i personally think it's awesome,i've been watching the stream from the start (the streamer is a friend of mine ) and i think the Devs behind it has done a great job of remaking the game.
even after so many years the level design and AI are awesome,better than most "new" games.
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Have you played the free version ? It's fun. Not sure if I'm gonna pay for the same game.
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yeah i played but it was like 1/5 of the campaign or something....
now it has the whole campaign.
i'm a big half-life fan myself and i absolutely love the series and the universe so i'll probably buy it myself but i totally understand if someone decides not to pay for it...
but for me it's great,i think these guys actually did an amazing job remaking the game...
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If I'm not mistaken all that was missing was Xen... Just like this new version (at least until they finish it)
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I did play the first Half-Life close to it's release, but i'm in the meh camp on this, never was much of a fan(not an FPS fan in general) and i'm certainly not enough of a fan to pay 20 euros for early access of this. Maybe on a sale one day, when it's actually finished.
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I remember how hyped I was for the original free mod. I've waited FOR YEARS for it to come out. I've downloaded it 15 minutes after it was released and immediatly installed it.
Then life happened and I haven't played it once. My backlog grew and I can't justify replaying an FPS game I've beaten twice already just because it got a new makeup.
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I'm not sure where you got the information about Early Accessor the pricing, but from what I've read they are releasing the free version on Steam "soon". This version will have new animations, models, sounds, effects, and map elements. But apart from that, it will be the same free version that was released in 2012. The paid version I haven't heard anything about yet.
Also, the free version should be releasing around 3 hours from now based on this countdown.
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it think it's a fair price....
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So... If there is an official "Remastered Edition" everyone lose their minds.
If someone release an unofficial "Remastered Edition" no one bats an eye
Well done internet, well done
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There is no way you played that on a 100MHz 486 DX4. I still have my original box and disk. The minimum requirements are a 133MHz Pentium and 24MB of RAM. I had a 90MHz Pentium when the demo came out and I upgraded so I could play it at release.
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I played a lot of games below mimimum requirements, with some issues, but I can play it :P
For example, with half-life, I have the problem that the game stop to loading every 3 -4 rooms (my ram was below minimum too.
I remember that from the beginning (The rupture guide :P) I have to wait 10 minutes to begin to play :P
But my first computer was a Spectrum 48K , so i was used to wait in loading screens XD
Another game that I played below minimum requirements was Soul Reaver. The game run a little slow, have some glitchs, and crashes every 30/40 minutes, but I can play it :D (I dont remember wath PC I have when play Soul Reaver :P)
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I'll be honest, I don't think any of the other Unreal Tournament games capture the feeling of UT99 and given how different the games have become, I'm not optimistic about this latest one. Now that it's going F2P I get the impression they're desperate for players which brings to question the lifespan of the game. On top of this I don't enjoy the concept of buying things for a game that might not survive. I hope I'm wrong and it's a succesful reboot, but I'm not optimistic based on the mixed reception of UT3.
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They're doing this free and open as an example of a real game made in UE4. They're also getting user input during development to affect the direction. Far as I understand the game is completely free. So if anything if you love UT99 you should try the game and get in on the discussion.
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At 9:47 AM mountain standard time, a disaster of unknown type has occurred at the Black Mesa Research Facility causing significant damage & failure to various power & communication systems in the surrounding areas.
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I'm waiting for Black Mesa Source from 2005.
If you don't know this mod... You don't deserve a Steam account.
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there are users saying it will be free...
but i'm pretty sure Devs told some youtubers that the games is gonna cost 20$ and people are talking about the price on reddit....
i think no one knows this for sure,we better wait 1-2 more hours :)
yeah but this is like a complete remake,it has new animations,sounds,new voice acting and it also has multiplayer.
i personally think paying 15-20$ for a game like this is not a big deal,they worked their asses off for 3-4 years to make this,and making mods and games is not easy nor cheap.
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I remember them saying it was going to be free or something. But anyways, I guess it should be free since Steam released a rally good free mods for HL on Steam like Cry of Fear. I hope they don't start charging for it since they have been doing that forever.
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the only part of single-player which is not complete is Xen (after the credits thingy) and the whole game/campaign plays so well.it doesn't have any noticeable bugs or anything.
the new animations,soundtracks,voices,etc,etc are all in the game already so it's definitely not a half-assed game :D
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I know but I like playing complete version of a game. When it was released back then (2 years ago?) I told myself I'd play it when it appears on Steam and has finished SP campaign. 2 years later it's still in the same stage. Meh. I'll wait not only until it's on sale for like 5$ but also until it gets out of early access.
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released as an Early Access game,it costs $20
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20$ for an early access game that we played for free with an unfinished campaign and multiplayer? Nah I got half life 1 and half life deathmatch. I might buy it in the future when xen is done.
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remember the mod "Black Mesa" from 2012? everyone thought it was awesome but it wasn't complete,it didn't have a complete campaign...
The Devs behind it are gonna release it as a full game today (Early access ),it has a complete Single player campaign,multi-player and mod support.., (they're still working on Xen though )
this guy just finished live streaming the whole campaign (9 hours)
has anyone actually played the first Half life when it was released?
cause i think most members of this community are really young.
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