
8 years ago*

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yeah i am getting tired of his trolling when voting on reviews recently

maybe ppl should lose their right to post feedback after a certain amount of their previous negative feedbacks got removed by the community

8 years ago

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Ah damn. Luckely I don't have a negative feedback from him yet (traded with you 2 weeks ago) I suppose the false negative feedbacks Will be removed by the users but i'm not sure how to get him to stop. Goodluck with it!

8 years ago

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sorry this is happening too you, unfortunately there are no support or mods over there so things are going a little crazy.

wait.. how is he leaving negatives to future trades? i need to learn some stuff from this guy. stock market, here i come! :P

8 years ago

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Well, why do you have a -rep by someone warning others to be careful with your impersonator?

8 years ago

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Because someone else is pretending to be this person, linking to this person's steamtrades-profile...

8 years ago

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Cause the same person was impersonating me

8 years ago*

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still no need to be YOU who receives the negative :/

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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maybe someone can stop him.. out there.. someone with power to...

There is nothing you can do except ask support or someone that can ban someone from SteamTrades. Like everything else.. support ticket.
edit: and even then, they can keep scamming if they choose to. at most they will no longer leave people negative feedback there

(and maybe eat cheetos and soda. why did you even state that part... )

8 years ago

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Well, I am aiming for this to be seen by that "someone with power" but I doubt anything will happen.

8 years ago

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Can't do a thing. We're just normal users on strades. It's already been raised to cg,so I guess we can hope it gets taken care of soon.

8 years ago

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Oh dang... and I thought you support people could look into matters like that. The voting system is not enough, SteamTrades needs moderators. :o/

8 years ago

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Well, you know, his messages on your posts makes it very clear who is the loser/baby/retard. Such messages don't say anything about you, but all about him.
Of course, the -rep on people who traded with you are really awful. Ideas what to do? Well, report him whereever possible. And hope people he is trying to scam are not easily being fooled.

8 years ago

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The worst part is that he obviously has nothing else to do in his life except log into steamtrades and copy-paste his fake reviews.
My only hope is that in a couple of months steam support will finally see the reports he has received and maybe they will trade ban him.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Well, he can private his profile, but his old nicknames are still public to everybody at the very least.
Best of luck with your situation... /:

8 years ago

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cheetos? hahaha!

8 years ago

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Just a poke in the ribs compared to your 1 000+ positive rep on steam trades. Also, the instigator has -12 rep, so any sensible trader will know who is the real you. Maybe leave a message on one of cg's giveaway?

8 years ago

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I know who you are talking about, and voted for removal of many of this user's reviews (including one on your profile) via the Steamtrades feedback review system. A shame that there do not seem to be enough mods around to adequately deal with ballbags like him/her.

Hopefully this thread puts the errant user on the radar, and guarantees them a swift rendezvous with the business end of the Banhammer...

8 years ago

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Unfortunately, current Support has 0 power in the trade section ever since the sites were split into two. The only one who can do anything there is Cg, but he has been known to lurk about these forums every now and then.

8 years ago

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Indeed, but this exposes a fundamental flaw in the way things are currently set up.

Perhaps a change is needed (ie automatically temporarily or permanently withdrawing a user's ability to post further reviews under certain circumstances). Combining stats such as % of negative reviews given by the user, % of reviews removed by community members, % of bad reviews given to otherwise well reviewed traders, and a general tightening up of signup requirements might provide the basis of a starting point?

Failing that, I think a return to active modding of Steamtrades, with a drafting of some of the more consistently fair community voters could be another option to reign in the bad guys in what is becoming something of an online Wild West frontier town?

8 years ago

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He's trying to trade rep for rep from people, and got negative rep instead
He's also blackmail people if they didn't want to trade rep for rep with them

And now he's impersonating other user

8 years ago

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maybe you should start eating cheetos and soda =P

8 years ago

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is he posting proof of the trade and scam on your feedback?

rethoric question, no.
ignore the feedback because it's fake and it will be removed with downvotes soon.

but someone might check my feedback and think i'm a scammer!

then that person is an idiot and you are better without trading with them.
intelligent traders and people used to steamtrades already know how feedback works.

but maybe once someone has like -20 feedback that profile should be forwarded to a mod so they can check wth is going on. makes no sense keeping that kind of user around.

8 years ago

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Maybe you are right. I thought about it and it seems the best thing to do is just ignore him. He obviously has nothing else to do.
He might leave negatives to some of the people I trade with but those will easily be removed.

8 years ago

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I'm disturbed that you have never eaten Cheetos and soda before. What kind of monster are you?!

8 years ago

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I don't even know what soda is. Isn't it just sparkling water with sugar ? What's so great about that...

8 years ago

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but that's what the voting system is for, right? his feedback will be removed soon anyway.

8 years ago

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honestly what would be really helpful is to have a ban system for people purposefully abusing trade ratings

and yes, Im aware that there isnt enough staff to look over such system in a constant basis, and having users helping out with reviewing reviews is certainly a good help. However something more effective would be needed.

8 years ago

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cheetos and soda are the best EVAR!

8 years ago

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start eating cheetos and soda - hey you might like it and it might cheer you up - otherwise, just report the false feedback and have everyone else do the same - sorry it is happening to you - but some people will be asshats all their life :)

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by SirIronMaiden.