be calculated in reference to how much the game is being given away at the time. If there are thousands of Crazy Machines giveaways going on, then it gives less weighted value than another game worth the same but for which only a couple of giveaways are running. People would automatically not get as much from bundles and sales because there would be tons of them being given away at the same time, at there wouldn't be a need to place titles on the bundle list. Currently, a lot of people avoid giving games that are on the bundle list and it's a shame.

1 decade ago

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as soon as you add a "limited time lower value" compotent you will have hoarders just waiting for the moment they get full value again.

If ppl dont give away a game because it was on the bundle list,would they have given it away at all if there wouldn't have been CV to be gained?

Anyway,the "2 different values" idea in general is certainly one of the better ideas and one that can't be build on,but without a "limited time" component you will get the same complaints as you get atm,with this component you get hoarders

1 decade ago

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Why would game hoarding be such a bad thing though? Sort of a supply and demand thing, as I see it.

Say there's a bundle sale. If less people post their games as giveaways, to wait for the flood to die down, there may be a higher chance of people that were hoping to get the game(s) actually buying the bundle, since there would be that many less chances of them winning it here. Not only would that actually help the bundle, but as the games continue to trickle through SG, those that missed the bundle or were incapable of buying it could have even more chances of winning the game(s).

The biggest reason that I like this system is that it would dynamically respond to bundles and game sales without constant administration of bundle games, and would most affect those looking for quick contributor value through spending the least amount of money.

1 decade ago

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Those who don't care if the bundle gives contributor or not will still give away the games at once. Those who want to farm currently cannot give away many bundle games. Opening the list after a set time would give them even more ways to farm and they would do it,so you wouldn't only get the regular floods of big sales,you would get even bigger floods once that set time is over. So yes,it would kill short term farming,but it encourages farming overall and its just a question of "how long you set the period?". Once the train rolls it rolls.

If someone really wants a bundle and he couldnt get one at that time he can always trade for them,if he can't afford them at all then he shouldn't complain,the sites are there,the people gift them,if they dont win them its just bad luck.

1 decade ago

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Those who don't care if the bundle gives contributor or not will still give away the games at once.
Exactly. I see this as a good thing. You're right that the current system prevents farming of just bundle games, but it doesn't address the issue of so-called 'cheap exploitables', such as Crazy Machines or Shadow Harvest.

Opening the list after a set time...
The suggestion wasn't for a set time period, the suggestion was for a calculation based on how many copies of a game is being given away across Steamgifts at any moment.

If someone really wants a bundle...
Yes, all that stuff, I'm just saying that a constant trickle of bundle giveaways would give more opportunities to more people, than the flood rush we see now. For example, I don't see a lot of giveaways for like, Zen Bound 2 anymore, because that flood is gone. If people had sat on their keys while the number of giveaways for it lessened, there's a high chance there would still be some around.

1 decade ago

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Which would not change much,since once it's away again you can't just add it again.

1 decade ago

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Forgive me, I made a large edit to my post. Could you look and respond again?

1 decade ago

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Sure, I will refrain to your blocks as a,b,c

a)agreed,but how does having a removal from the bundle list have an effect on "cheap exploitables". They will stay,just as they are atm,with the difference that you give new options for farming additionally

b) Set timeframe or based on giveaways made won't make much difference. Both times we will have the give at once and ppl waiting til the game is from the list. A timeframe would probably have an impact if chosen very long,because then your "investment" doesnt gain any profit soon and you play a risky game (suspensions, game devalued a lot meanwhile),but I don't think it is a good solution at all.

c) That is the big point if this system will work or not. Will it be a constant flow of those bundle games or will it be giveaways,nothing,flood. I think the second one,you the first one. We both can't know for sure.

I think the only reason Zen Bound 2 would be given away again in larger numbers: Big sale somewhere or leftover keys/items. If sale,then ppl still give it away,if leftovers,then ppl who dont care for the bundle list already gave theirs away. So yes,removing it now might bring out the hoarders,we would see some giveaways,but I doubt it would significantly increase. Check Bundlegib (galagiveaways). Even there with no restrictions you usually just see the current bundles

My final point: Steamgifts Stats

Since bundles were allowed we had more giveaways,yes,but we also had way more users ever since. There is no indicator that users increased cause bundles were allowed. However,although more gifts,the actual chances of winning a game in public stayed the same,same with private and groups. So,basically,it doesnt matter if bundles were not allowed at all or the current system,chances and average giveaways per user stayed the same. I doubt it would rise with removing bundle restraints. Thats just my opinion.

1 decade ago

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A)I don't believe there can be a system that keeps farming or exploitation from happening (unless there is no CV at all, of course) but I think this suggestion would at least make it harder for points to be farmed via bundles and cheap exploitables. It is very easy at the moment, and puts more work on the admins, who have to constantly watch and put games on the bundle list.

B)I'm not sure why you say it won't make much difference. Is it because it doesn't address people spending very little to get a lot of contributor value? I agree it would only keep that from happening when there are a lot of giveaways for the same game going on at a time, but I do think that even a constant stream of cheap bundle giveaways rather than a big flood would still keep the CV for those games lower than full amount, depending on the calculation. Which I think was the point of the suggestion: less spam of cheap games and less people completely avoiding giving away games because they're on the bundle list.

C)I suppose I was making this point more on a sense of knowing I missed a lot of bundle game giveaways while I sleep, because people want to put them up as fast as possible, and if some decided to sit on their keys, it would spread out the giveaways even some, and therefore grant more opportunities. But I admit that's just conjecture and I have no proof to back up that specific point. ;P

1 decade ago

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I was going to send this to support, but I'd rather post it here and see if anyone likes it :)

I was thinking about adding a new contributor value. Lets call the old contributor value (the one we are using right now) "Fair CV", and the new one will be "Unfair CV".

We all know how the Fair CV works, but the Unfair CV will be calculated using the full value of all the games (bundles or not), so most of the users will have a really high Unfair CV, boosted by bundles.

Then, add the possibility to make another kind of giveaway, so we will have: Public, Private and Group, with Fair CV, Unfair CV, and no CV at all.

This way every user can gift games to whoever they want, if they don't care about bundlers, they can set their giveaways to Unfair CV and let every contributor (bundlers or not) enter. In the other hand, if the giveaway creator cares too much about it, they can set a reasonable amount for Fair CV, so only "real" contributors can enter.

Soooo... What do you think?

1 decade ago

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I think you should be able to specify contributor value of PUBLIC giveaways required. ..which excludes Private or Group contributions.

1 decade ago

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I am disappointed that 70% voted keep it. The contributor system tells the poor to fuck off. There is so many ways you could limit the amount of people...

1 decade ago

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Yeah, because spending $40 to get to $2000 contributor means that you are rich.

1 decade ago

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Poor people don't buy 20 copies of crazy machines

1 decade ago

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Hmm? 20 copies of crazy machines? You mean the hardware?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I dont see how this proves your point.

1 decade ago

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It's not really a point, but I think that when we talk about the CV system we are referring to people who buy 20 copies of a $1 game to get $200 of CV.

If the system is removed i don't think there will be any difference for the people who don't have CV now, because the people who did contributor only giveaways won't start to do them open.
They are just gonna make them in a steam group, probably with people who has also made contributor only giveaways.

1 decade ago

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I don't support the poor anyways. Who says people who contribute, aren't poor themselves?

1 decade ago

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a little wall of text...but feel free to read. Sorry about my English, I'm not it's obviously not my native language, but I hope that I can at least make some sense.

This site is called "steamgifts" it's about gifting games. Gifting itself should be the main thing. I like to gift things that I might like (and hope that other people might like) and things that I might not like myself but I now that others might. I'm happy that I can bring happiness/joy to a winner - if even for a minute or to (until they realize that the game they got sucks)

I have gifted away bundled game, but without knowing what the * meant (I did try to find info in the FAQ but missed it) Did I care about the CV being capped? No, not really. I think that it's fair. Have I continued to gift bundled games? Yes, because some people might not still be able to buy the bundles, but would like to play the games!

The last bundle I bought and gifted away was the Humble Weekly THQ bundle, I bought it for $50 (that would pretty much be what I would have payed for the games in a local store) Did I care about losing my CV? No, not really, I even wrote in the GA:s that "I would not complain if SG decided to put those games in the "bundle game list" so that I would get no contribution value at all, giving 40 (the rest to HB and THQ) to charity is way more worth it than getting contribution value here.

So, having written the above, did I vote remove it? Actually no.

I think a CV-system is something you "must have" because we don't live in a ideal world. Sometimes it's nice to give something back to other contributors (even if they are not in the same steamgroup as you are)

Is the current system good? It has some flaws, but so would every system have.
What tips to I have on trying to make it better?

1. The GA:s created should keep the CV based on the price in the steam-store when the GA was created. It should not decrease/increased due to price changes in the store.

Except for so game-bundled and exploited keys.

2. Here, the site would need to decide what should be on the bundle list and how the bundle list should work.

My suggestion is that fixed prices bundles should give the normal CV, just like all sales from GMG, GF, Amazon and so on does. Sometimes you can get a lot of of games to like 80% off, and there's no way to keep track on every high-percent of sale on every site.

What should be put on the Bundle list is PWYW-bundles, where you could pay $1 (or even less) for up to 3-5 games (usually something like this, then BTA) and thereby trying to cheat the CV system.

How should these be treated? My suggestion is that each game from PWYW bundles could give like $1 in CV. That way the creator of GA:s will still get some CV ($5 for paying maybe as little as $1!) and that's still a pretty good deal and would hopefully still make people want to share bundled games.

3. The games on the bundle list should not be on it forever. I think that 6-12months after the end of the bundle-sale is enough time. Sure, some people might want to sit on their keys. But as we seen with a lot of the bundle-sites (HB, IG, Groupees, IR and so on) they tend to do re-runs of some games, and that would put the game back on the bundle list for another 6-12 months.

Also, the steam-store price of that game might have decreased since the bundle ended, so you cannot be sure of how much CV that you could eventually get when the "waiting time" is over..

That's enough of my ranting.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

1 decade ago

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I think that we have a clear proof of how important CV is before our eyes: look at how significantly the number of giveaways has dropped the last couple days, since some games were put on the bundle list and CV system is being discussed (changes may be on the way).

1 decade ago

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What I see is that about a third of the community hates the contributor system so much they'd rather have nothing at all. Not surprising, considering that it's opened such a rift in the community in the months since it was instituted. This place used to be a lot less asshole-y before that. Was there some of that? Yes, of course. It's the internet after all. But after the contributor system was put in place, it was dialed up to eleven. Now every other thread and comment and support ticket is somebody pissing and moaning about something to do with their value or someone else's value, and every other suspension is somebody catching it because they were trying to exploit value somehow. The system would be fine if people weren't so shitty, but since they are, it has to go, or it's just going to keep on like this forever.

1 decade ago

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IIRC, the site also went a lot more public around that time too. So it may be partially just be that having more people = having more assholes.

1 decade ago

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I don't doubt that, but I have a hard time believing that all the BS I see about it would turn up in another form. Granted, I'm front and center and I get to see all the worst of it, but still . . . .

1 decade ago

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My experience is that private groups cause a lot more vitriol, hatred, and drama in the forums than CV ever has. Partially this is because they very literally divide the community; partially this is because they inherently involve rejection for a lot of people, which leaves them embittered.

I don't think there's any real solution for this (I wouldn't actually want to see private groups disappear), but it's when groups come up that people start to get actually vicious.

1 decade ago

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"What I see is that about a third of the community hates the contributor system so much they'd rather have nothing at all"

What I see is that 70% of the community loves the contributor system so much they want to keep it despite all it's flaws.

"People pissing and moaning about something to do with their value or someone else's value": It's well known that all the information regarding the way CV works is not very accessible. Is it so hard to explain clearly how it works on the FAQ and on the page where giveaways are created so that people know what the damn asterisk means and how their CV is calculated?

1 decade ago

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No,70% wants to kepp SOME contributor system. They don't love it. If you keep it as it is many of those 70% will continue to complain like they do now,if you change the system still many will complain,some will stop,others will start. Everyone has his own opinion of a "fair" contributor system

1 decade ago

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I know, DonVino, I was just using his same tone as I don't think that a third of the community "hates" the contributor system. Perhaps some of them would agree with a reworked CV.

1 decade ago

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Those people are voting to keep it.

1 decade ago

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not all of them, some people voted no because they would rather get rid of it than keep it and risk things staying exactly the same.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I don't like this poll at all. The first choice implies that you like the contributor system without change. Apparently support thought that if they made 3 options (Don't change, change, get rid of it), the overwhelming majority would say change it. I think their decision to only have 2 choices is erroneous.

1 decade ago

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waiting for some response from them.

1 decade ago

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Keep the system as it is right now. No matter how you change it, there'll always be people complaining about it. At least now the majority seems to favor the existing system.

1 decade ago

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I don't really have a problem with this as it is. If people want to put on a CV for a give away, well shrug ok. I'm out of that one. It how they want to manage it.

The only issue that comes to mind is one of what if people want to limit via another method but not go off site to do it, i.e invite only steam groups; well then I foresee that if you put too many 'on site' tools it becomes a chore to navigate/use. I don't think anyone wants the mere setting up of a giveaway to be a puzzle in and of itself.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.