Can you recommend me some good MMOs to take time? It will be good if it will be F2P games, I'd like to play some MMORPG, when I can achieve something...

12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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Played it, Tera is better and is ow free, kinda like an upgraded Aion in a way.

12 years ago

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Tera looks pretty fun.

The character creation is what really drew me to Aion in the first place though.

Tera's is certainly better than most I've seen, but it could really use some body customization.

12 years ago

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Its not to bad with customization, could be better but not the worst. Combat is loads better.

12 years ago

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  1. Aion was stolen by NC Soft from other game devs :)
  2. i myself i'm sick of all the asian mmorpgs....sure koreeans make good mmorpgs but I PLAYED THEM TOO MUCH AND TOO MANY ! D: 3-4 years Webzen's Mu Online (97d, not to mention more years season 2&3), again Silkroad Online 3-4 years, first 3 games by TQ Digital - Conquer Online,Monster & Me,Eudemons Online, et cetera...I have played almost all mmorpgs.
    I suggest these as best mmorpgs - Darkfall Online ( they now made Darkfall Unholy Wars,DFO is p2p) , Everquest 2(and 1 too i guess) is f2p/p2p,epic.... Runescape and Path Of Exile ( this one will also be epic when cut-throat ladder is introduced)...
    These are best mmorpgs...and if you want sci-fi themed get Fallen Earth,StarTrekOnline & Eve online(p2p)..oh and StarWarsTheOldRepublic.
    Also not sure how great THeElderScrolls Online will be :) i heard the best modders of TES games also make mod mmorpg for TES,with skyrim engine,& when they get all the good things from both skyrim mmorpgs that will be awesome.
12 years ago

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LoL, nothing to say more

12 years ago

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thats not a mmo

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Actually it is considered a MMO since it was nominated for Best MMORTS in 2009 and for Best New MMO in 2009.
Even though i personnaly dont consider it an MMO.

12 years ago

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Well, OP is looking for a MMORPG.

12 years ago

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well thats stupid, lol and dotas are MOBA
anyways, ive got my eye on this still on beta

12 years ago

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MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) and ARTS (Action Real Time Strategy) are both bad descriptions of the genre, since they could apply to a lot of other genres as well (I mean, you could call Quake 3 a MOBA as well).

Experts agree that a more accurate description is Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides.

12 years ago

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Even though it was listed and nominated as a MMO, it has game mechanics, which differ a lot from MMO gameplay, therefore it can't be considered as one. People can think of League of Legend's genre as they want, but this game's genre is Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA), not even an Action RTS, as it has less RTS elements than for example Defense of the Ancient.

12 years ago

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Think people are just mixing up the actual acronym of MMO vs the usage of MMO as a shortened form of MMORPG... It's Massive Multiplayer Online is what some people are arguing. It is not a MMORPG is what others are arguing. There's no other mechanics really needed to be an MMO than to be exactly that... Massive Multiplayer Online. Add other acronyms to the end of it though and it's a whole different thing. But I do agree, MOBA fits it much better.

12 years ago

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Doesnt MMO suggest that a lot of people can be in the same map at the same time? If 10 players is Massive, BF3 would be MMO as well with 64?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Aion or Tera

12 years ago

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World of Tanks

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I enjoy Vindictus. its not your average top down click to move mmo

12 years ago

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Lunia or Dungeon Fighter Online... were good back then. Can't say how they are now though.

12 years ago

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Guild wars 2
(yeah yeah it's not a free game i know, but no monthly fee, so I guess it worths mentioning)
Pay once, totally worth it.

12 years ago

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Mabinogi is unique, but everyone is really high leveled now and they barely help out newbies.

12 years ago

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Play with me, Compass. ;)

12 years ago

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yes, ;__; add me 4 details

12 years ago

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Spiral Knights, maybe?

12 years ago

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I enjoyed Rift (paid) and Star Trek Online (f2p)

12 years ago

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If you are looking for a good MMORPG World of Warcraft ofc...but its payd you have Runes of Magic its his free alternative.

12 years ago

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they dont exist most MMO's are boring grinds but try tera/ guild wars 2

12 years ago

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path of exile is good. Cabal is great, sadly its dying slowly. C9 is fun, especially PvP. Dekaron, brutal game :D.

12 years ago

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Spiral knights is very good and is F2P.

12 years ago

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If you want to accomplish something then MMORPG are the worst place to do it. They make you spend insane amounts of time on all sorts of things just to keep you playing longer.

Get some open world RPG, or sand box strategy, simulation and accomplish something.

12 years ago

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The Lord of the Rings Online.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Buy to Play -> The Secret World = 15$ during sales
I'm trying to save some money to buy it.

12 years ago

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Planetside 2, Tibes Ascend, Lotro. Those are the only ones I play :)

12 years ago

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How's the player population in Lotro? I want to get into it, but mot sure if it's dead or not!

12 years ago

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Alive and well actually.

One of the few F2P games where the system actually works. I highly recommend it!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Depends on what you enjoy doing in a game with MMO genre. If you feel comfortable in shooters, try Planetside 2, Firefall. If you like dungeon crawler action hack-and-slash RPG games like Diablo, try Path of Exile or Spiral Knights. If you prefer just an MMORPG, you have to think first, as they can be split by amount of content they offer. World of Warcraft (even though it's not free and has a monthly cost), gives you a good grind of items since you've reached the level cap: Player vs. Player gear and Player vs. Environment gear. Also, if you enjoy the plot, it's a lot of games to play and lore with books to read. Leveling is also very nice, I like it a lot, but I suppose many people just trying to rush to the endgame nowadays. Now, if you prefer a game where you are free to do what you want: explore, gather & craft, massive World vs. World vs. World battles, try Guild Wars 2 (it's not free as well, but without monthly fee). This game has a really innovative approach to standard MMORPGs. There's a cool plot as well, but unfortunately there were no games in this fictional universe before Guild Wars came. You can grind for materials for best items, but they are just for looks, just to have the sense of achieving something (which I personally like), as their stats are the same as other weapons of the same tier. I've never played Tera, but I heard it's also cool. Try Runes of Magic, Allods Online, Aion - they are different for every taste, but I can't tell you more about them as I didn't like them too much. :P My personal opinion here will be Guild Wars 2, because WoW has gone in a wrong direction, and also has monthly fee and it's more expensive.

12 years ago

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EVE Online /thread.

Feel free to message me for a 21 day invite.

12 years ago

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EVE is that game that I love to read about, but don't actually want to touch =x it's so... threatening.

Similar thing with GW2. I love watching people play GW2, but playing it myself bores me out of my mind.

12 years ago

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I'm curious about what do you find boring in GW2? If you explain, it would be easier to give you an advice about a game to choose.

12 years ago

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Feel free to add me on Steam if you want to give EVE a try, I can send you a 21 day invite, help you get started and give you some support and/or funds. It requires patience but it's really a rewarding game, well worth at least -trying- it. Also if you play regularly you can pay for your sub with in-game money so it's essentially F2P after the first month.

12 years ago

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wait for Neverwinter, it looks to be awesome mmo and totally f2p

12 years ago

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im a bit worried about neverwinter since it's released by perfect world which for me means it'll probably be pay to win.

12 years ago

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Well they released Blacklight: Retribution and it is not P2W

12 years ago

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Have you tried Path of Exile? Currently in beta but looks promising.

12 years ago

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It's basically a Diablo clone MMO. It's fun, if that's your kind of game. It has a neat upgrade system, too.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Virhven.