" I gifted more games, much more expensive, then the ones I won. "
His whole post is one BIG FAT LIE: gifts won-70$ to 95$, gifts given-41$
One of the gifts he won is regifted and they probably baned him for that and now he is angry cos he realized he is not that smart to outgame the system.
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You do realize that the forum post wasn't made by the wo(man) who made this post?
Although, I do find it funny that it seems like he regifted The Ship xP
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Oh yea, I remember now!! xD No need for proof and all, I'm a dumb and forgot about The Ship giving two copies.
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Don't worry about them. They just don't know how The Ship works. The first one spawns 2 more when activated, and those both spawn another when they're activated. They multiply like rabbits. >_<
The only way someone is catching a suspension for re-gifting it is if it's not in their account, but then that goes for most everything. It's not uncommon for people to win a game and then give away one or more copies themselves later.
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Let's have fun with his analogy:
"rule concerning the need to activate the game within 7 days of winning it (= its like someone telling you that you need to drive the Ford Mustang within 7 days of winning it)"
You already mentioned this, so I'm not adding anything.
"cant enter into a giveaway f you own the game already (= its like someone telling you cant enter into a giveaway for a Ford Mustang because you already have one, assuming you do)"
It's like someone telling you can't enter into a giveaway for the particular Ford Mustang you already won. If it's for another car, what's wrong with your first, identical one? Alternatively, it's attempting to register your car with identical number.
"cant giveaway certain steam games, despite the fact that anyone can activate them on a steam account (= its like a giveaway organizer telling you you cant make a lottery for a Ford Mustang because you bought it cheap or at a lower price as it was part of a lot)"
It's like a giveaway organizer being cautious because there were recently multiple cases of Ford Mustangs being stolen and you probably have no proof you acquired it legally. Alternatively, there were so many Ford Mustangs, that there is simply not enough space to store them all, not to mention the other cars. (=Dota 2 flood)
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My virus scan is finding Trojan.Malscript!html when I go to that site o.o
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Wow. So many butt hurt people in that thread bitching about getting banned...
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"The site is very clunky compared to their competitors"
Not only does SG have the best looking site of all the giveaway sites, I'd say in general a a website, it looks and feels great.
"Besides steamgifts.com restrictions are purely dumb (what is basically a lottery)"
wut..? What did this guy think it was? First come first serve?
"cant enter into a giveaway f you own the game already"
As much as we'd all love to win fortix twice. It just isn't impossible to own the same game twice on the account.
God this guy was a retard. lol
Nice read though.
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Well, If I buy a Mustang and decide to give it away to someone, for free, I'll give it to someone who is going to drive it. If you're going to keep that mustang in your garage don't enter a mustang lottery.
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The thing about most giveaway sites is that they condition the users to win games, not necessarily "games I want to play".
SGifts does nothing to dissuade this opinion outside of a FAQ that not many people do read (same applies to FAQs all over the internet and irl - they're nice pamphlets designed to be disclaimers moreso than rules). The win bar only tells you to expect it received, and doesn't remind you to activate the game. To cut it simple: There is a dearth of reminders, anywhere, on this site for new members. You are expected to come in and follow the same directions, and memorize them before entering even your first giveaway. That is a fucked up process. People don't design products for the masses while expecting intelligence. That's why Quora has moderation issues in order to keep a public site intelligent enough for its community. That's why every app, even simple music players, have mandated tutorials everyone needs to go through at least once.
If SGifts wants to change this mass opinion, then they'll have to publish the rules somewhere where every user will find it easily (preferably only one mouse click from the front page), and there will have to be many more mods (and shadow mods) to enforce these rules without relying on support tickets from the community.
It's frankly embarrassing that so many of you don't get this, and instead choose to laugh at the issue at hand.
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Not to mention the FAQs are outdated in a lot of areas. :<
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Or simply click on the FAQ link at the bottom of every single page. :P
Although I agree, it's pretty easy to miss.
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I'm all for this site and many others having a mandatory "tutorial" of how the site works and all of it's rules explained before a new user is allowed to use the site. (Hell, I wouldn't even mind if every user had to complete this tutorial to use the site)
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Yeah, CG fixed it pretty quick, Delta made a thread, took maybe an hour. o_O
Thanks for your help. :D
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You have to see it, yet you don't need to read it. You can just click on the sync button and that's it.
That's what checkboxes are for, right? Oh wait, nobody reads the TOS either. It's such a problem that we're now looking at simplifying TOS for the larger sites so that more people will be inclined to read the damn things.
Your point about having to see one line of explanation during registration does not refute my point that there are not enough reminders and clarification of rules on this site, especially to non-forum goers.
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Why doesn't he just stick to Playblink and Galagiveaways instead of bitching about the SG rules, which are clearly laid out for all to see.
If you don't like the terms and conditions, steer clear.
Caveat ballbaggus.
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It's not even like SG rules are that hard to follow. I've never understood joining giveaways for single games you already own (bundles/packages have different circumstances most times)
I'm still amazed at the greed that children have these days...
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Ballbags beware. Watch out, nutsacks... The Steamgifts rules will eat you up and spit you out...
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"The pure pleasure of winning is mostly fun for me, not playing the useless games that are mostly listed there"
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Well, I did the best I could to protect his privacy, I knew someone would ask for the link or find it eventually, but his privacy is still protected since he does not even enter in that forum anymore, and there is no way to discover who he really is(I guess :D ).
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He didn't spell Eggo right, JADE WHY YOU NOT LEGGO MY EGGO!!
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If I could talk to this guy face to face I'd give him a piece of my mind... I'd tell him how stupid it is to put an equal signs right after an opening parenthesis, making it look like a smiley face, especially when he says "it's like" right after that, which is essentially what the equal signs would mean.
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"cant enter into a giveaway f you own the game already"
because then everyone would just enter the big giveaways and sell the games O.o
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TL;DR Gave away games he had won / didnt activate. Got banned. Now severly butt hurt about not being able to get away with breaking rules...
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I hope no stupid teenager ever loosens my account.
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I found this one in a forum. Take a look at this frustrated guy's opinion about steamgifts:
"I personally dont like steamgifts.com, after buying and gifting my games there I got banned for not activating a few games that I have won. I gifted more games, much more expensive, then the ones I won. This didnt matter and my account was banned. Thats it. DONT RISK INVESTING INTO THAT SITE BECAUSE YOU CAN LOOSE YOUR ACCOUNT IN AN INSTANT BY THE DIRECTION OF SOME STUPID TEENAGER (aka. administrator).
The site is very clunky compared to their competitors which have much more relaxed restrictions.
Besides steamgifts.com restrictions are purely dumb (what is basically a lottery). They dont personally donate the games that people win, the users do and most (perhaps besides some stubborn Russians out there) dont really care if someone activates their game or not, or just passes it along to someone else (I never did even though I was gifting $20-50 games on a regular basis). The pure pleasure of winning is mostly fun for me, not playing the useless games that are mostly listed there.
Let me show you, from my point of view, why the rules on steamgifts.com are dumb. Considering that the site is basically a lottery, let me put adopt their rules for a lottery involving a Ford Mustang.
e.g., rule concerning the need to activate the game within 7 days of winning it (= its like someone telling you that you need to drive the Ford Mustang within 7 days of winning it)
e,g, cant enter into a giveaway f you own the game already (= its like someone telling you cant enter into a giveaway for a Ford Mustang because you already have one, assuming you do)
e.g., cant giveaway certain steam games, despite the fact that anyone can activate them on a steam account (= its like a giveaway organizer telling you you cant make a lottery for a Ford Mustang because you bought it cheap or at a lower price as it was part of a lot)
I hope some of you can see eye to eye with me on these regulatory issues with the site. I suggest you check out the competitors sites since, I think, they have a better future and its more worth investing your time and money into them rather than the ego drive and bureaucratically rotten steamgifts.com"
LMAO! He thinks the games he gave away should have protected him from the banhammer, and he compares steamgifts' gifts to... to a CAR! And he talks about steamgifts being a lottery, that's true, but steamgifts is a GREAT LOTTERY, cause you can increase your chances by giving away games, participating in groups and even resolving puzzles, and then sooner or later you will win GREAT GAMES.
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