I'm not sure if this has been brought up before. http://store.steampowered.com/app/226860/Galactic_Civilizations_III/

It's a USD $30 game, but SG is reading the GC 1/2 upgrade price of $15 USD below that instead for the point value here on the site.

edit: Since everyone has trouble following what is going on. This item is not on sale or discount or anything else temporary on Steam. Closing due to overload of moronic replies.

7 years ago*

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Thats because the API gives the price for the upgrade. The same happens with films where the API provides the rental price rather than the buy price. Bundles (Daedelic n particular) have a similar issue, when discounted individual games use the bundle cost meaning the CV for those is temporarily higher.

7 years ago

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I am aware. The notice was for mods/admin if they want to do a manual edit or whatever.

7 years ago

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Then you should make a support ticket.

7 years ago

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So it goes into queue for the next 2-3 years? What point in having a "Bugs" forum then? I realize 98% of posts here are of the "suggestions" variety. If that's the only thing desired, the word "bugs" should be removed from the forum category title entirely.

7 years ago*

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I placed a ticket about cv of divinity original sin because when new version showed up on steam, old one got CV=0 this was couple years ago... So deal with it...

7 years ago

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I bet you're on a lot of blacklists if you always communicate like that around here.

7 years ago

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They care about site bugs, but they can't fix the API of Steam. And doing that with each starting and ending date of discounts for each affected game (including like a dozen if not more Daedali, and some WH40k titles) is just not worth, as they are only affected for the ~week of the discount.

7 years ago

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There is no discount.

7 years ago

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They are not manually edited. The price will fix it self.

7 years ago

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This isn't that kind of issue. There is no temporary discount on this item.

7 years ago

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Since it seems that everyone who has commented so far doesn't understand, maybe adjust the title to include "permanent"

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by CaligoClarus.